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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. That's right. Renai and me, the original party crashers.
  2. BTW, if anyone has spare prayers for patience, I could really use them. DD is really, really 13. :huh: (She is currently completely beside herself over The Great Gatsby and the fact that the narrator seemed to condone adultery and it's the worst book ever and it's not relevant to anything because it's just so horrible and...)
  3. I thought it was a gas main going. Or a meteor at Dawn's house.
  4. I believe that you also mentioned PMS'ing. Solved that little problem, didn't you?
  5. ikslo, you and I are muy simpatico. Junie, you and I are muy mucho simpatico.
  6. I agree that, no, we no longer argue civilly. I disagree that it is a simple lack of education. Demonizing the opposition is a deliberate strategy; it's not always deliberately being used, but it was deliberately deployed and has become widely absorbed. It is both unnecessary and impossible to debate those who are evil or are haters or whack-jobs or whatever-have-you. I've gotten to the point where I no longer bother. And, once again, . So, anyone have any good Thanksgiving recipes to share? I'd like to put something new on the table this year.
  7. Good Morning, Everyone! When major gas lines go, they go KABLOOEY too. :grouphug: , Mr. Ellie. Yay, Jean! Go, Tex! You're just right for a Quackers, Quackers! You're preggers, Slash; you look MAHVELOUS. Hurry up with that menu, Susan. You still have mine to do. My race (since I know you all were wondering): human It is now 16 degrees outside, and I can no longer delay the inevitable. Off for morning poopaerobics. (Besides, I'll bet the ponies REALLY want their hot cereal this morning.) Have a good day, all!
  8. Ha ha. Not really. She has been so captivated by my description of my exciting life, she popped by today for some introductory poopaerobics. Poor thing; she's all pooped out now.
  9. Don't be silly, ikslo. The ITT is a non-stop party! Edited to say: Disregard. Prior post edited my post into irrelevance.
  10. See what you miss with that whole "gainful employment" thing?
  11. I know, right? Like I'd be caught dead with orange cheese powder all over me. Nope. That'd be a doppelganger.
  12. Nope. If something goes wrong, it's Tex's fault. You're good. :thumbup1:
  13. Alcumus, definitely. ETA: We did almost the same thing last year. DD and I worked through the first 7 chapters in the fall semester, and then DD took the online Intro A class in the spring. Having the first part to be review I think helped transition her to the speed of the online class-which took some serious adjustment. She took a Math Counts class over the summer and is taking Intro to Counting and Probability now; she's become more comfortable with the pacing. HTH.
  14. Nope, no water, no nothing. There are a few quality employers; their employees can afford to live in Tehachapi or Lancaster and commute.
  15. It's an...interesting...place. That whole area of the desert is full of rocket scientists and methamphetamine addicts. And they're all nuts. (Well, actually there are some decent folks there, but the percentage of weird is REALLY high.)
  16. Anything that combines math and food must be good. It's a law.
  17. OHMYGOSH! I didn't even know, but somehow I knew...I'm wearing JEANS. I am so totally psychotic! :wacko: Happy Birthday, Jean!
  18. Excellent post; thank you. What other forums do you find to be helpful?
  19. Personally, I prefer linguine with red clam sauce, with the clam sauce having been made in a cast iron pot. :drool5: (Although it might get a bit old if it were a daily thing. Maybe. Perhaps.)
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