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Everything posted by Negin

  1. :iagree: Here's the info I have. If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day. If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. An average-sized adult can, under normal circumstances, take 5,000 IU per day. Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption. Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency Don't be concerned that 2,000-5,000 IU will give you too much. The human body can make 10,000 IU of Vitamin D in 30 minutes of sun exposure – children included – with no ill effects. In addition, no adverse effects have been seen with supplemental vitamin D intakes up to 10,000 IU daily. To this day, medical textbooks mention the risk of vitamin D toxicity. Yet, the scientific literature suggests that toxicity occurs only with very large intakes of vitamin D over prolonged periods (more than 10,000 IUs daily for longer than 6 months). Except in people with disorders known as granulomatosis (such as sarcoidosis or tuberculosis), little risk (if any) is associated with vitamin D supplementation. WHO IS DEFICIENT IN D? Most people are deficient! • Body-mass index (BMI) and obesity • Older people • Dark-skinned people • Strict vegetarians • People with celiac, Crohn’s disease, and cystic fibrosis • Heredity • Certain medications • Regular use of sunscreen • Northern Latitudes (above that of Atlanta, Georgia) D3 in pill form is very poorly absorbed. Be sure to take the oil-filled gelatin capsules, and take them with a meal that contains fat to help with absorption. If you have your D3 levels tested and you’re low, you can go up to 10,000 IU per day for a couple of months, and then re-test to see if there's improvement. If you get your D3 levels tested, I think the ideal is to get them to levels of at least 60-70. If it turns out that your body just doesn't absorb vitamin D very well, you may wish to talk to your doctor about whether 30 minutes of daily sun exposure in warm weather or very short tanning sessions in cold weather would be appropriate.
  2. This thread is very interesting and relevant to me, since I'm going through the same exact thoughts these days - how to do a good rotation. I'm OCD also, or, as they say on pinterest - Anyway, when it comes to this very topic, I've become obsessed. :DI started a similar thread, although my workouts are different to yours, on the Video Fitness forums. I think you'd like those forums. As for me, I get bored very easily and need lots of variety. I don't have BBL, although I wouldn't mind getting it. I'm quite sure I would fail the pencil test also. I'm scared to even ask what it is :tongue_smilie:. If you need specific tips for cellulite, let me know. Might help. I'm no longer a lover of heavy duty cardio either, as you'll see on that thread. Someone wrote this on that thread: "You don't need the perfect rotation. You just need a good mix of the right kind of exercise that you enjoy enough to keep doing and that don't make you ravenous." :iagree:
  3. Exactly, this is how I feel about both topics. I've come to a point in my life where I think it's sad/weird/odd to not share one's age with, at the very least, close friends, etc. Sort of a litmus test for me when it comes to friendship. ;) Also, yes, every additional year comes with immense gratitude. :) I'll be 44 in March.
  4. Thank you so much for this. I need to remember to use Khan Academy in our lessons more often. I tend to forget. :glare: Thanks for the reminder and this one, on the French Revolution, seems particularly interesting.
  5. Agreeing with pretty much all of the responses. Thought to share my notes also. All of this has been already mentioned, I think. You may crave sugar because you have a yeast overgrowth. Craving any food that turns into sugar quickly can be either due to an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans or a blood sugar imbalance. Sugar is candida's food. Like all living things, this tiny yeast fights hard to stay alive. When it's starving, it will do whatever it can to trick or beg you to give it food. But eating sweets and refined carbs and starches just perpetuates an overgrowth and another craving cycle. If you have too much candida, you have to starve it, kill it with antifungals, and increase your colonies of yeast-fighting friendly bacteria with probiotics. See more info on Candida at the end of this post. A sugar craving is often a sign of a need for more protein. One should eat protein at every meal. Try to limit all refined sugars and grains. They cause insulin levels to spike and then drop. When insulin is low, one craves sugar. Your body metabolizes protein sloer than refined foods, so you’re less likely to crave sugar if you’re eating enough nuts, eggs, chicken, and fish. Chromium helps stabilize blood sugar.
  6. I would so appreciate it if you could, when you get the chance. My dd really wants to be a fashion designer. This would be so helpful for her. Thank you. :)
  7. Not a homeschooling book, but a wonderful book nonetheless, which I need to read again. This was our read-aloud a few years ago. We all enjoyed it. I'd like to read it again.
  8. All I have time for today are some different yoga moves, a few weights, and stretches. Hope all goes well. Thinking of you. :grouphug: I remember that stage. :)
  9. All I have time for today are some different yoga moves, a few weights, and stretches.
  10. Thank you all so much. Breakfast was great, thanks to all your helpful suggestions. :) The casserole was very yummy, even my dh, who doesn't normally like that sort of thing had two servings and loved it.
  11. I just started The Shadow of the Wind. I like it so far, even though it's quite unlike what I normally read. :)
  12. Yes, that's what we did also. No regrets whatsoever. :)
  13. Again, thank you so much everyone. :grouphug: Quick and rather idiotic question: I'm preparing the casserole this evening and baking tomorrow morning. I'm preparing the muffins tonight also. If I bake them tomorrow morning, so that they're nice and warm - that might not work, right? The flavor and smell of the cheese/bacon/mushrooms/onions would affect the muffins, correct? :confused: I wanted the muffins to be warm. I guess I need to bake the muffins tonight, let them cool, and then, if time allows, quickly heat them in the morning ... no microwave in our home. I could place them on the stovetop while the casserole is baking. Tomorrow morning, hope you can make it. :D Wish you could all make it. :)
  14. Only a few stretches and yoga moves. No time for much else.
  15. I don't know why gmail, FB, pretty much all of this stuff just keeps getting worse and uglier. Pinterest seems to be the only place that's still okay. I still hate the new FB.
  16. :iagree: Of all the learning style books I've read, and I've read many, her descriptions are my absolute favorite. :) Plus, she gives helpful recommendations for each learning style.
  17. Only did a little bit of stretching and yoga moves.
  18. You are so very helpful. Thank you. :) I'm thinking: Some kind of Casserole (as above) Coffee Cake OR Muffins and ... what do you think of also doing a Baked French Toast? (or is that too much)? Thanks again.
  19. I'm inviting some people for breakfast this weekend. Would really appreciate your feedback, etc. Fresh fruit - of course Then, I'm thinking - something savory and something sweet. Ideally, I would prefer to avoid last-minute preparation by the stove - as in pancakes, etc. I would love to have both savory and sweet be baked/casserole-type stuff - as in a Savory Casserole and a Baked French Toast, but it would look silly to have two 9x13 inch pans on the table ... SAVORY A Baked Casserole (never made, but should be fairly uncomplicated, I think) - Sausage Hash Brown OR Bacon Hash Brown SWEET I make great Belgian Waffles -but, they do require a bit of last-minute work. Not too much, but a bit. Muffins - no last-minute prep Any other ideas? Thank you so much. :)
  20. I used to be able to type in "Dec" and it would then show "December" and even the entire date. No more. How can I enable this function again, without having to type up each and every month every. single. time? Thank you.
  21. Crunch: Pick Your Spot Pilates - nice 30-minute workout with Ellen Barrett :)
  22. Stacia, I'm so happy for you all. :grouphug: Sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time. :D
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