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Everything posted by Donovans4

  1. I see you are in MN, have you checked Cabella's? There is a store in Owatona and Maple Grove (I think) and they have a website. LauraD in MN
  2. check out the Besty-Tacy series. my dd loved them, and still does at 14. LauraD in MN
  3. I would just go ahead and start the next book. My ds finished up his 5th grade math books several weeks ago and we went into the 6th grade book the following week. Any time I feel we are getting ahead of ourselves, I just slow down, do a lot of review, and move on. So far it has worked for us. LauraD in MN
  4. Does anyone know of a literature study aimed at 5th - 6th grade that is similar to Lightning Lit? My ds will be in 6th next year, but not quite ready for LL7. thanks, LauraD in MN
  5. I tell my DS the chapter review is a test, and he treats it as such. We record a grade at the end of the book. My DS is motivated by getting a good grade, so it works for us. LauraD in MN
  6. a notebook to write down parent's phone number, where they'll be, doctor's phone number, allergies, bedtime, etc. LauraD in MN
  7. here is a link to coupon for $8 off up to six admissions. http://www.visitcalifornia.com/media/pages/funspots/2009/LegolandRR09coupon.jpg also, just google Legoland discount tickets and lots of offers will come up. LauraD in MN
  8. we went when my ds had just turned 9 and dd was 12.5. I thought it seemed young for her, but she said she really liked it. DS loved it, but he is a big lego fan. I did a search and found buy one adult, get one child free discount tickets, which really helped. Legoland is pricey! LauraD in MN
  9. we live in MN and required to test each year from ages 7 to 16. We use the Peabody test with my 11 yr old DS, the Woodcock Johnson test with 14 yr old DD, and every other year or so I have each of them do the ITBS. We are not required to report the results to our district or the state, but I get different information from each test. I also think it is a good skill for the kids to learn to "fill in the bubble". LauraD in MN
  10. that we are trying to decide the exact same thing, except with a one week timeframe. And, yes, we are in the Twin Cities. Here's what I did - I got out a map of the US and a dry erase pen, then measured the distance from St. Paul to Dallas, TX since we are used to that length of a drive. Then I made a semi circle with the Twin Cities as my origin, and the distance to Dallas as my radius (clear as mud so far?) so we could see potential vacation destinations. Looks like we could just make it to Niagara Falls if we head east. I am trying to have everyone in the family have input into this trip, but so far one wants a big city destination, one wants all nature, etc. Good luck on your trip planning, I will be watching this thread with interest! LauraD in MN
  11. I haven't read all the responses, but I wanted to let you know about a book I just requested through my library system. It is called Teaching English Abroad: A Fresh and Fully Up-to-Date Guide to Teaching English Around the World by Susan Griffith. I thought it sounded interesting! LauraD in MN
  12. I am using this series along with the Hakim books and I think it is a good fit. My dd is an 8th grader and finds the narrator with his costumes and accents a little silly, but we are really learning a lot (I watch along with her). I have her answer the questions in the study guide, so it really forces her to pay attention. I got the videos at a "sale" price and definitely feel they were worth the price. I will use the series again when my ds studies American History, most likely when he is a 7th grader. LauraD in MN
  13. women, men, and children all lead prayers in my church. Our main pastor is a woman, and our (male) associate pastor always involves the children in the service when he is leading. LauraD in MN
  14. we recently had a question about information on an EOB for our dd 14. My DH was told he could not get the info over the phone because of dd's age. DD had to get on the phone at the same time as DH and tell the rep that DH had permission to have access to the needed info. It took just a minute, but it was a hassle to coordinate schedules. LauraD in MN
  15. we have used cloth napkins for as long as I can remember. We have some cotton ones I got inexpensively somewhere, can't even remember. The ones we use the most, however, are actually washcloths picked up in a pack of 12 for maybe $5. They are very absorbent and wash up great. I admit it bothers me when we go to my sister's house and they rip off a big paper towel for each person at every meal. LauraD in MN
  16. Besides Ravelry, you might also take a look at: Knitter's Review http://www.knittersreview.com/forum/ and Knitty http://knittyboard.com/ both have lots of good info. LauraD in MN
  17. My dd14 quit piano last November, and it was very hard for me. We had put so much time, energy, and money into lessons for 8 years, but she reached the point where she really didn't like it. I decided it wasn't a battle I wanted to fight. And, she spends time on her interests and hobbies that she really enjoys. Freeing up the practice and lesson time made her a more relaxed person. I still feel sad about it occasionally, but in the larger picture, it was the right choice. Is there another instrument your dd might enjoy? That might be something to consider. LauraD in MN
  18. per month, could you post a sample menu for a week or so? Also, please note if you buy any organic products. I have a hard time imagining my family eating for such a small amount, I need some inspiration to get me started in lowering my grocery bill. thanks, LauraD in MN
  19. I would also check out etsy.com. There are amazing things on that site. LauraD in MN
  20. http://www.knittingonthenet.com/patterns/babyafruffle.htm it is nice because it is quick and easy (all garter stitch). I find just as I am ready to be done with the garter stitch, I'm done with the blanket! LauraD in MN
  21. we just keep refilling our Brita pitcher, and hopefully the kids remember so we have cold water when we want it! LauraD in MN
  22. I just searched for you on ravelry and found your shawl. Maybe you were checking too quickly, or something...I'm not too savvy over there. Your shawl is just beautiful, I'm sure your sister will be thrilled! I did also send you a friend request. My ravelry id is donovans4. LauraD in MN
  23. in addition to being a graduate of ISU, my grandmother lived in Ames and my mom grew up there. I also have hopes of sending my two children there, just far away from home, but not too far. Oh, and it is a great school, too!
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