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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Our forecast today is for freezing rain. I think I'd best haul my lazy self outside and get the chores done. :glare:
  2. :lol: Nah, you wouldn't have to get a job. Just pack up the chillens and head to pseudo-grandmas house. It'd be a little crowded, but we could make it work! :tongue_smilie:
  3. Phew. My pseudograndbabies need a daddy. I didn't want to have to go all bazooka-laden Violent Swami on him.
  4. Good Morning, BTW. :001_smile: Also BTW, I have figured out why we are having all these problems. There has been a serious disturbance in the Force. Our hula infusions have been severely limited, allowing the Dark Side to infest our psyches. EEELLLLLIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!!
  5. HER.NAME.IS.MOLLY. Molly Grace. Hmmm...me likey. (P.S. Slash, does the baby's father know that she is being named by random strangers on the Internet?)
  6. More :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: . I'd not seen that one before. It's so, so...ME... :001_wub: .
  7. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: , Dawn! I'll take your Peter, Paul, and Mary and raise you a Tiny Tim.
  8. Actually, you might be surprised how many people around you are carrying concealed in public (depending upon where you live.) And those who carry concealed (esp. off-duty law enforcement officers) would likely have the presence of mind to do just that. Just because you believe acting in such a situation would be overwhelmingly difficult does not mean that everyone shares your opinion or inclination.
  9. DD will be getting one for Christmas! Thank, OP!
  10. My DD is not quite HS, but she has taken several BW classes. I would HIGHLY recommend Susanne Barrett's Shakespeare Literary Analysis course in the spring (I think it's Hamlet this year.) Although DD was young, she loooooves the Bard and was allowed to take the class for the past two years. Both classes were excellent and I can't say enough good things about Susanne. Honestly, I would highly recommend any course she teaches-she's amazing.
  11. Good morning, everyone. I think prairiewindmomma should return to her bed and sleep until the gremlin infesting her life has moved on to torture some other poor soul. I'm not sure that my idea is realistic, however. :grouphug: Text-speak makes my eyes bleed. To the extent that, when DD got her smart phone, I laid down the law: First time I see you use that poor excuse for communication is the last time you see the phone. , that's me. My child had precisely one tantrum as a toddler. So, I guess I can put a point in the "plus column" of having an only child. We had a wonderful dinner out last night to celebrate our NaNoWriMo Winner's Fabulous Achievement. I drove, however, so I had cioppino without a glass of red wine. Which just feels, I don't know, wrong somehow. But the short person was happy, so all is well. Now, I really should suit up and slay the Poo. Wish me luck, all. Oh, and have a fabulous and educational day!
  12. I really liked the translation, though, Your Majesty. It was lovely!
  13. Ha! The weirdo review is down. I wonder how much impact the 12 gazillion "not helpful" votes had?
  14. I plan on going with DD on dates. Between me and the bazooka, I think she'll be fine.
  15. Oooo, and you're brilliant, too! Now I have an explanation for odd weather: Hey! It's that odd Tex's odd dad's fault. Totally works for me. (I really should be working. Not whining wining.)
  16. If a 13 year old girl shows up and runs off with Mooies, it's NOT DD. Just so you know. (She's in love your kids. Not surprising since the highlight of her week is being a student leader for Cubbies. I wish there were more jobs in our area; I'd send applications for Matt to fill out and send DD's completed babysitter app for your pre-approval!)
  17. I'm glad dancer can see. Slash, I can't believe a California company is doing that. (I believe believe it. I'm just shocked.) California labor laws are EXTREMELY pro-employee; getting caught doing that would be very bad there. Don't know how it works it Oregon. I hope a little bird tells someone and a huge pterodactyl poops on their collective heads. :grouphug: for prairiewindmomma and her DH.
  18. Aaaaaaand DD met her 30,000 word goal and is a NaNoWriMo Winner!! :party: :party: :party:
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