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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. My oldest son is on an academic scholarship at a university, homeschooled most of his life, and doesn't use cursive because he simply did not want to learn it. I felt no reason for him to KNOW it! He can read it if he tries, now, but this is probably a recent thing. Psh. Tell your dad to stick to something worth fussing about.

  2. This is my favorite, favorite time of year! I LOVE to make New Year's goals! I actually keep a notebook for them during December so I can write a new one on every page and then use the rest of the page for the steps I need to take to achieve each goal. I have a problem, I know. Here are a few:


      • Run 2 marathons
      • Dedicate myself to a meaningful, daily yoga practice instead of the sporadic practice I have now
      • Keep my house clean
      • I'm brewing beer this year!
      • I will stay positive in conversations, I won't gossip or tear anyone down. I will treat everyone with dignity and respect, even if I don't feel like it
      • I am treating everyone who comes into my office as if they have entered my living room. There is now a coffee pot ON MY DESK. If someone wants to talk to me, I will listen, whether I feel like or not.
        • I will read 52 books this year and blog about it

        I will listen to my mother and let her talk to me about whatever she wants. She is my mother and she deserves my time, even when I don't feel like it.

        [*]I will have a date night with my husband more often

        [*]I will socialize with friends more often. I will say "yes" to invitations.

        [*]My company is starting a foundation to buy things children in foster care need for education, whether it is shoes for school, books, tutoring, a laptop for college, or a bus pass to get back at forth to their job and school. I feel strongly about this and will make it work in a giant way.

        [*]I will grow my business by marketing more aggressively and giving my best to my community.






  3. Years ago, before the board was in this form and you could actually change your name, someone posted a link to a "pirate name" generator. I can't even remember what the questions were, but it generated a name. Mine was Mad Charity so that was what I became. When the forum changed to this format, I used it again but now I wish I could change it. I was Christy in TN in 2000 on this board and I would LOVE to be that again.

  4. Her husband was the one who wasn't thinking, not her.


    What if her dh rarely wore suits and she saved and had the kids help her pick it out, etc? What would be the point? :confused:


    It's pretty harsh to tell her she missed the meaning of Christmas bc she was disappointed over a totally inappropriate present.


    I thought so, too. :iagree:

  5. I usually take the stuff down and get it out of my sight before dinner on Christmas day but we ended up at two different parties and came home too exhausted to do anything. I had to work today so my kids have a little note on the kitchen counter in front of the coffee pot (where I KNEW they couldn't miss it) instructing them to have it done before I get home. I have enjoyed the holiday but I am so ready to get back to our routine! And yes, my kids drink coffee. The youngest is 12 and I'm pretty sure he is drinking it to look older. :D It makes me laugh.

  6. You can substitute swiss chard and it is delicious! We juice every morning and I love carrot juice with swiss chard in it. Grow your own wheat grass, it is sooooo easy. Just use a cardboard egg container, some organic soil and wheat berries (you can order them) and then cut the grass with some scissors to juice! Spinach is good for juicing, too. See if you can find some books on it at the library!

  7. Can you return the necklace? I am not a jewelry person either and I have a real problem with diamonds so I don't wear them. I have never even had an engagement ring! My husband of almost 22 years knows this and a couple of years ago on our anniversary bought me a big, ugly diamond ring. I am morally opposed to diamonds and would never want to spend that much money on jewelry if I did like diamonds! What ever go into his head, I will never know! I did understand that he probably gave it about a second of thought and trotted over to the jewelry store because someone he was around that day told him I would love it. :confused: I grabbed him the following day to have lunch and we went straight to the jewelry store where I traded it in on SEVERAL silver rings and ear rings and such. One ring has some sort of blue stone and I LOVE it. Who knew? He was happy, I was happy, we were very honest about it and all is well. RETURN it. You are not a schmuck. We all work hard for our money and there is no reason to have a necklace you don't love to spare his feelings.

