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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I believe it is and no it is not. Said the woman who had ultrasounds 2x/wk for much of pregnancy.
  2. Good morning. DD is Pirate 101ing, DH is sleeping, DHorsies are likely starving, but DM (darling me) am coffeeing. (The DDogs and DCat are fed, happy, and napping.) I am also in a mood. I suspect that the stress of Preparation Day is building (thank you, Susan, for the accurate name.) Uncommon Goods looks to be a site very bad for my bank balance. Dawn, I'm sorry about the table. I vote with the "ditch it" crew, FWIW. Jean, :grouphug: . I had these injections in my arms when I was trying to make my body not eat my young and they burned LIKE FIRE. Mega-sympathy coming your way. Tex, do I need to bring the bazooka and visit the ref? (Payment for the Plan.) We are StarWarsians.
  3. I find myself envying those with abundant families. Not nice. Sigh. Goodnight all.
  4. Oh, and I love Dylan Thomas #consciousnessstreamingiskindaweird
  5. Just as soon as the Instant Pot gets to pressure on Round 2 of the turkey stock. Then I can be dry. #thestruggleiskickingmybutt #Isaidbuttagain #IthinkIneedanap
  6. I scrubbed the horses' water buckets. And got drenched. I'm still not thawed. Perhaps I shall go change into my jammies.
  7. I survived the slush. Tonight the wind chill will be in the single digits. Good thing my fat butt is staying inside. Yeah, I said butt. So. #notfeelinghashtagy #wellmaybealittle
  8. Too much sugar for me (I'd be unconscious two hours later), but very yummy smoothie thingies.
  9. I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot outside the Christian school where DD is enjoying Living History Day. That I braved icy, slushy roads to take her to. And I just checked the NWS site which informed me that I can expect the roads to progress to "treacherous." Oy vey, Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  10. Since there are brownies involved, I really wish I was on the text tree. :crying:
  11. I love natural birds. Last year, I actually produced the perfect roast turkey. The skin was golden, crispy, and beautiful. The dark meat was done, and the breast meat was moist and tender. When I carved it, I swear that I heard angels singing. I tend to be a poultry aficionada, but I had no idea that turkey could be that good. I can only hope to partially recreate last year's magnificence. *Cue the song "Memories"
  12. Only a big deal if you buy a natural bird. The supermarket birds are injected which a sodium-laden solution that functions as a brine. If you buy a natural or organic bird brining helps keep it moist during the cooking process. Because chemistry.* *Gratuitous mention of chemistry qualifies this as an educational post. Yay, me.
  13. I have the Foerster book and teacher's edition. It is very, very thorough. I don't think you can go wrong with it, honestly.
  14. How long do you brine it? My turkey is in an ice chest in the kitchen, hopefully defrosting. I was going to start brining Wednesday morning, but I haven't decided on the brine yet. Nor have I gone shopping. Because fire across the street. (But the downstairs bathroom is impeccably clean [only such room in the house] and I have food immediately available for a vegetarian and a person on an anti-inflammatory diet, so there is that.] Which reminds me that I better get ready for a crapload of extras on Thursday, including the above diets, an elderly mostly blind man, and a vegan. Nonna is still planning Thanksgiving at her house, but I'm thinking I'd better be prepared to be backup. I think I'd better get cracking tomorrow, no?) Off for more wine.
  15. Have you considered emailing Mr. Owens? We have found him to be very responsive to questions. (And DD, having fits with a lab, vented her frustration by turning it into an imaginary world with a battle between two imaginary countries and writing an 8 page story about it. And then emailed it with her lab sheet. Not only did Mr. Owens read the extra material, he emailed her back to compliment her on the story. :001_wub: )
  16. I'm seriously hungry. Waiting to see if Nonna and Papi are coming for dinner or just for showers. I'm thinking it's time to make snacks. (Especially since DH has been fighting with their electric stuff all day.)
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