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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Other. Elliptical machine. I am anti-exercise bike; they kill my knees.
  2. Debb S: Thank you so much for posting! Unfortunately, I posted while under-caffeinated. DD has been taking the courses for a bit over a year now; she just started class 10 of 12. I've edited my OP. SORRY.
  3. Good morning, everyone! Me, I'm torn between a Charlie Brown tree from the backyard and spending $40 on a fluffy one. Decisions, decisions....
  4. Has anyone had a DC complete (or nearly complete) the released Elements of Mathematics: Foundations series of classes? If so, have you or will you assign high school credit for any/all? Background: My DD will be in high school next year. We are considering having her attend our local charter school on a part-time basis. (They seem to be VERY flexible; in essence, it appears that we could homeschool to whatever extent we wish and take as many or as few on-campus classes as we wish. They are also very open-minded when it comes to granting credits.) I have had a discussion with the curriculum advisor, and it was she who suggested that the EMF material might be credit-worthy. I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest. Any thoughts/experience? ETA: DD is currently enrolled in the 10th of the 12 completed classes. (Note to self: Do not attempt to post ANYTHING during the first cup of coffee.)
  5. Has anyone had a DC complete (or nearly complete) the released Elements of Mathematics: Foundations series of classes? If so, have you or will you assign high school credit for any/all? Background: My DD will be in high school next year. We are considering having her attend our local charter school on a part-time basis. (They seem to be VERY flexible; in essence, it appears that we could homeschool to whatever extent we wish and take as many or as few on-campus classes as we wish. They are also very open-minded when it comes to granting credits.) I have had a discussion with the curriculum advisor, and it was she who suggested that the EMF material might be credit-worthy. I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest. Any thoughts/experience? ETA: DD is currently enrolled in the 10th of the 12 completed classes. (Note to self: Do not attempt to post ANYTHING during the first cup of coffee.)
  6. Has anyone had a DC complete (or nearly complete) the released Elements of Mathematics: Foundations series of classes? If so, have you or will you assign high school credit for any/all? Background: My DD will be in high school next year. We are considering having her attend our local charter school on a part-time basis. (They seem to be VERY flexible; in essence, it appears that we could homeschool to whatever extent we wish and take as many or as few on-campus classes as we wish. They are also very open-minded when it comes to granting credits.) I have had a discussion with the curriculum advisor, and it was she who suggested that the EMF material might be credit-worthy. I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest. Any thoughts/experience? ETA: DD is currently enrolled in the 10th of the 12 completed classes. (Note to self: Do not attempt to post ANYTHING during the first cup of coffee.)
  7. I'm with Slash: Kenzie Rose. Since Molly is already taken.
  8. Must be a bad math day. DD was nearly in tears, but I told her she had to take a break until class starts at 4:30. Hmm, maybe this is why mom keeps suggesting that she frontload her homework to the beginning of the week in case she has questions...
  9. That's a cool thingamajig! ETA: Falalalala BOO-YA!! This is the thread that never ends....
  10. The purveyors of snacks and beer. And the NFL. :glare:
  11. This is a macroaggression. Please stop; my feewings are willy, willy huwt.
  12. Umm, sweetie? We're not so good at ignoring here. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. Dentist-shudder. <Sneaking quickly in> :grouphug: <Running away. Holding in scream to avoid attracting the attention of the demon dentist.>
  14. ikslo, I'm in the "notify the pediatrician" camp. They need to know and document it. We, likewise, do not do flu shots. Too much of a crapshoot to justify the assault on the immune system. Renai: I love car shopping. Way more than car buying, in fact. Because, cheap. Yay, Tex! Natural sleep is a very good thing. Happy birthday, Susan's DD! :party: My DD turned 13 in late August. It's happy, but...le sigh. I'm probably forgetting something. I forgot to take notes. Good Morning, everyone.
  15. Okay, I knew things were bad, but I thought you were strong enough to weather the storm. Now? Now I am seriously concerned.
  16. Maybe you should join Susan and #justkeepbreathingbreathingbreathing.
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