  8. I KNOW the recession is over. I AM Main Street and I can tell you right now that my real estate company is busier than ever. We had sort of planned on a couple of slow weeks during Christmas but it is just not happening! We are scheduling showings all day tomorrow. Cannot even express how excited we are here in the office about the business! I hope your house sells quickly and smoothly! I think we're all in for a great year!:D

  9. My son is only 3 hours away and it is hard. He has a job and wrecked his car which means...he's riding the bus until it is fixed. If he were closer he could utilize having a family with other drivers with cars. It is Christmas break so the dorms lock up until January which means...he has no place to stay and because of that job he needs to stay somewhere there! He found a classmate who also works with him who is letting him sleep on his couch. It is not the ideal situation with lots of room mates and such. He is home for a couple of days and is obviously getting sick. NOW what do we do? He will go back and get to work come hell or highwater, I'm sure. (You're welcome for the little saying from my grandad) I certainly do wish he could live a little closer for times like this. However, I am so proud of him!

  10. I am doing it, too! I have fasted before but only for a couple of days. I juice a lot as it is but saw that documentary last week and am so motivated! I feel strongly that it is a bad idea to break your fast with meat. It is better to ease back into solid food with broth, fruits and veggies. Good for you for staying with it for so long! How much weight have you lost?

  11. I like it and I like that you are writing these down ahead of time. We didn't and my oldest son, who is away at college now, had a semi serious relationship with a girl before he left for school and the adjustment was difficult for all of us. We stayed aggravated with them constantly and found ourselves having to make rules while aggravated, not good. The rules may have been a little LOUD. :cursing: Those look like excellent rules.

  12. The idea of showing up for one's life reminds me of my own mantras: "Focus on the moment you're in" and "See them." Doing that -- and knowing that we did that, before -- has been a great source of comfort these last thirteen months.


    Last month, I tried to put these ideas into words: 2.29.2000.


    Am I always successful? No! But I am aware that that's the goal: appreciating the moment when it's here.


    Telling them how much I appreciate it -- and them.

    Admitting how inadequate to the task I sometimes am.

    Celebrating the commonplace since days comprise more of that than anything else.


    And, as I've shared before, even on those days when little else seems to have occurred or been accomplished or appeared worth noting, I do this: I look at them as though I saw them, really saw them. And they know it.


    He knew it.


    I saw him. And he knew it.


    I have returned to the board after being gone for a long time. I didn't know. I am so sorry. I have loved your posts for years and I am sitting at my desk crying while reading your blog to catch up. Thank you for sharing and for also sharing your strength and your words. Just...thank you.


    As for being present in my life, I probably am not present as much as I would like to be. I do not always enjoy my job and find that I don't enjoy so much contact with the public. I probably shouldn't be here. However, I get to work with my husband, my daughter is free to lie in the floor of my office and do her schoolwork, and my hours are flexible. I find I spend a lot of time trying to think of something else I could do without losing the perks that come with my business. When I am happy I am present and do not take it for granted.

  13. I'm vegan and originally made that decision based on my health and wanting to get all the animal products out of my diet. Therefore, eggs and dairy are out. After adopting the vegan diet, I started being more sensitive to the animal issues such as how they are treated before we eat them, the cruelty issues, the hormones and such, now I can't look at meat without being a little sad. I think mine took a different course than most people, though. The meat protein issue was my main motivator. My family health history is not so great and I wanted to have the best possible chance at being disease free, vegan just makes sense to me. I do cook meat on occasion for my meat eating sons. My husband and daughter are vegan, too.

  14. We figured ours out by looking at what we did for one another. For example, my dh is always doing the dishes or little things for me, so we figured out since he was doing those things to please me (which they were nice of course), that was his love language. I was always hounding him to spend more time talking, we figured mine was quality time. Also, the other categories also applied but not as strongly as the two mentioned above.

    This was our approach, too. Changed our lives! I was always baffled by the fact that anyone got me gifts and didn't know how to respond, now I understand that this is THEIR love language! My husband is physical, I need someone to talk to me. It all seems so simple now...

  15. I have it, too. I'm all hopped up on cold medicine and sitting at work infecting everyone else. Of course, I caught it here so it serves them right. :D I am miserable, I'm coughing up a lung, sore throat, my chest hurts, watery eyes, and general displeasure with the world around me. My husband has it, too. We are a big old bunch of fun. Lots of pseudo-ephedrine makes us EVEN MORE fun. On a high note, we are losing weight because we can't get hungry. Luckily, I have my own office off by myself so I can sit here and laugh at all these ambien posts where no one can hear me!:lol:

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