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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Junie, have you tried an anti-inflammatory diet? Sorry, I can't remember if you've discussed dietary restrictions.
  2. IMACS followed up their link to the article in The Atlantic with a blog post, in case anyone is interested.
  3. Cool! That's almost as exciting as learning that a long lost completely-unheard-of relative in Nigeria has left you 8 million dollars!
  4. Wow. That's not good. (Thanks for explaining. I missed the preceding stuff.)
  5. Oops, got distracted by seriousness. Can't have that... Good Morning, Everyone! How 'bout a little Awesome Sauce to start your day?
  6. :iagree: But....google "Halle Berry and one drop rule" to see how far around the circle our hysterical obsession with race has taken us. And now:
  7. Poor you! That stinks. I'm in the "haven't heard anything negative yet camp." (Except from my mom, but only to me and only when we started. She bragged/brags on DD to everyone else. That was more a symptom of a slightly weird mother-daughter dynamic than any substantive criticism. She's still awesome despite her quirks.) I'm seriously hoping that I don't first experience criticism when DD applies for college.
  8. Galloway Method, Bay-Bee. Got my fat butt through a marathon. :thumbup1: #Isaidbutt
  9. Your Majesty: I love you; you know I do. And I respect you and your abundant knowledge and wisdom. But isn't there an etiquette rule about absolutely No Christmas Hula Until After Thanksgiving?
  10. I'm sorry that your babies are sick, Dawn. :sad: I grew up poor, but Nana was a nurse so we NEVER went to the doctor. Cracked bones will heal all on their own (as opposed to real breaks that will for reals need help.) Sprained ankle? Suck it up, Buttercup. And, no, you probably DON'T need reconstructive surgery; just let Mother Nature do her thing. All real things from my childhood. Renai, you should take notes as you go. I finally figured that out a few pages ago. And then promptly forgot. God only gave me one baby. I'm glad she's a she. :001_smile:
  11. :grouphug: , Slash. Is this something you should discuss with your doctor?
  12. Good morning, all! We survived the storm, power intact, but Jeez Louise, what a night! Happily (for us), the worst of it did indeed pass to the south of us. Yesterday I broke out the ruler and confirmed that we-briefly-had five inches of snow on the ground. It's all gone in the open areas; I've yet to take the dog out into the woods to see if there's anything left there. I also haven't had the nerve to see how much ice has formed. Keep your fingers crossed for a warm day here, 'k? It's going to get really cold, and I don't want Nana to have to deal with copious amounts of ice.
  13. "Atmospheric river" may not be nice, but it sure is accurate! :scared:
  14. EIGHTY bucks?? Where do you live? Nana got one for DD (because, Nana), but I think it was $40.
  15. Goodnight, all! Time to rest. Our high wind advisory doesn't expire until midnight here. Hopefully, our power will last. If not, it will likely be a really loooooooong couple of weeks.
  16. Oh, no, please! How on earth did it ever become okay to put a garter on a baby girl's head?
  17. So glad to hear this. DD 13 loooooves Legos. And anything piratical. ETA: OMW, 2 BooyAs in one night! BOOYA And again the song, started by Renai and magnified by Susan: This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends. People started posting not knowing what it was, And they'll continue posting forever just because... This is the thread that never ends You'd best come join it with your friends 'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days This is the thread that's always there They'll cheer you up so don't despair The group is growing well as more people start checking in And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive This is the thread that never ends..
  18. Oooo, that's hard. The baby is already God's reward...
  19. Well, I had to read acopalypse three times to figure out the error.
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