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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if this has already been said. Yes, that's already a thing. Seriously. :huh:
  2. There's another thread already discussing this (fascinating) topic. FYI. :001_smile:
  3. I come from a long line of neatnik females. It skipped a generation. #preparingforThanksgiving #thestruggleiswinning
  4. Well, yeah. I whined about the terrible stress it was causing me, like, pages ago. Was that not sufficient a hint?
  5. Interesting study. I found the change in composition of the individuals' gut biomes in response to the "good" and "bad" diets particularly intriguing. I do agree, however, that the conclusion that "one size fits all" doesn't work-even in the realm of human nutrition- to be not at all surprising. Thanks again, OP, for sharing. Good stuff.
  6. Absolutely, Susan. As soon as Tex is finished with my high school plan, she's gonna get right on next year for you.
  7. Oooo, this looks fascinating. Thanks for sharing!
  8. I have to disagree about AoPS necessarily being hands-on; it depends upon the student. That said, however, I suspect it would not be a good fit for your DC (requirement for scaffolding in Jacobs and time concerns.) Although we went with AoPS here, I also own Foerster. I suspect that it might be a good fit. (FWIW, I love it. It's the perfect fit for me, just not for my particular child.) I do not have any experience with Derek Owens math, but DD is taking Physical Science with him and we are extremely impressed with his responsiveness. HTH.
  9. How awful for you. I've never, ever done that. BTW, have I mentioned that I sideline in real estate sales? I have some wonderful desert properties for sale. And bridges! Lots of bridges...
  10. Hi, everyone. Neighbors' fire was confined to the outside furnace room, but it burned until almost 4. It burned so hot that it blew out an upstairs window on the near side of the house. And the firefighters had a bust a hole in the wall to make sure there wasn't fire inside (it was badly singed-see heat of fire, above.) They had a very cool alternative energy set-up, combining the use of an exterior wood-burning furnace, solar, and electric back-up. Everything expensive melted. We're all hoping that the state inspector will show up today, so the electric can be turned back on to the house. Because of the complexity of the system and the dark, DH couldn't get the generator to talk to the house, so fingers are crossed that the pipes didn't all freeze last night. I'm so, so sad. These are the awesome, courtesy grandparent neighbors, the ones everyone turns to when in need. They are the ones who have taken responsibility for an elderly bachelor who lived in the neighborhood, buying his (worthless) trailer and property and getting him set up in a safe place in town, visiting him regularly, and being his "home" for the holidays. Have I mentioned that I'm really sad? (Thank you for listening. Typing is cathartic.) Less sad news: DD and I took Nana to the concert in the Very Big City last night. She loved it, so yay me. (Nana's life has been one tragedy after another since my dad died 11 years ago. We minimize bad things. Also, she was being sponged off of and being bled dry in old hometown, so my goal is for her to enjoy life here, as much as is possible. And I wasn't much help yesterday anyway. Not that I'm conflicted or anything.) Hi, everyone. Happy Monday?
  11. Oh, yeah. And if you have a child who neither needs nor wants the material presented in "dribs and drabs"-Oy Vey! That is the stuff of nightmares. After DD went to school following our move, it took us the better part of a year to get her back on track and to not hating math (She loves math. She is lovely child, but she is very, very weird.)
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: It's hard when you're doing your best to help, but it's just not enough. God bless you for loving her.
  13. Having a crappy day here. My beloved neighbors' furnace room caught on fire. Thank God-and our fabulous volunteer fire department-the house was saved. The house, by the way, is the former barn which was converted into a home when the original house burned down about 15 years ago. DH is over with the tractor right now helping the firefighters-the winter wood stock needed to be turned to get at all the fire. Prayers for M and V would be much appreciated.
  14. Nah, just kidding. :wacko: We'll be playing hooky from church because chores. We have to leave the Very Big City at 3 pm, so my day is being mightily compressed. So, QUICK! Someone please talk to me!
  15. Wow. This is like work here this morning. I might as well go out and do poopaerobics on a half cup of coffee.
  16. We were Math Mammothites, but have apparently now progressed to being AoPS/EMFians. Which is completely contrary to my nature, so I just do the tithing and sit grumpily in the pew. I'm getting NOTHING out of it, but, HEY, it's for the children child, right?
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