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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Good morning, everyone! (Whew! I caught up; does that mean that I've accomplished something today?)
  2. There are no words. Or at least there are no words that can pass through the Happy ITT Filter. ETA: Apparently I was channeling Junie.
  3. Holy.Cow. A bunch of dudes rocking yoga pants. #whodathunk
  4. Original intent: Option 1 But Option 3 works, as well.
  5. Actually, everyone is lying. The thread started off political, but then everyone starting talking about you behind your back. Mom SWB made them stop.
  6. There is an established protocol for this. I know it's scary, but it is something that first responders (and health care workers) have to deal with. Hopefully, they know who had the needle and the person cooperates with testing-that makes things a bit quicker, I think. They may treat him proactively, or they may just monitor him. FWIW, I think infection rates from accidental needle sticks are fairly low. I doubt that's much help, though. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  7. I love you, Susan, but I'm going with Jean on this one!
  8. Well, we're several hundred miles from the ocean, so no worries there, at least!
  9. We have nonstop rain, flood advisories, and a looming wind advisory for 60 mph gusts. And DH has informed me that we are to meet friends for dinner. Which means a 30 minute drive into town. ON TREACHEROUS ROADS. I'm doomed. Doomed, I say.
  10. I'm really sorry that you are dealing with this. I love animals, but those dogs would be dead. :(
  11. Hi, everyone. We are having spring here. I really, really don't like spring. Over the next couple of days, we are forecast to get 2+ inches of rain. And our ground is still frozen. Which means flooding with a topping of icy mud. Today, however, I shall venture out into the deluge to take Nana to her hair appointment in the Not-So-Big-But-Bigger-Than-Here City. Hopefully, the mud slides will wait until tomorrow or Wednesday. And the child will remain on task without me We'll see. I hope everyone has a blessed day!
  12. *Please note: I am absolutely sure that no one ever thinks those thoughts about me. Ever.
  13. This has been my problem with every church ever. They're full of people. Darn it.
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I definitely think you should convert. You do NOT belong in the Church of A$$es.
  15. Thanks for responding, Mark. The EMF classes are self-paced. (The link to the course descriptions is here, ICYI.) Upon enrollment, the student is given 90 days to complete each class. DD has taken 9 classes since late September 2014, taking last summer off. The next 3 are an introduction to abstract algebra and, according to one of the techs with whom I exchanged emails, very challenging. I like your idea of "Advanced Math" as an elective. Perhaps I will assign credits by time enrolled, making this semester 3. :thumbup1: As for your suggestion to use AoPS as DD's "standard" math-I think you're brilliant! (That's what she's doing. :D EMF is her fun math.)
  16. I totally agree with the above. I'm going to quibble with the "instincts" stuff, though. Remember, your brain is taking in and processing WAY more data than just the stuff you are consciously aware of. That "creepy feeling" or "instinct" is likely your brain processing signs and saying "DANGER, DANGER!!" Good job, mama, for protecting your baby. (Edited because part of my response didn't post originally.)
  17. Good morning, everyone. I think I have recovered from last night's trauma. For all who are interested. Or not.
  18. Holy cow. I'm exhausted just reading this thread. Give me my vote back; I'm going with doughnuts. And they'll for sure fit in your space. :)
  19. O.M.W. I come HERE. To my HAPPY place. And there's nothing but magno-offenses, h8te, and general poopyheadedness. And NO FREAKING TRIGGER WARNING. I am a puddle of trauma. [sob] I'm going to bed. If I survive the night, I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Tomorrow. At Tara. Flounce.
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