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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Pilot Neo Gel 07. We fight over them at the office.;) I can't seem to find them anywhere or I would buy them by the ton. The lawyer who does most of our closings uses them and gives us a couple every time we close, he knows how we love them and he thinks it is hilarious. I use blue because that's what we have to use for HUD, etc. We are weirdly territorial about our pens and it gets funny.

  2. Please get a rescue from a shelter! They are wonderful and need good homes! I have a westie/scottie mix that would not be able to control himself around a rabbit. I think terriers are a bad choice for rabbits. We got what looks like a chocolate lab/weinereimer (I have no clue how to spell that) at the shelter last year. She was probably 9 months old when we got her. She is the sweetest dog I've ever seen! My daughter named her Karma and she loves our cats and has been so good for the aging scottie/westie, too! When she has found a way out of the back yard she sits on our front porch and waits for us to let her back in the house. :) Love her! Can't believe someone gave her up!

  3. Oh my gosh, Charity!! No wonder you're mad! Is that mad as in angry or mad as in crazy? I actually feel like both right now.


    Your stories do top mine, but definitely don't make me feel any better because someone else has been in a worse situation. How horrible.


    :D A few years ago, before this forum looked like this, someone posted a name generator where you answered all these questions and it generated a pirate name for you, mine was Mad Charity! When this forum changed to this format, I kept my name, of course, and now I have no idea how to change it. There are a couple of pirate names on here, I noticed Dirty Ethel is still here, too! I really have no use for the pirate name anymore, if anyone knows how to change, I would be thrilled to do so!

  4. My 18 year old is 2 1/2 hours away at college. We talk to him, one way or another, every day. Sometimes it is a simple tweet, sometimes a text to say goodnight, sometimes we skype and leave the laptop on the dinner table so we can have him included in dinner. :D He talks to his 16 year old sister several times a day by text or skype. He is out for Christmas break but his job is keeping him there and we miss him terribly. The 16 year old sister has decided to join him next year at college...I'm still in the decision making stage with that one! Yikes!

  5. I'm so sorry! That's awful! We have quite a bit of rental property and I am a property manager for others so I have some stories! Evictions are miserable and I don't think anyone ever comes away feeling good about them. Judging the circumstances from here, I think you actually escaped with less loss than you could have from these people. We have had them leave the water running and the sink stopped up leaving an enormous amount of water damage, holes in EVERY wall, NO carpet, all of the light fixtures and kitchen cabinets gone, all of the kitchen appliances gone, did I tell you I had stories? One of my rentals I own recently had a couple who moved out during the eviction process and left their giant dogs in the house, only to show up occasionally to feed them. When we finally got the eviction finalized, we went in the house to find a dead dog in the refrigerator (no power to the fridge, the smell was horendous) no carpet left because it had been shredded by the dogs, kitchen cabinets and sub flooring was destroyed, floorboards destroyed, we even had to replace all of the ductwork because of the urine! There were rats and fleas. I could go on and on and on... The neighbors were so glad these people were gone! The way some people leave their animals is the most distressing to us, we actually ended up with a chihuahua once because someone left her to die after they moved out!

  6. When you get all the dairy out of your system your body will start to get used to not having whatever enzyme it is that processes dairy, that is why dairy free people may experience cramping and other digestive issues when they consume it again. I'm dairy free because of the mucous it causes and the fact that I was reacting to every darn allergen on the planet when I was eating dairy. Now I react to nothing in the environment but if I have even a sprinkle of Parmesan I wheeze and cough for 2 weeks. My daughter has always been dairy free and if she ever accidentally has any at all she has to deal with acne AND wheezing and usually a round of bronchitis. If you are dairy free for a month, your body probably will not lose its ability to digest dairy. It takes a while for this to happen.

  7. Both of my boys were 9 or 10 when they read it. My oldest loved it but his brother did not. The one who loved it also loved My Side of the Mountain and the sequels. I didn't read any of them, sorry. I don't remember either of the boys having any problems with any of the content and they were both pretty sensitive to harsh content. I think it was a good book for them.

  8. Target has some pretty darn good running pants, they are sort of like tights with zippers on the ankles. I think I paid $25 for mine. I wore them this morning with a long sleeved, dry fit running shirt (from Target, about $20) and a dry fit hoodie for running. It has longer sleeves that wrap over my hands so I don't even have to wear gloves, which I still do because I don't like having cold hands. So, gloves are a must for me. I love my wrap thing that goes around my head and keeps my ears warm. I think it's Nike and I bought it at Dicks like 5 years ago. I ran a Ragnar relay last year from Chattanooga to Nashville and nearly froze my bootie off. I invested in the running hoodie after that. It was expensive but I've seen some for much less at Target since I bought that one. Also, don't pay $70 for running pants, buy them at Target, instead. You will be so much happier.

  9. Looks like you're either going to have to KNOW that you're paying for stuff and budget for it or don't include her in your trips. Either way means you won't feel so resentful...which makes the whole "being close" thing sort of a meaningless point. If we do anything with certain members of dh's family, we just know we are footing the bill. We plan for it and it also means we limit how much we plan with them. It's all good. You aren't going to change her, just love her for who she is and decide how much is worth it to you and budget a limited amount!

