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Everything posted by BatmansWife

  1. Normally I would agree with you. But the 8 year is more like a 4 year old and the 9 year old has her own set of troubles too. Thank you everyone! I have not had to start counting yet. Right now I'm with them for about an hour before they get on the school bus, and sometimes for a few hours after school. In the summer the days will be really long though. I got a taste of that this spring break where I had them 3 full days. It went ok...not perfect, but ok.
  2. I'm 47 and have never had my ears pierced, or any other piercings either for that matter. I have never had the desire. I don't really get why anybody would want to...but that's just me. When I was growing up, my dad would not allow my mom, me, or my 3 younger sisters (I was the oldest of 4 girls) to get our ears pierced. I remember he said, "You already have enough holes in your head." LOL! No big deal to me. I did have quite the collection of clip-ons, and some of the older screw-ons, though that I liked wearing. Then, when my dad was 45 he had a stroke. I was about 18 and already out of the house and married. It wasn't long that my mom and all 3 of my sisters got their ears pierced (the girls would have been about age 12, 11, and 7). Personally I always felt that was a bit disrespectful of them to do that. My oldest daughter got hers pierced after turning 18. My youngest said she never will.
  3. I posted about it on my blog. We like it, but we haven't used it long enough to know if it's all you need for grammar. I do think it's a bit light (but again, we aren't too far along yet). I was actually thinking of adding Easy Grammar along with it next year.
  4. OK...this helps a little. Thanks. Yeah...we've never did time out either. Basically I want X to happen when I say it and I don't even want to get to a number 1. :lol: But...we'll see how this goes with the other kids.
  5. I don't post much on this particular board...but I didn't think the homeschool curriculum board would be the place to ask this. :001_smile: I've recently starting babysitting two kids, ages 8 and 9. They both have issues. The mom implements 1-2-3 Magic, supposedly (I'm not sure if it's on a regular basis). I actually did read the book years ago, but I never implemented it because it turned out I never needed to. I've been lucky that my kids have always been really good and well behaved. By now I don't remember what's in the book...I could read the book again, if I really need to. But, gosh...I have enough to do. Can anyone give me the jist of how it works?
  6. I've talked the author, Elizabeth, before (she lives not too far from me). It doesn't expire. She's great about answering e-mails if you want to ask her yourself (which I'd rather you do than just take my word for it ;) ).
  7. I'll bump this for you. I haven't used it. I've never even heard of it. I like what I see. Wish they had middle school grades. That's what I'm trying to find.....something for 6th. Every sample I look at (Time 4 Learning, etc) just doesn't appeal to me...or it looks too advanced. I really like how Science4Us looks.
  8. We really liked Beautiful Feet Early American History Primary. If you can get the books at the library, than you'd only need to buy the guide...which is reasonable priced.
  9. I had our school get one for my daughter. We chose a Boogie Board Jot at Amazon, which has a replaceable battery (wasn't too much more than one with a non replaceable battery). We like it a lot.
  10. Is he only doing the TT math work on the computer, or are you having him also use the TT workbook? I think it's very important to be using the workbook so he's also doing math with paper and pencil.
  11. Another free art site is Arttango.
  12. We really like the one from Rainbow Resource. Search for "Bones Book & Skeleton". It looks great as a display after you put it together too.
  13. From my experience...which has been years ago...get there early. There will be a long line before the doors open. There will probably be a stampede once the doors open. :001_rolleyes: Back in the day (when I went to a yearly homeschool conference / used book sale) the in thing was to bring ones of those smallish rolling suitcases. It was SUPER handy. Have some water and a snack in there too. Although...this was when there would be other vendors and you'd spend all day there. Not sure if that would be something you'd want to bring to just a used curriculum sale. I'm not sure what you're looking to score, but when I went I'd bring my Rainbow Resource catalog in my rolling suitcase too. I know...it's huge. But, it came in really handy to check on prices. Of course, these days if you have a smart phone or something you can just check prices online right there. Also, check if there are empty boxes around or under the table...grab one and put the stuff you are considering inside the box (they probably wouldn't want you putting stuff in the suitcase before you pay). Don't sit there and examine and try to decide if you really want that thing or not...cuz someone else could be snagging what you want. Put it in the box and move on. When you think you are all done looking...then sit and look through what's in your box. If you don't want it, put it back on the table. PS...this was a tip my FIL gave me for shopping at garage sales. :lol: Well, I don't know how much of this advice you can use for the event you are going to...but have fun and hope you find some great stuff!!
  14. Hmmm...not sure what you mean. Aren't we talking about Essentials in Writing? ETA: Or do you mean "different program" referring to MUS?
  15. In the level we used (I think it was grade 4), it looks like his eyes are closed. It's a weird angle to the camera or something. It's just really odd. Also...while I'm at it ( :lol: ) I will mention that his voice is kinda girly too. Maybe some wouldn't be bothered, but my kids don't like that (in fact, if I had gotten this program for my son I know for a fact he would have refused to use it). And...I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to mistakes; like in poor book editing. So it bugs me when he makes mistakes, such as spelling a word wrong on the board. He usually fixes it, but still.... :glare: I mean...can't you call "cut" and redo it?? But...if you'd rather look at things positively...I guess you can tell your kid.."See, we all make mistakes..."
  16. Another vote for Home Art Studio. My dd also likes drawing tutorials on youtube. Timberdoodle has a really good drawing dvd...but it's pricey. Which one did you get? My daughter wants one...she learned how to do her own from youtube...and they've turned out really cool. But, I know she'd like a book too.
  17. The author recommends starting near the end of EG (the capitalization / punctuation units) and then going back to the beginning of the book and using DG simultaneously...kind of as a warm-up.
  18. We are using Fix It without ever having used any other IEW product. I didn't mention Fix It, because we don't use it independently. But...I think you can do it that way. I have a blog post about Fix It, if you're interested.
  19. I think Growing with Grammar meets all that you are looking for.
  20. This reminds me of when my son was in 4th grade. That was the one year we did an online virtual school. One question he was given was something like: What would you wear in the fall? The choices were a t-shirt, sweater, jacket, or coat. My son choose sweater. It was jacket, so he got it wrong. Well, why can't you wear a sweater in the fall? Basically...schools like this leave little to no room for thinking outside the box. And, yes I know Ellie...this is why you never used an online virtual school either. :lol: Couldn't resist.
  21. OK...so I'm going to sound really dumb...I just looked at it. What are the two historical periods in 6th? Looks like the first year of Ancient History to me.
  22. Isn't that because that's what it is? That's too bad you don't care for it. For the most part, we've really enjoyed the books. I thought the books in 3 looked really good. When we ordered 4 I ordered a few titles from 3 that we had never read, just so we don't miss out on them. We get our BookShark free from the school district too. Are you in WI by chance?? Funny how there can be so many different opinions about the same thing, huh? :001_smile:
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