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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. I don't really grasp the concept of what it even is.


    Can anyone give me a crash course?

    I think it differs from person to person. When we used the concept with my daughter we took her out of school and began home educating again. Except, I work so she "office schooled" with me. She sat in my office at my desk and worked on her laptop. When I went to lunch, she did, too. She was essentially grounded because her friends were not good for her and we didn't want her around them. She went to yoga with me because we did that anyway, the movies with her brother, and could hang out anywhere in the house she wanted even without me. I need space, too!!! The point is that a kid sometimes goes in the wrong direction and needs to be around a parent A LOT in order to rejoin her /his world. We weren't angry after the initial meltdown, she just joined us in our actual real world existence. She earned her freedom and our trust by having a great attitude. It didn't take long. The old friends are gone, new friends are awesome, she is free to make mistakes again.:D She got to see how reality outside of an institution (Huge public high school) actually works. It was a fantastic experience for all of us.

  2. It worked for one of mine. At 15 she decided that her new friends and her public high school were the "real world" and our cozy little home was not. She got a little off track...we had some issues...I lost my mind one night after a particularly disturbing confrontation with her. I went to her room where there really was nothing left because I had already taken it all and told her, "Congratulations! You just won the opportunity to enjoy the real world with me!" She home schooled again starting the very next morning and got to accompany me to work every day, sit at my desk and learn what reality actually is: it is working, sacrificing, learning, giving, being the best person you can be so others will want to do business with you, being honest ALL THE TIME, laughing with other people, forgiving other people and yourself, working with people from different cultures, backgrounds, belief systems, and perspectives, and thinking about someone other than yourself. We didn't act as if we were angry with her after that night, we just made her part of our every moment of every day. I even paid her to answer the phone in the afternoons.

    It worked. She grew and learned how crazy that period of her life had been. She talks occassionally about it and how crazy it is that people in institutions think it is anything like the real world. My world is the real world an it is hard and wonderful. :D

    Now she is thriving and in college, free of disruptive friends and happy to have a meaningful yoga practice and classes she loves. Tomato staking can work for any age.

  3. I thought when you said 'the holidays' you meant Christmas. Now that I realize you mean things like Halloween or July 4th, I am crawling back under my rock....I barely decorate for Christmas. Barely. Any other holiday? Forget it.


    If I ever do get an urge to decorate, I go to Hobby Lobby and walk around a bit. See the lovely decorations, remember that I don't WANT the lovely decorations, and go back home.


    I've done that. :lol:

  4. I'm a builder. We often build houses for people who walk through our houses in subdivisions where we are building several at a time and they love the houses and the quality but want it in a different place or a different floor plan, etc. I recommend finding a house you like with the quality you are expecting and then find the builder who built it. Get everything in writing, pay attention to the reputation of the builder. It is a good idea to understand that it is more expensive to build right now than it is to buy a pre existing home. Have fun with it, it is not a life or death endeavor, it is a house. :D

  5. Not a lot of decorating for holidays at my house, we don't do much at all for Christmas. Period. My daughter (turning 17 soon) really loves the decor thing so she puts a tree up and does all the obligatory stuff but when she has a home of her own we probably won't do it anymore. I LOVE Halloween and we have a rather large blow out but we still don't do a lot of decorating.

  6. My 6'4" son and 6'6" husband have no problems in my Yukon, even in the back seat. My daughter drives a VW Jetta and they have enough room for their legs in there, too. My husband drives an Acadia (which we don't love) and long legs aren't a problem at all in the back seat or front seat in there. I want a Subaru next but tall people don't ride around with me anymore, they are all grown up.

  7. I wash them every day, it is the only way to keep them from getting smelly at my house. I just do a small load and I use Method detergent, it is actually working on the dry fit! Everyone at my house works out and the laundry is just so awful smelling. My oldest ds is home for the summer and he is working construction for us and then goes to work out and run, my daughter heads to hot yoga after class which is an incredible amount of sweat, my husband and I are both runners and my youngest plays every darn sport he can every day. Daily washing is integral. :tongue_smilie:

  8. Ugh, I agree. My first was in dance for 4 years. At the end of the recitals I literally felt traumatized. I do NOT miss any of that.