  10. I'm getting ready to hit 43. :ohmy: I am not so afraid of the numbers I keep reaching but I am not loving what I see when I look at my skin. I love my 40's! They are so much easier than my 20's and my 30's. My body doesn't bounce back after a week of eating less than healthy food, if I don't run every stinking day I can tell by my extra weight and the way my skin looks! If I'm not practicing yoga my joints start to ache, it is crazy. I DO like the fact that I no longer really have to define myself for others, I KNOW who I am, I'm done having babies so life is just so much simpler, my friends are also in their 40's and I like them better now than I did when we were all younger, we have just relaxed! I have two friends who are having a lot of the same issues with their skin and aging that I am and they are going the botox (and such) route. They cannot move their faces and therefore you cannot tell how they feel when they are talking! Sarcasm is a bad thing because you honestly do not know if they are joking or not. They look fine, I just don't think I'm going to go that route. I need my expressions to help me make a living. I'm going to continue being vegan, running and practicing yoga....I will have wrinkles but maybe I will be too tired to care.:glare:

  11. lol. I have long hair, too, and I love it. My mother thinks I'm too old for it, too. I am productive, I volunteer regularly in my community, own a business, homeschool a brilliant daughter, support a son in college, attend the crazy sports stuff my youngest takes part in, work hard at my fabulous 22 year marriage, maintain a home without any outside help, read books, run marathons, and cook dinner almost every stinking night. My mother doesn't approve of anything I do. She thinks I'm not active enough in the politics of her choice and haven't done enough to prepare for the future. :glare: I can't please her. I stopped trying and actually, mentally, pat her on the head when she talks so I can maintain my composure. I know she loves me. I'm not cutting my hair, either. :D

  12. My son showed no symptoms, that we are aware of, until football practice one evening. His lips were so swollen that he couldn't open them! He started itching all over and ran over to my husband and took his helmet off to show him his face. John (my husband) brought him home and we decided it was the grass or something (sometimes we aren't very bright) and gave him a benadryl and put him in the bath. Well, it got worse every second so we put him in the car and started driving to the hospital. On the way the benadryl started working and it got better, slowly, so we decided to stop and get a cherry limeade for him at Sonic so he would have something to drink while at the hospital. Everything just got better so our joke now is that cherry limeades are the cure. :D It was his mouth guard that caused the reaction. We have since learned that he reacts to red dye when presented in huge amounts. Now he has a latex free mouth guard and we steer clear of the cherry limeades because of the red dye! One of our friends is a dentist and is very allergic to latex. He didn't know until one of his finals in dental school and his entire face was "elephant man looking." Scary stuff!

  13. Every child has their own personality and their best learning environment. I have 3 children, one is in college and homeschooled through 9th grade, attended Christian private school but insisted on trying out our local, horrendous public high school for his senior year. My 16 year old daughter is home schooling and enjoying it tremendously, my 12 year old is in 7th grade at a nice, small private school. None of my kids have similar personalities and I feel we finally found a great place for all of them. My youngest son is thriving in private school and seems to be a little more religious than the rest of us, my daughter should never, ever go to a private school nor does she enjoy religion but is doing fabulous things sitting here in my office working on her European Literature course and kicking butt in her AP Calculus course. There is no reason that every kid in a family should have to go to the same school if they don't belong there. I think you should bring that sweet kid home and let him be happy and learn in a great environment.

  14. I heard this author on NPR at some point and ordered the book, "Falling Leaves" immediately for my teenage daughter to read. Last week I was tearing through our library looking for something interesting to read and Madison grabbed it off of her shelf in her room and handed it to me. I could not put it down and finished it in 2 nights. My husband is reading it now and my teenagers want it next. Not only did I learn a tremendous amount about the difficulties of the Chinese during the last century, I learned an appreciation for the language and the characters used, which I am now learning thanks to the author's website and its resources where I can learn a character a day. Most of the greatest books I've read I learned about through you awesome people on this board, thought I'd share this one with you!



  15. Also, about the property manager... hire the busiest one it town. Find out the one, it may be a real estate agent, who manages everyone's property. There is always that one! If it is a realtor, he or she will probably have a staff in the office who handle nothing but property management. The rent check will come to them and they will run it through their account, subtract their percentage, then mail it to you. Hope this goes well for you, people can be nasty or they can be lovely. I hope these people end up on the lovely list.

  16. I own a real estate company and manage quite a bit of property for myself and for clients. If I were you, I would tell them a date (7 days) to vacate and would stress that the home needs to be spotless and in perfect condition. Otherwise you will pursue every single legal avenue available to you. Honestly, this would not be pleasant nor would you ever get any sort of compensation but it might make them at least leave without leaving holes in the walls. Send a letter, pleasant but direct, to this effect and mail it certified mail, return receipt requested. It doesn't matter how official this is, it will make them FEEL that it is serious and see the situation for what it is. You need to consider having someone there (you?) the evening of their departure date to make sure that the water wasn't left running in the sink and that there are no pets left stranded. Yes, both of these happen, I had a chihuahua for a few years after a lovely couple vacated and left her in the house to die. Next go around, get a property manager to rent it who is then responsible for collecting the rent and making sure the home is cared for. This adds a layer of protection for you. My fee is 10% of the rent every month and I'm worth it. :D

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