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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Oh, my goodness. I love the living history idea. I am going up there this weekend to rip out carpet and paint a couple of cabins so I am going to pursue that one. We would love to start filling the cabins up in the fall and spring so I love that idea, too. I am offering a lot of discount to groups right now just to get "butts in the seats," so to speak. The resort is in Sunrise Beach, MO and our website is Shangrilares.com if you all know anyone in the MO, IL, KY, etc areas interested! I have redone several of the cabins and the look is completely changing so the pics on the website will change next week. I am open to any groups, and will be thrilled if you all would pass the word along. If anyone mentions Well Trained Mind in an email to me, I will give a 20% discount on a cabin rental! Shangrilarentals@gmail.com

  2. We have the same sports issues and time issues here. What would make you WANT to do it? What I'm thinking now is just to offer a couple of these themed weekends this year and seeing if it works. I am going to see if I can find out the email addies of the home school groups within a 3 hour radius of the resort and start getting feedback from them. It would be so much fun to see the home school community able to use this place.

  3. My husband and I have a call in radio show on real estate and this is our most asked question! Decluttering is key and if you can smell it, you can't sell it. :D People really do have trouble seeing past little things and with all the homes on the market right now, you really have to work hard to make sure the buyers don't see any obstacles to their loving your home. I recommend keepingi it as clean and showable as humanly possible all the time. You need to let realtors show it on a moments notice. Don't use potpouri and Glade, use natural stuff like COOKIES in the oven, it really works. Make sure the animals aren't home and neither are their litter boxes, etc. Just work on it a little every day, get rid some things, paint a little, do a little all the time.

  4. My 15 year old is 6'4" and very skinny. He's a competitive swimmer. We buy his Levi's online. I have been able to get 28" waist with 32" length! That was when he was 14, I think I got them on Amazon. Now he is filling out a little so I've had some luck finding his larger sizes elsewhere. You can search sizes there on Amazon and all the different brands will pop up. Good luck, it is rough!

  5. A 5k is a great place to start! Only the fast, experienced people are in the front, anyway. Start near the end of the pack and you will have a blast. It is good to get at the end of the runners and a little ways in front of the walkers. If it is like every other 5k I've ever done, there will be plenty of both. You might even consider staying on one side or the other of the pack and near the back so you won't feel so crowded. Just have a really good time and cheer everyone on around you. The positive attitude will be contagious and you will be hooked on the darned races!

  6. I'm so sorry. I don't think anything such as St. John's Wort is going to help quickly like that. It doesn't seem to me that you are severe but being depressed is it's own sort of severe, I think. Can you get away by yourself to walk outside for an hour every day? Could you even walk with a friend? I love to sit and make goals for myself because it gives me hope and hope is important when avoiding depression. I am working hard to avoid alcohol and get depressed easily. I love yoga. It makes me love my body and it helps me to center and focus. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. My favorite classes to take my friends to who are experiencing yoga for the first time are the ones for older people at community centers and churches and such. The people in the classes are loving and sometimes have a great time! They are a hoot if they are old! :D Don't focus on your body and your vacation. Use it as a time to look at your family and love them and their beautiful bodies. You will love yourself more for it, too. Being aware that you are depressed is the biggie, now you can find a way out. Just love, love, love yourself, your family, your life, your friends, the spring sunshine... Maybe sit quietly and say a prayer (whatever your beliefs) or a few grateful words and then think about the beauty in and around you. I'm sorry you are going through this.

  7. Okay, here's my plan this morning. :001_smile: What if I found a graduate student who needed to make some extra money and started planning weekend learning activities for homeschoolers. I could get a person who is seeking a degree in biology and maybe he/she could lead a weekend of activities related to the living creatures and plant life in the area. I have 12 cabins on a beautiful cove on the Lake of the Ozarks with paddle boats, large swimming pool, kiddie pool, lots of boat slips, a volley ball area, picnic pavilion with a bunch of tables and chairs beneath it, etc. I could offer group pricing and humongous discounts to get the weekends going this year and next. I could even do weekend pertaining to art, music, creative writing, etc! Would you all think that would be successful?

  8. They play 'em at my house! My 15 year old can play whatever games he wants, he's going to college in a couple of years and by golly, he's old enough to play the games. He loves them but because he is also an athlete who trains year round, 6 days a week, 2 1/2 hours a day, he only gets maybe a couple of hours a week of screen time. He has his own living area upstairs so the rest of us don't have to witness the carnage. :tongue_smilie:

    The 9 year old boy is a different matter. He's young and I don't think it is appropriate for a nine year old. Also, his personality is completely different and I really don't think he'll ever really be into that stuff. He plays sports on the Wii only if he isn't actually outside playing sports.

    I had to drop all this stuff when my oldest was a toddler. I wasn't going to let anyone in my house have a toy gun and my dd was never going to have a barbie because of the stupidity of it and the stereotypes learned. :lol: Well, my son started chewing sandwiches into the shape of guns and shooting all of us with it and someone gave my dd a Britney Spears Barbie for her birthday and it was her all time favorite thing. The damage was done. Then I got over it. Now my dd is a budding scientist (she's a teenager now) so the Barbie didn't damage her in the way I thought it would and my teenage son is not a long coat wearing "loner" who sits in the bedroom and dreams of shooting people. He's an athlete and a very sensitive and intelligent young man who sometimes likes to play violent video games. It's all good...

