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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Susan, if you can taste the alcohol, it's too strong. (According to me.) I make some in the Vitamix using oranges and limes that are seriously yummy. We go kinda light on the tequila and Cointreau, though, because mama's a lightweight.
  2. Sorry. I'm having DD take Literary Analysis of Hamlet in May from Brave Writer. But that's not much help,though. :sad:
  3. Having one in your honor, Slash. Enjoy your milk. (Not really. I hate beer. But, look! It's 6 minutes past wine o'clock! :auto: )
  4. No. Well, only once you've acclimated to the climate. And only just enough to make us legit.
  5. I have to disagree. The snide use is very, very Southern. Like, way.
  6. No. I think I've mentioned before that my answer to each and every parenting question is Duct Tape.
  7. Sorry, Jean! I keep seeing "random" and "strange" and thinking "moi." I love this thread.
  8. Stop it, Renai! My computer is choking, this thread is getting so sweet! :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: I love that age; still a baby, but talking. :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:
  9. "Bless your heart" is a Southern phrase the meaning of which varies upon context. *This has been my educational post for the day. Carry on.
  10. I think you handled the moment beautifully BUT I would start thinking about having an ongoing dialogue with DD about healthy/unhealthy relationships and setting up and enforcing boundaries. :grouphug: from this mom of a gentle-spirited, doesn't-want-to-rock-the-boat DD.
  11. Priorities, dear. Random strangers on the Internet are far more important than your blood kin. :toetap05:
  12. :grouphug: for your girl, Susan, and I prayed that the Holy Spirit fills her with peace and strength, today and whenever she is feeling anxious. Poor baby; it stinks to be seventeen.
  13. I think it with the e: Anne. But she's Molly. Don't make your children sad.
  14. Bleh. Chewie? Yeah, he's pretty cute. But no cheap imitations for me, sister!
  15. Actually, :grouphug: . I hate it when sweet kitties go all el Tigre on you.
  16. P-shaw. Them's just flesh wounds, Tex. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikssfUhAlgg
  17. Firemen in utility kilts. Sweet Jesus, forgive me my thoughts.
  18. I'm pretty sure that you can rely on weirdness here. :wacko:
  19. Unless he's in a utility kilt. I could totally catcall that. :drool5:
  20. You know, that whole "gainful employment" thing of yours is really impinging upon MY social life.
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