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Everything posted by scrapbookbuzz

  1. I am part of a Writer's Group where I live, as I am working on a novel myself, and I can tell you a few places to start and some to avoid! AVOID (at all costs): Publish America (They've been known to take your manuscript and sell it overseas, etc, without giving you anything for it. This is not rumor but actual fact.) A trusted publisher (I personally know an author that is using this one with great results): Strategic Publishing I'll look through my notes tomorrow and see what else I've written down that might help you.
  2. Never been on food stamps but I have helped those who were. And, I must say that, until reading through this thread, I was thinking that regulating food stamps was a good idea. But, the truth is, that 97% of Americans who *aren't* on welfare don't even eat wisely. You're right in that if you need food stamps then spend it on food that's necessary but, on the other hand, we don't always know the reasons behind others' actions. When I first went to apply for WIC I felt very poor and weird. I wasn't dirt poor but not rich either. We just needed some help. When I first applied, when I moved here when my dd was 4 weeks old, we didn't qualify and I was the only one with a job - a part time one at that! When I had my son, 6 years later, my dh had just been laid off from a job but we qualified this time around. Go figure! Anyway, I've learned to be thankful for WIC. I've since come to the conclusion that if I'm paying tax dollars then at least I can benefit from them as well, right? It's been very helpful and I'm very thankful for it!
  3. Ooo, Suzanne, I live in AZ but I didn't know about that! Will have to check that out! To the OP :*), there are several lovely places to stay in AZ, but if you're truly wanting to stay on the coast, I would highly recommend Monterey, CA, for a romantic getaway. Literally everything there is within walking distance. And Santa Cruz is about an hour away and San Fran, 2 hours, by car. Beautiful weather year 'round in Monterey, fantastic restaurants (you'll definitely want to go to Fishermen's Grotto on the Wharf), movie theatres, etc. If you do decide to go there, send me a PM and I'll give you a list of great places to visit/enjoy!
  4. Now, this suggestion is WAY easier SAID than done, however, it DOES help! Another poster recommended eating them fresh from the garden and I agree. I also know from experience that cutting WAY back on your refined sugar intake actually allows you to taste the natural sweetness of veggies after a short while. I know, I know, I love my sugar, too. BUT veggies really are naturally sweet when we allow ourselves to really taste them! HTH!
  5. My chiro has scoliosis himself, not that you could tell, and he's always very willing to answer questions about it. I've been to a few chiropractors. He's the second one I've visited here in AZ and he is MUCH better than the first one I visited! Anyway, if you'd like his number, please send me a PM. I'll be glad to give it to you.
  6. What is it with beef already? Rats. As much as I love my burgers, being an Illini beef and corn fed girl and all, I think I'll just be much healthier these days if I just kiss it goodbye! Goodness! (PS Thank you for caring about all of us! :) )
  7. I am currently reading Shibanu. Don't remember the author's name and I'm too lazy, at the moment, to go upstairs and look! I do know, though, that it's a Newberry Honor book.
  8. And here I am thinking, "How did an Hispanic woman wind up marrying a Russian man?" Wow! (I don't really have any advice for you. I feel like you should separate yourself from this family but, then again, as someone said, they clearly are in need of someone's compassion. Perhaps you'll be able to find a healthy balance. Easier said than done, I know!)
  9. Drinking cranberry juice (yes, even the Ocean Spray sweetened kind) has ALWAYS helped me, from the time I was a child until now. Perhaps that would help?
  10. This was the first part of the article: USMagazine, May 26, 2009 Related: Brooke Shields Brooke Shields says she wishes she learned to "love the way" she looked "earlier."Why? "I think I would have had sex a lot earlier!" the actress jokes in the June issue of Health magazine. "I think I would have lost my virginity earlier than I did at 22." "I had the public and this pressure, and I wish I had just gotten it over with in the beginning, when it was sort of OK. I think I could have been much more in touch with myself," Shields -- who was a child model -- continues. My question is: What difference does it make NOW? And how SAD that she seems to think she "missed out" by not losing her virginity earlier!