  9. I am a vegetarian (no dairy, either) and I have to add b complex and flax oil supplements into my diet. I am a runner so my protein intake is a very big deal for me, too. I find that I can easily feel depressed when my energy is actually lagging and I really need to pay attention to what I am putting into my body! I have to watch my iron intake, too, because I have a tendency to get pretty low on that which also makes me feel depressed and/or tired and sluggish. I eat a ton a spinach, kidney beans, kale, garbanzo beans, tofu, and black beans and rice. I think going the dr. route is great and it is fantastic that you are working toward a solution to the depression. A depressed 16 year old is a very big deal! :001_smile:

  10. I only pop in every few months now. Facebook is down so, well, here I am! I have been here since early 2000 or late 1999. My kids are all in private school now but I find it hard not to peek in on this board here and there. I just need to know what everyone is reading! The thing I think of instantly when I think of the early days here are the "math curriculum wars." It was crazy. I still can't imagine getting so emotional about Saxon or Singapore! Tooooo funny! :D

  11. Self employed here, too. I just turned 40 on the 7th and my insurance didn't go up. I am flabergasted about yours. We had BCBS when dh worked for a corporation and couldn't even think about using it after he left the company. We priced all the insurance we could and ended up with Humana. Humana was less expensive for identical coverage. We made it even better by making our deductable very, very high ($10,000 ) and we use a health savings account for the deductable and prescriptions. The health savings account actually lowers our taxable income by the amount we put into it so we at least don't feel like we are being raked over the coals. The common misconception is that if you don't use the money in your hsa by the end of the year, you lose it. This is not true and it just sits there until you DO use it. This little set up means we have to plan for things and we certainly compare the price of medical services before we use them but it has been good for us to need to do so. We are certainly a little more educated about all of it now! We don't regret it at all. I hope you find a less insulting answer and Oh, Happy Birthday anyway. I hope it is wonderful.

  12. We homeschooled until this year. My kids are now in private school in grades 4, 8, and 10. It wasn't about what we were able to teach, it was about what we WANTED to teach. I believe that there are enough amazing resources out there that do an amazing job of helping the homeschool parent teach "high school" level classes that almost anyone can do it. I go back to my reasoning that most high school teachers didn't exactly MAJOR in the subject they teach, either. They major (I know there are exceptions) in education most of the time. I think the average kid is going to have a better shot at getting a great education and have more opportunities to fall in love with learning and with their favorite subjects if they are taught at home using great resources (like a good library, online tutorials, etc) than they would at the average school.

    We started homeschooling in 2000 after I read TWTM. It changed our lives and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn and grow together as a family. I just could not do it anymore. All of my children were ready to go to school and I was more ready than ever this year! We are very blessed to have a fantastic school where there are a ton of sports available to them and they have a lot of good resources there, too. They have a couple of teachers I wish weren't there, my dd's physical science teacher needs his head screwed on a little straighter, for instance, but for the most part, we are thrilled.

    I see no reason to choose traditional school just because you think they can teach algebra 2 and chemistry better than you can. It simply is not true. However, if you are ready to send them to school, find the best one you can find and love it, too.

  13. Can I hi-jack this thread just long enough to ask if there are Asian grocery stores in the Nashville area? We eat Asian food over 50% of the time so that is important to us.

    Yes there are several. Here's a good one! http://www.yelp.com/biz/international-market-and-restaurant-nashville Bongo Jave is right across the street! Bongo Java is the home of the Nun Bun. Nuff said. http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2005-12-26-nun-bun_x.htm Dh and I do a weekly long run there and meet at Bongo Java for coffee after. Nice, nice area and nice, nice restaurants.

  14. Christy,


    This makes me so happy! Here in Cookeville, we have a pretty limited library, but I'm in Nashville at least every other other month (often more) for work purposes, and I think it would be great to be able to stop at the library! The boys will come with me, and so they'll love making a day of it. Have you tried the Adventure Science homeschool days yet? I was thinking of doing this soon.



    If you are in Cookeville then your closest library is Hermitage. You probably already know that, though. That one is the closest one to me, too. Do you know all about how you can request all your books online and request to pick them up in Hermitage? Very, very cool. We actually sent our kids to school this year and haven't been to the Adventure Science Museum in a long, long time but I remember it being wonderful. My oldest is a sophmore now and we sort of grew out of it. I love Cookeville! I just ate at a Fazoli's there on my way home from a swim meet in Knoxville yesterday. It is nice to "meet" you! We absolutely need a Nashville meet and greet sometime.

  15. My new breakfast favorite is to take firm tofu and slice it thinly into little filets, brown in an iron skillet using olive oil, add fresh spinach and stir around, then I add Spike seasoning and a little extra curry. If you like heavily seasoned egg type dishes, you may like this one. It makes me feel like I had eggs and is very good.

    Fruit for breakfast is nice and refreshing. I like to thaw a bunch of frozen fruit like mangoes and strawberries and blueberries together in a bowl the night before. I don't add any sugar or anything but frozen pineapple makes up for the sweetener if you need it.

    You can make a great breakfast sandwich with those tofu filets I mentioned cooked in a skillet with olive oil and salt, layered on some good Ezekial Sprouted grain bread, spinach leaves, tomatoes, and maybe some avocado or whatever makes you happy!:D

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