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Everything posted by Negin

  1. :grouphug: :party: :hurray: :D Cyndi, soooo happy for you! :grouphug:
  2. Everyone has great tips. These may be repeats of what others have said. EAT MORE Drink LOTS of water. If you already drink plenty of water, drink more! Foods rich in Omega-3 Walnuts Fatty fish (salmon and cod) Omega-3s help the body to produce more tear layer around the eye, which creates more lubricated eyes EAT LESS Limit caffeine Eliminate artificial sweeteners SUPPLEMENTS A good Fish Oil – such as Carlson’s Omega-3s help the body to produce more tear layer around the eye, which creates more lubricated eyes Dandelion Root Tea OTHER TIPS Blink often Use humidifier in home if air is dry. Change the water and clean and disinfect tank frequently. Avoid rubbing eyes Eye drops labeled “artificial tearsâ€. Don’t get those that are meant to relieve redness or itchy eyes. Try homeopathic Optique 1 by Boiron http://www.theratears.com/nutrition.htm
  3. This, plus the fact that I had THE worst migraine ever for 2-3 days, so I really missed out on all the rather shallow and frivolous fun :lol:. I feel that I was deprived of it all and now I have to go back and catch up. Yes, agreeing with Wyndie - it really depends on my mood and the extent of my desire to avoid doing the things I really should be doing ... :tongue_smilie:
  4. Stacia, I love Dan Brown. :) I finished and ended up liking A Reliable Wife ... okay. Not the greatest book ever, not the worst book either. Fairytalemama, your review is a fabulous one. I started and gave up on The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It failed my 10% rule and I just found it far too depressing and I'm just not in the mood for all the science/in-depth cervical cancer stuff. Really, really not in the mood for that at all ... Not sure what to read next.
  5. Yes, this often puzzles me also. :confused: Yes, that's annoying to say the least. :iagree: I have one friend and a cousin who do this all. the. time :glare: Have had to hide a close friend who is in MLM and her never-ending posts were out of control. I'm trying to consciously reduce how often I post on FB just to not annoy others. I haven't yet "unfriended" anyone. I think that's rude. Or maybe it's not. If it's not rude, please tell me and I'll gladly unfriend a few! My cousin unfriended me. Off with her head :lol:. Actually, I'm happy that she did. She was the type to post every 2 seconds with statuses of where she is and what her kids do ... If people annoy me (and no, Cyndi, it's never you :grouphug:), I hide them from my News Feed. I hate the layout of FB. I generally don't like FB.
  6. Thank you for these. Will send the links to dd and see if she likes them. Zahrah is a Persian name. :)
  7. Very interesting thread. I'd like to answer it later and read all the replies when I have more time. But for now, just remembered this: years ago, an acquaintance told me that her ex used to extremely specific and demanding as to how much she should weigh and even gave her measurements that she would work towards. She was never even overweight. She divorced him and changed her s@xual orientation and was happy with her new partner. :tongue_smilie:
  8. :lol: I love this thread, btw. You should do it every week. Me too ... terrible, horrible, no good week :grouphug: I hope the info helps. :lol: and I just want to tell you that my dd and I love your user name and avatar Love cotton candy! In France, as you may well know, they're called "barbe du papa" (Daddy's beard). :D Better future for myself: trying, trying, trying to exercise more regularly. I guess that counts. :tongue_smilie: Health is important. Better future for those not related to me: prayed for some, kind thoughts for some (but not all :tongue_smilie:), smiled and was friendly to some - grocery store, etc. - was generous with tips at the grocery store (boy who brings our bags to the car, etc.). But I don't know if all that counts for a better "future" ... is future long-term or short-term? :confused: Such a sweet thread. Makes you learn to appreciate all the small things in life. :)
  9. Thank you for this. :) I have an uncomfortable feeling that I won't like it at all. Not sure :confused:. For me, endings are everything. They're key. I don't need a perfectly happy sugar-coated ending, but at least some form of closure and some happiness would be nice. I'm that way with movies as well. I like his writing style. Again, not sure if I'll like this book.
  10. Thanks for the update and the good news. I had been thinking of you. :grouphug:
  11. Cold Sassy Tree no longer interested me. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl was too painful and I just can't deal with all that pain right now. Watching "Roots" was enough for me this year and reading "Night" as well. I just started A Reliable Wife and my expectations are not very high. ;)
  12. No, I don't believe in demons or possession. I don't believe in "an evil" and am not sure what you mean by that. However, I do believe that there is evil.
  13. Thank you, Cindy. I have the children's version but am not sure if dd would be up for some of the suggestions in the Teen Version. I'll look for some sample pages.
  14. Yes, that was funny. :D Brilliant writing.
  15. I hope you're right. I despise looting, but then again, the U.S. gets a very rare situation like Katrina when all hell breaks loose. :confused:
  16. I wanted one too until I just lots and I mean lots of negative reviews on amazon. I loathe pencils. :glare:
  17. This looks interesting - What Turns People Into Looters - having experienced looting first-hand, I've just started to read it and thought to share.
  18. I feel that way about dinner also. :D Breakfast, great. Lunch .. yuck. Dinner ... double yuck. :lol:
  19. Very good timeline and map of exactly what happened. I'm starting at the bottom of the page and working my way forward.
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