  11. Did anyone else see the article in which Brooke Shields basically states she wished she'd accepted her (body weight) when she was younger because she thinks, if she had, she would have definitely lost her virginity earlier?? I'm floored, saddened, disheartened, disgusted, addyourownadjective, etc!
  12. Reading through here, it looks like we're ALL forgetting one very important thing: besides learning about God, we're put on this earth to HELP EACH OTHER in our times of need. That also means that we must **be willing to accept that help**. I know this is tough. With my son, I was on bedrest for the last part of the pregnancy. I wasn't even allowed to make meals. When I told this to my 5yo dd (at the time), she said, "That's okay, Mommy, I can make my own lunch." And she did! She pulled out the pb&j and bread and made herself a sandwich! My point: don't underestimate your kids and think they can't do anything without your help. You'll be amazed at what they CAN do when you let them! Also, someone mentioned military wives and how they "do this all the time (without their husbands)." Well, you should keep in mind that they usually have neighbors or other military friends/wives or a Family Support Group that is there to help them. 2nd point: DON'T go it alone just 'cause "nobody does it right except me." That's just foolish pride. Give those who love you the opportunity to use their ministry gifts to minister to you and BE THANKFUL!;) When I was preggo with ds I actually asked some born organized friends to come do some housecleaning. My husband was mortified because if Housekeeping was a class, I'd have a steady D! BUT, I knew it needed to be done and I couldn't do it. So they did. Yes, they made comments but more in the line of ,"Do you have someone you can call on to help you with this?" They truly had my best interests at heart. Okay, I'm done giving my two cents...or more. HTH someone! :grouphug:
  13. Let him be a kid. Were you and I doing formal writing at the age of 4 or 5? No, we were playing in sandboxes and listening to stories. Let him be. Also, it may be his way of 'decompressing' or dealing with the change from one school format to another. Basically, I'd just let him be a kid for awhile and let him PLAY. That's how kids at that age really learn! HTH!
  14. I kind of liked the movie. Have to go find the book now (I'm pretty sure I bought it recently) and see how much better it is!
  15. I was very disappointed in the movie. I really enjoyed reading The Borrowers when I was a child.
  16. Now them's fightin' words! :lol: I saw the movie Twilight first before I read the book and I'm glad. But I like all the books AND the movie. However, I agree with a previous poster that you have to view the films and books as completely separate entities. With Inkheart, though, I didn't enjoy either one, although I'm glad I read a little bit of the book first...it helped me understand the movie!
  17. I understand part of your frustration. When we first moved here, we were staying with my sister. She already had cats, so I couldn't bring mine.:glare: So, they went to one of her friends house, with the understanding that her friend was permanently adopting the cats. It was tough, but we did it. Well, after dh still hadn't found a job in about four months after moving her, and me with only a part-time job, my sis decides that 1) We can't live rent-free with her anymore (I understand this, but we were barely pulling an income, to begin with) 2) We had to be OUT OF THE HOUSE from 9am-5pm Saturdays AND Sundays! (Mind you, I had a nursing infant at the time!) 3) If we couldn't begin to pay rent, then we had move out of her house by a certain date! This was all very stressful and we didn't find anyplace to live until the day before we were supposed to vacate her beloved condo. I was calling SHELTERS to see how they worked because I thought we would have to live in one! So, you see, so many of us have been in similar situations. And, while I understand that it's hard to see things clearly through the storm, I also know that God DOES have a plan and it's not to harm you. Remember Job? He went through SO much loss! But, in the end, he figured out that God had a plan. I know God has a plan for you in this. I will be praying that He reveals it to YOU! :) :grouphug:
  18. :grouphug: I'm not even going to pretend that I have any advice. But I will pray for you! Lord, Almighty King, please help your daughter know what to do! And bring to her brothers and sisters from a humble, Godly church who are willing to help her in her and her family in this time of trial. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen!
  19. I think I vaguely remember that reference but not completely.
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