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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Absolutely not. Because that would imply that failure to learn is...less than brilliant. Which is totally not true. For reals.
  2. I'm glad you're okay! I forgive you for not telling the Pineapple Express "No, no!"
  3. Oh, poor you! I feel your pain. Every winter I get in the habit of just ducking through our electric fences, because snow clothes are more than adequate protection. Every spring-it never fails. I forget and go through in a shirt. The fence hits the bare skin on my back where my shirt pulls up from my pants-YEEOUCH!
  4. Quoting myself to retract the whine, because it looks like the worst of this storm is to the south of us and it's BAD. In the Really Big City about two hours away, people have been advised to shelter in place and tens of thousands are without power. One person has been killed by a falling tree. I hope that Jean is okay, since it went through her area first. (I also hope that it's not still headed our way. If our power goes out, we'll probably be out for a LONG TIME. Rural areas aren't exactly a priority.)
  5. I should be spending my evening working. Because, deadline. But, power failures. Thank goodness for a fabulous boss. ETA: BOOYA And now the song, started by Renai and magnified by Susan: This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends. People started posting not knowing what it was, And they'll continue posting forever just because... This is the thread that never ends You'd best come join it with your friends 'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days This is the thread that's always there They'll cheer you up so don't despair The group is growing well as more people start checking in And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive This is the thread that never ends..
  6. Truly, you are a monstrous person. Which I find quite appealing, actually. :thumbup1:
  7. ACK!! That means that we'll be dealing with this for hours longer. We're already flooded and the rain keeps pouring. Nana rescinded our dinner invitation, because the wind is so bad she didn't want us driving. Please, Miss Jean, please don't send it to us! I don't want to share!
  8. Oh, bleh. Our lovely snow has been transformed into 2-3 inches of slush. I find myself desperately wishing for more rain to hopefully wash it away before tonight's hard freeze. I really hate ice. And, to top it off, we're supposed to get extremely high winds tonight (as in, possibility of 60 mph gusts.) To sum up: Wah.
  9. We started our day with recess (or was it PE?) Because now our beautiful 4-5 inches of powdery snow is being rained on. :( You are a lovely woman, Jean, but would you please stop sending warm deluges our way? They're messing up our winter. On the upside, peppermint marshmallows go very nicely with hot chocolate. :001_smile:
  10. NOOOOOOOOOO! (Well, more like "NOOOOOT YEEEEEEET...)
  11. Page 489 and I’ve finally figured out to take notes as I go when catching up: I love chicken. I make a fabulous roasted lemon pepper chicken. Not dry, no yucky texture. Just about five pounds of deliciousness. Just ask my little Boo. Just don’t ask her to share. Critter: Go you! (DD update: She’s halfway to her wordcount goal. Yay!) My pregnancy diet: Meat and vegetables. And many, many drugs. OOO, and FAN-TAB-U-LOUS picture of the Queen! What a lovely photo, Ellie! “You like, therefore you are.†Lynn and Descartes. Snort. :grouphug: , Tex. I'm sorry. :crying: I don’t think I qualify as a home educator. I am more an educational facilitator. Junie: Hot picture, babe. We are totally twins! AAAND Good Morning! WE HAVE SNOW!!!!!
  12. Belated Happy Day, Susan!! (Sorry I missed the day-had to go to the big city to find a fancy-schmancy dress for DD's Awana banquet on Wednesday.)
  13. You all have exciting lives. I do not. Keep posting and I shall live vicariously through you.
  14. Oh, you have a Nana clone in your family! Two! Now, if you will just knock off that "H" hooey, we could be besties!
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