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Everything posted by Purpledaizy

  1. I think a matter-of-fact approach works well. Our family has always been very matter-of-fact about our bodies. Although we explain the importance of modesty and privacy, I think that we openly (and appropriately) talk about all our parts has made the kids comfortable. I wasn't raised this way and wanted my my kids to feel comfortable about themselves and be able to discuss any medical or sexual issues openly with us. We go to museums and have had the kids wonder what the other kids are laughing about when they see nudes.
  2. I work outside the home and often use a fresh meal service. Its more expensive than grocery store bought, but considerably less expensive than restaurants. We also waste a lot less food. Before the meal service, I would be so exhausted from work etc. that meal planning, cooking etc. was TORTURE and I ended up taking us out. I suppose the fact that I don't liike to cook is not helpful.
  3. 1993 Subaru Legacy 187,000 clutch replaced in 2004 - other than, that nothing but oil changes and 1 blown out tire :) my baby!!!
  4. As a beginning before/afterschooler, some of ds' friend's parents have begun to question me about hsing. I often hear the "I don't have the patience" line and I totally believe it. I have an older daughter, and I did not have the patience when she was school age to do the type of activities and work I do with ds. Ds is lucky to have me as the person I am now, and I let folks know this. Everyone has different talents and abilities at different times in their life.
  5. I'm wishing you a speedy end to all misery! However, I am totally with you on J and K. They make me want to scream!!
  6. My little guy wants to blog as well. He's only six, so I'm going to set up a 'corner' for him on my blog.
  7. We have two strictly indoor cats and one who would go insane if we didn't let her out. I believe being inside is best but for our Vera its either she goes out or she drives to the brink of sanity with her yowling; and yes she's fixed, but it doesn't seem to have made a differnce.
  8. I agree with the other posters. Etiquette doesn't require that you reciprocate with store bought gifts. Your gift has been welcoming her into your family's life. As she gets older, perhaps your children can help her with household chores such as mowing, dusting, taking out the trash and simply spending time with her. Our grandparents are also long distance and I would love to have a older person be their 'local grandparent.'
  9. I do need to get him more challenging toys and plan more projects. He is such an information junkie, just like mom and dad :) Perhaps listening to the audiobooks/documentaries will help him to hold his interest in the more challenging toys.
  10. Yep! absolutely insatiable! I'm very glad at 6 y.o. he still goes to be around 7:30 or 8 pm. Right now. the alarm goes off at 5:45 and he goes for the dictionary (see a) and reads two or three pages aloud. This take about 20-30 minutes. I am usually only half awake and if he doesn't know a word, he'll spell it for me and wait for an answer. Then downstairs for breakfast where we start poetry reading for memorization for about the 10 minutes it takes for me to get b-fast on the table. Next is vocabulary and spelling. about 10 minutes from Sylan vocabulary success grade 2. And then I'll give him 2 or three sentences to write. All the while I'm ironing, putting on make-up, getting his school bag ready, etc. Dad get him bathed, dressed and off to school. After I get home around 5:30, we start with the 10-15 minutes of schoolwork from the ps. And our evenings vary every night of the week but its almost always math or logic oriented. I have just about all my materials gathered for summer through next year and I'm getting ready to put up another blog post in a few days. I need to get the curriculum and a plan in place asap, because I can't do this haphazardly any more. Its to stressful for him when I try to throw a project together or just put sheet in front of him to do. I think he needs active learning with a schedule and goals to ease his anxiety. Honestly, his brain is a machine and it worries me sometimes. (a) The dictionary is First Dictionary from Parragon Books it has about 25 definitions per page at this level: Bright - something bright give out a lot of light and shines strongly. You should never look at the sun because its light is so bright it will hurt your eyes. etc.... He usually needs help 2 or three times per page. oh, and another thing. he does not like to play for long periods of time. He seems to constantly need purpose. I'm hoping that making dioramas, art projects etc.. will help him to relax a bit. Phew! thanks for listening!
  11. :iagree: Therapy was a major help for me. And I think play therapy would help her give expression to the underlying trauma, and that may help her at night. Good luck to you all. Don't beat yourself up. We are all doing the best we can :grouphug:
  12. I've had a blog in the past, and I'm starting a new one now. I had pics then and I have a bunch up now. The reason I feel safe about the pics is dh's input when I started blogging. Dh is a psychologist who has worked with stalkers, sex offenders and other seriously ill people. The percentage of people who would actually stalk you through your website is so small, you have a better chance of being struck by lightening or winning the big one. 99.999% of stalkers and sex offenders etc..are people you see frequently, like a neighbor, someone you ride the bus with or who works in the same building. I understand why some folks won't take the .001 chance, but I feel safe.
  13. I am adopted and came from a similarly traumatic background. I can tell you that I ha d nightmares like you describe nightly until I was in my mid-twenties. It wasn't until I was about 12 or so that I began to realize the difference between some of my nightmares and reality. I often had the screaming out and not being reached nightmare. I believe it was an expression of my helplessness from that time. dozens of years of therapy later, I am better, but if I'm under unusual stress, I'll have those type of nightmares. Another common one is being chased, but not being able to run away. I'm am so sorry your daughter is going through this. It is a hellish experience. And no picnic for the parents either.
  14. Ds is getting ready for the b-day party of a friend from preschool. Its a no present birthday party, so I suggested ds is make a small book. He asked what should be in it, so I said whatever you have in common(?) His first page is a picture of them both, ahem, naked; with arrows pointing to their, ahem, similarity! :lol:
  15. :iagree: I do this a lot with my ds. His intervention program was for preschoolers with disabilities and ABA was included in his IEP for his specific disability. We live in Ohio and were EXTREMELY fortunate he received this service. He graduated the program the summer before the economic collapse. The following September, ABA was dropped due to budget cuts. I am thankful everyday for what we received.
  16. When ds was a newborn, I swaddled him and put him in the Ergo across my chest. I can't remember exactly how I did it. I don't think they sell the version I had anymore and since they were a new thing, it was nearly impossible to get an insert. Sorry, I know that's not much help.
  17. I LOVE this movie. I watch it every chance I get. I don't think the dance scene is exploring whether or not Olive's dancing is appropriate, or is commentary on beauty pageants. I think the major themes his about winning/losing. Olive loses the beauty pageant, but the whole family ultimately wins, when together they find unity in the absurdity of the situation. and now back booing and hissing at this sad atrocity
  18. Another, you didn't ask... but perhaps enforcing a pre-set consequence after you are finished nursing, bathing etc. If I remember, your kids are old enough that they will remember why they are receiving discipline even if it is meted out little awhile after the offense. I went through this with my then 14 y.o. dd when ds was a newborn. One time she actually said "bye mom, going over to so n so's" and left the house before I could ask if homework, chores etc.. were done. Of course, I couldn't leap off the sofa with a 12 lb baby with latch issues on my breast :tongue_smilie: She spent that weekend at home washing the floors and staying in her room :lol:
  19. Completely appalling. Had I been there, I would have left, covering ds' eyes along the way.
  20. just wanted to throw my .02. My ds who is ASD did this for a time. His therapist considered it verbal stim. It went away on its own when another stim appeared.
  21. I loved my Ergo Carrier, very versatile. We used it during a cruise and everyone commented how easy it was for to get around without using a stroller. The one I used had a roomy front pouch to carry a baggie of wipes, a few diapers, small silky, crackers etc. I'll try to dig up some pics of me using it.
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