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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Well if you won't let me bring the bazooka, how about a :grouphug: . (That was for you, not her. This is for her.)
  2. I :001_wub: you, Tex. (Do you think we need to road trip it and visit District Whatever-the-Heck-She-Is?)
  3. The keeper thing: I totally agree. Slash updates us daily, so you just have to wait until the next installment of "As the Stomach Turns." Oh, dear Lord. I just about spewed!
  4. Well, you also know that we'll love you and accept you. Because you're not as :wacko: as me. :001_smile:
  5. sometimes, to keep you alive longer, they do things to kill you. I think it works out in the end. For example, I'm very glad for my time with Dd.
  6. All bureaucracies are stupid. Feature, not bug. (Uh-oh. Serious post. Many apologies.)
  7. They will be very, very safe. (Actually, have I mentioned that I have a very gentle child? God has a rollicking sense of humor.)
  8. We got the regular one for DD when she was 8, if I remember correctly. We had Daddy supervise, though. She still enjoys it, BTW.
  9. I have met one deadline. I shall now ignore the next one until the situation is more dire.
  10. Now, since our promised snow failed to materialize, I shall slog out through the freezing rain to feed ponies and shovel cold, sodden horse poop. Yay, me.
  11. Happy Veteran's Day! For all who have served or who have someone in their household who did: THANK YOU.
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