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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :sad: :grouphug: for you and baby. I fear barfies in your near future.
  2. Crushed red pepper is going to be considerably hotter than sweet red paprika. I wouldn't do it.
  3. You're welcome! (I'm still so gosh darned impressed that I remembered!)
  4. Horsies and doggies and kitties. And I'm open to anything mammalian, except rodents. :thumbup1: DEFINITELY no reptiles. :thumbdown:
  5. I am not so fond of your mom, Slash. You should move here so I smother mother you.
  6. Nope. Just right for a Slashaboo. ETA: This Booya is dedidated to Slash: Booya bells! Booya bells! Ringing in my head! I really need to get to editing Because if I get fired I'll be dead!
  7. Oh, I forgot the geography contest. We don't actually live in the tundra. And we are in the good ole U. S. of A.! :patriot: We have winter, but it's not like Professormom's brutal cold-just four seasons (although we have spells of serious cold. [in fact, our winter has been-overall-too darn warm! We get snow then rain. Which means ICE. Bleh. ]) Jean is in Newcastle, which is over by Seattle. We are to her right (quite a ways!) and up, in the Great Inland Northwest. Although I'm a bit sad to give up the possibility of changing my name to Nanuk of the North.
  8. That is very cool. And, since it's a formal kilt, not at all stalkerish. More cultural appreciation-ish. Unlike the time in Costco when I saw a construction dude in a utility kilt leaning against an end cap talking on his cell phone. I actually had to stop myself from taking a picture-I had grabbed my cell phone almost reflexively (That was when we could still post kilt pictures.) The poor guy! He was a total stranger and I seriously almost took a picture of him for the Hive. :svengo: (Oh, and let me assure you; the look was very, very manly. ) ETA: Fixed it. Need.More.Coffee.
  9. Thank you, Lynn. Thank you. See, we all know that the kids are all up, dressed, packed, and ready to go. You are in a stylish, but comfortable outfit and are ready to walk out the door. But despite that-despite all that-you, saint that you are, thought, "Wait. I know I'm awesome, but what about all those who are, well, less awesome. That :wacko: JoJosMom comes to mind... Perhaps, out of consideration for others, I should just...stay home. I'll just post that I flaked out and the less awesome... That :wacko: JoJosMom comes to mind will feel better about themselves. Hmm... Yep. It's Christmas. I'm gonna do it. My Christmas gift to the less awesome." You are awesome. Oops. Note to self: Read entire thread before posting lest one embarass oneself.
  10. I just saw this on tv. Now I want a miniature horse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU_c8aabw2Y
  11. Having read this, all I can think is there's a reason God gave you two hands: One for the mulled wine and one for the mead. What a night!
  12. No. Every human being should own a hard copy of Strunk and White.
  13. Can we pretty please have the picture? i has the sads here.
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