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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Actually, I think Ahnu's may be better. Sorry, Tex. #notreallysorry
  2. Yes. You are so awesome that you are so above the adulation of the crowd that you miss awareness of your awesomeness. How awesome. #notallwhowanderarelost
  3. Oh, suck it up, Buttercup. How many ladies have the distinction of having a thread titled "Insert name, you were right?" #justwallowintheawesomenessbabe
  4. And when you're done, Tex, please let me know. I will overnight my 8th grade curriculum choices for you to sort and schedule. So you don't wind up with gaps in your days. Eating and sleeping being so overrated, and all. #ooocommasplicesarekindacool #hugsforrealcuzsometimeslifereallysucks
  5. Praying that all your needs be met.
  6. One downside to rural/small town living, in my opinion, is that kids tend to be either/or: They are either really good or really wild.
  7. Since DD, I have to be careful with very low carb dieting (likely due to organ damage post-childbirth) or I get ill. Low carb, high fiber works for me. I enjoy a hot cereal concoction of flax, chia and hemp seeds, and little PB2 soaked in warmed unsweetened almond milk. (Oatmeal is DEATH for my blood sugar; it makes me spike and then the crash is h-e-double hockey sticks.) High fiber, low carb wraps replace most bread. And, luckily, I tolerate beans and love them. I have the whole family on daily probiotics, as well. Of course, what matters most is what your body tolerates. Unfortunately, I think you kind of have to try things and test your blood sugar regularly.
  8. :confused1: I cannot imagine allowing my 12-year-old to go to a stranger's house and stay for hours, so I would be at a complete loss if a couple of strange kids just showed up. DD has a couple of friends in the "neighborhood" (we, likewise, live on 10 acres in the country), but none of the children just wander over to someone else's house. (I will say that DD's friends are more than welcome to stay for hours; with an only child, they are welcome additions!)
  9. Hey, Renai! This one (maybe-if it works) is for you: Edited to add: Yay! I did it! This should help exercise those negative emotions, Renai. Feel free to aim at inanimate objects. Or not. :001_smile:
  10. I've never actually accomplished this-truly a 10 on the Spectacular Fall list-but I've come close. Now I think that hammocks should rank right up there with trampolines for backyard hazards.
  11. Sorry, Renai. :sad: FWIW, I think it's better to be openhearted than an unrelenting cynic. And I think finding the perfect balance between the extremes is elusive (at best.) :grouphug:
  12. Oh, thank you, Ellie! I missed the goodnight hula. :) ETA This is the thread that never ends... (On my tablet-noitalics andimited typing ability-sorry Renai) Oh, and Booya! (Sorry, Slash)
  13. Continuing to pray for all of you.
  14. Praying for healing, for strength, and for peace.
  15. WWW Writing with Warcraft. A new venture combining the growing markets of homeschool curriculum and gaming.
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