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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. This. It's the perfect solution! :D
  2. Have been thinking of your post all day. This may not apply, but does your kiddo take any other meds? Allergy meds, maybe? Some of the allergy meds can cause behavioral issues. Big ones. DS was a tough kid, too. He's still challenging. He doesn't have the diagnoses of your kiddo, but he was tough, and it was hard. But it's gotten easier. Something about the magic age of 9. And we did find that changing up his meds and doing a lot of other seemingly small things - all added up to helping tremendously. That, plus ... time. More :grouphug:
  3. Oh no. :( I'm sorry. Does your new roof have a warranty? We replaced ours over the summer, and there is some kind of warranty. Maybe check that out?
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. Wow! You must have been a very good girl lately! ...Where does one put in an order for neighbors like that? That is awesome!!!
  6. We have gone this route with some neighborhood families. It's been well accepted by our kiddos. I think kids understand it, when phrased this way.
  7. I'm going to call tomorrow. Looking online has my head spinning. I think I found our plan, but some aspects seem different, so I'm going to have to wait and call. Hopefully this is not going to be a monthly recurrence. The ones I picked up today were mostly asthma meds, so they were necessary - but they were brand name. I'll ask DS's allergist/asthma doc if there are alternatives. Crazy! And apparently I'm not alone. One poor woman was sobbing - actually sobbing - on the phone with her insurance company, and another was off to the side calling hers to find out why her daughter was no longer covered. I think there must be a lot of mix ups right now since it's the beginning of the year. It'll all get sorted out. ...going to break into the box of truffles I've been saving since the holidays!
  8. Thanks for all the ideas! If this is a deductible thing, I'll be okay with it - well, as okay as one can be, right? Hoping that's it. I dread going to pick up the rest of our meds this month... we have 7 more Rxs to go, and no idea what those copays will be ... so I can see how yours adds up, too. One of our meds this time was only $20. Maybe our others will be that low, too. If they're all in the $200 or $300 range I will be beyond upset though. Years ago, I was on an expensive med and the copay was $800 per month. That was bad, but I expected it.
  9. I asked at the counter, and now am looking up our plan. DH can help when he's back in town on Friday. I texted him, but he really can't think about it till he's back state side. This plan was supposed to be comparable to our plan last year (which was cancelled), but that on that plan our Rx monthly total was $250 for the 10 meds. This year, obviously, I don't know the total for the month but it will definitely be more than double based on the cost of these 3 alone. Ouch.
  10. Maybe. It's a new policy. DH is out of the country, and as soon as he gets back he'll call the ins. broker. DH had to pick the plan for the company and we worked together looking at policies. This is not a cheap one, that's for sure! I don't recall the specifics about prescriptions, but this seems way out of line. I feel sort of sick now. :(
  11. I just picked up 3 of our family's 10 monthly Rxs. Just 3 of them, the others aren't ready to be filled yet. First time using our new insurance. Holy cow!!! Our new copay on those 3 meds was $484.37!!!!! Yowsers. I dread going back for the next 7 of the monthly meds. Dread it.
  12. Ours has the same restriction. No sob stories And our moderator is strict. So there's no story behind the "wanted" posts. No divorce stories, houses lost to fire, etc. Just a wanted. And there are some restrictions on how many "wanteds" one can post. I think that keeps it less obnoxious.
  13. Oh, how awful. Spring will come. Hang in there.
  14. Our freecyclers' wanteds are pretty tame here, too. I don't recall seeing brand specific requests. I once posted a wanted for bottle tops. Yep. Essentially trash. :) FWIW, I freecycled a lovely red Kitchen Aid stand mixer a few years ago. It worked, we had just upgraded to the next size. The lady who picked it up was so excited, it was a delight to give it to her. She teared up. I love passing things along via freecycle, as I'm way too unorganized to sell stuff. And I always forget to take donations and drop them off. So I think our local freecycle group loves us. I freecycle our old curriculum, too!
  15. Oops. I didn't mean to pull out a can opener. Feel free to ignore my question, all. It was genuine. My background in anthropology just reared it's head. I can google to learn about this tradition and its roots instead of asking here. Off to do that.
  16. Congrats! Fun! We are going to WDW in 2 weeks and I have done zero planning. Oops. Wish you could help us! We have our accommodations (offsite) and that's it... I just read in the other thread about the new fastpass thing... and admit to being puzzled by it all... Apparently I am a Disney Dummy. :)
  17. Try a different allergist. We had a situation with our first allergist, and switched. The difference is amazing!
  18. Does she already have an allergist? DS's asthma is handled by his allergist (it is an allergy and asthma center). If you think this is allergy induced I think it's a good place to start. Next stop would be a pediatric pulmonologist. Hope you get answers soon! Oh, and yes - there are tests. :)
  19. :grouphug: We, too, have an adult child with issues. I'm all too familiar with the cryptic texts, the disappearances, and the judgment.
  20. Sounds like Warehouse 13. They were actually warehouse agents removing artifacts. Oops, is my inner nerd showing? I have not heard of something like this IRL. You know this family personally? Maybe there's more to the story. ...just glad the boy is ok!
  21. We don't have delivery here, but our grocery store will do the shopping for you, and load it into the car. We place our order online, they "shop" it, we pull up and they load it in for us. It's a flat $5 fee, no matter how much we shop. Well worth the $5. The shoppers know us, and they know our preferences re: substitutions and shopping for produce and meats. They do a great job. I think it's a great idea! I can't tell you how many times our "shoppers" are sick though. It's not uncommon for them to be sniffling, or hoarse with a sore throat. So it cuts down on some exposure, but obviously not all. Still, worth it to me in terms of time saved, allergen exposure for our allergic-to-everything son, ease and convenience. I detest grocery shopping.
  22. Oops. Sorry. If I had the books in hand, I'd probably give them a wipe down and just enjoy them. Like Tom said, I remember reading/seeing that germs grow best in moist environments. Thus the reason I think I'm being paranoid. It's probably no riskier than grocery shopping. Or about the same, and that's not optional. That said, I've somehow talked myself into relaxing the paranoia and then returning to it - in the space of this thread! I *hate* the flu, which often turns into something serious for my asthma/allergy kid. So, since I don't have the books yet - I'm going to wait to pick them up till I at least have back up (in the form of DH in town), just in case. It's overkill, I'm sure.
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