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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I would advise caution on the home inspection thing-it's market dependent. The others aren't. We always need plumbing and heat.
  2. Don't try using the Jedi-flirt, missy. I'm disappointed in you.
  3. :iagree: Check out HVAC. Good money, always needed. You/Matt could work for someone else until you were ready to go solo. And you don't need a degree to run a business, just common sense-which is far more rare.
  4. Well, you're nice here, so it was worth a shot. Perhaps you should reconsider your position on non-violence? Maybe that's why she's picked you for torture.
  5. I think the authors' point was that being to explain why is not the same as knowing why, and that the verbal and writing skills necessary to explain why are far beyond what is necessary and appropriate at the elementary school level. They are not talking about analytics or engineering education.
  6. Spitballing here: She sounds like a real pain in the patootie. Is it possible that you're the only one who is nice and will listen to her? I.e., everyone else has gotten fed up with her and told her to pound sand?
  7. Oh, thank you, Your Majesty! How very appropriate they are!
  8. Renai, what did you do to deserve your very own district consultant? Is there no one else in the school system for her to harass?
  9. Good Morning, All! Could someone from Texas please send water wings? We are being deluged by an "atmospheric river." It's set to last through the weekend, with round two scheduled for the beginning of next week. Rain, rain, Go Away! Mama wants snow today!
  10. Wow. I suspect some little chillens have a seriously awesome mom! Good job, Quackers!
  11. Ooo, ooo, ooo! Pick me! Pick me! I'll swing by and get her after I've gotten John and Mooies. After that, we'll go get Gymnast; she's so adventuresome, I figure she'll want ride on the luggage rack on top! (Oh, and mine's not in the Child Trade Program. She's an only and I'm very attached.)
  12. IMACS linked this article from The Atlantic criticizing aspects of Common Core math standards. I think it's an interesting read.
  13. Good Morning! It's 22 degrees outside and I am delaying the chores. Again. More evidence that today must be a day that ends in Y.
  14. Who? What about me? I think we can all agree that I need serious help.
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