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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I had fetal monitoring 2X per week and ultrasound 2X per week (while on "bedrest.") The upside of a very high risk pregnancy.
  2. It's catsup. And after one purchases one's catsup, one shall return one's cart to the cart corral. But one shall never, EVER put one's catsup into the Appliance of the Devil, a crockpot.
  3. Poor Slash! But we should have compassion for Tex. Didja hear that her husband wants her to go play in traffic? Poor Tex.
  4. Oh. Good Morning! Schedules are updated and printed. Should really go shovel 26 degree horse poop. (Shhhh! Don't tell DD, but it looks like we may have a few inches of snow coming. )
  5. We're at Monday, too! And I have a deadline tomorrow! And another one on Sunday! Ack! Ack!
  6. Did anyone ever figure out how we can have a virtual graduation party?
  7. On a more serious note: :party: :party: :party: :party: for Renai!!!!
  8. Yay. And about darn time. EXACTLY. Because I was shopping with the Boo and Nana. I was not in Renai-land with my bazooka.
  9. Oops. You must have been typing. See above.
  10. Good morning, all! Today we play hooky. Once the sun is up, we shall load up the wagon, tie Nana on top, and head to the Big City for some shopping and girl time.
  11. Renai, all I need PM'd is the woman's home address. Because, bazooka.
  12. Oh, poor you! I understand how awful persistent back pain can be-but with no relief available! That's horrible! Could you maybe try rotating hot and cold compresses? Sometimes that will help reduce the inflammation. Asfor the yeast infection, I've got nohing. That's about the only way my girl parts HAVEN'T failed me; I've never had one. But I'm sending hugs and healing thoughts your way.
  13. I have a Renai on my heart. I hope the lit review has been graded. (fingers crossed, eyes shut, prayers said)
  14. (BTW, the bazooka and I are at the ready to head south at a moment's notice for the administration of some ninja elephant stomping justice. :gnorsi: )
  15. Oooo, the Duck, she ROCKS. Almost as much as Renai!
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