    This past year he was in a drama class. They did a small play. The whole thing was over in less than an hour. There wasn't hours of rehearsal time beforehand with hours of waiting in between. It was heavenly!


    I didn't bring the younger child as a toddler because I didn't think it was realistic to expect him to sit for hours watching that.

    Whew! I would be crazy. Certainly makes a little volunteering to paint the scenery seem like a walk in the park! Go Drama! ;) My daughter danced, she's almost 17 so that was many moons ago. I remember going to the recitals and being tired of being there after 30 minutes or so. I don't remember it lasting more than an hour. We would not have made it. The only thing worse is piano. My advice is choose teachers with very few students! :D There is an advantage to having children growing up and driving themselves to things, having jobs, NOT having recitals.

  9. I'm Christy but elderly people have always called me Cindy. I answer to just about anything so it's cool. I have a sister in law who is Diana and you had better not call her Diane, she will not respond. I suppose it is a personality thing. I also answer to "mom" even when it isn't my children, I can't seem to help it! :001_huh: Then I have to clarify that I am NOT their mother, they already knew that of course and I just stand there stammering.

  10. I haven't had the best days lately. I am off of two medicines that were making my pain go away ( and also helping my mood). Unfortunately, they also raised my blood pressure to high (it is normally fine).


    WE did do Father's Day today. My son came over early, drove my oldest daughter around to get donuts and things for breakfast. We had a nice breakfast and then went to church. After church, my son, oldest daughter and husband went hiking on a nearby mountain. YOungest daughter (who is recovering from a stress fracture) and I stayed home. Then we had a nice dinner and dh got his presents. He really liked them. My son left and now we are supposed to watch a mystery together.


    I was never into super heroes. I did like the Batman tune from the tv series. I would turn on the tv a bit early just to hear that tune at the end of the show before whatever show I was watching.

    I'm so sorry, pain and high blood pressure mean you had a rough day. I hate that feeling.

  11. Hi, Jean! Great weekend. I worked in the office a little, cleaned my house a little, hung out in the pool with my oldest son(Home from college for the summer) ate dinner at a fantastic little restaurant. I am so stinking full that I can't breath! I just love Superman. Oh! I got to be a "sober ride home" for my ds and his friends the other night. :001_smile: I am just so happy he called me. they really weren't all that inebriated, they "just don't even go there and do that." I feel like all those warnings and preaching paid off. I showed up in pajamas, which they thought was hilarious because it was only 10:00. :D so... Good weekend, had a great run this morning, good weather, everyone is where they are supposed to be and that's just super. :D

    How about you?

  12. I don't see organic pasta as necessary, nor maple syrup. I think it is important to buy strawberries, broccoli, blueberries, coffee, carrots...I will think of more. I try to stick with things that I don't peel. Coffee is important because it gets sprayed like crazy. I don't buy organic bananas, pastas or maple syrup.

  13. :grouphug:


    I don't know anything about dairy farming, or the current size of your farm. I wonder if there's any way to sort of reorganize, maybe sell off some assets and create a smaller, more focused specialty farm?


    Does your location lend itself to adding a bakery/coffee shop/artisan cheese shop? Student field trip programs for a small admissions fee?


    We have a couple of local dairy farms and other farms that have found their niches in specialty markets. Is it possible to pursue such a thing?


    You two have probably considered everything - just trying to think hopefully for you.


    That would be so cool. I know it is a great answer for a lot of farmers. I recently drove an hour to meet some friends for pancakes at a farm/mill that now serves breakfast on Saturday mornings only. We had to have a reservation. They had some old people playing bluegrass while sitting in a circle in the corner, it was freaking awesome. As we left, we were invited to buy lots of different bags of flours and milled grains, all organic and served there. It was fantastic. They also let people come out and have their weddings there. They seem to be finally scraping by.

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