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Everything posted by Negin

  1. New Year's isn't that far away. Enjoy your trip and family time, I say. :) I think I've come up with a plan that's do-able for me. The Denise Austin diet until March, when I have to fast for religious reasons. If anyone's interested, I can copy and paste that info here. After that, something like Bolt's plan of Healthy Eating for maintenance. HCG has worked very well for me in the past. I may, just may do that if needed, but more of a last resort.
  2. This is very helpful. Thank you so much. I may very well do this plan. :)
  3. Nothing today. Woke up late. Ate too much yesterday, but had such fun doing so Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
  4. Joanne, congrats! So very happy for you. I always love your posts on these boards and you contribute so much. By the way, you don't look obese at all. You're beautiful. Not that obese people can't be beautiful. That does sound rather stupid. Just thought I'd say that you are gorgeous and you don't look obese.
  5. Is this a specific plan? Do they have a site? I tried to do a search. I'm racking my brains as to what do. I have lost a lot of weight in the past through HCG. However, as with pretty much all diets, one does gain the weight back if you don't stick to it. That's the hardest part for me. I'm trying to think of a plan that's do-able and practical given my current lifestyle. I hate being on a diet and having to cook and prepare food for others. That, for me, is the absolute hardest. If I lived alone, it wouldn't be hard for me at all. It's all the food prep that's killing me.
  6. So very sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: The absolute best book I have found is this one. Here's the site. When he was first diagnosed, he was only given a few months to live, or something like that. He managed to live for 20 years. His book is based on personal experience and very scientifically-based, overall a very well-balanced book, that's also full of hope. I hope and pray that you can remain as strong as can be during this very difficult time.
  7. Lots of stretching. I need it to hopefully prevent soreness and stiffness from the cooking I'm about to do. Merry Christmas everyone!
  8. Stacia, you read my mind exactly. When I posted yesterday, I remembered this book and giggled :lol: . I was in a rush and didn't have time to post about it. You beat me to it and have made me laugh once again :grouphug: . I don't even remember if I still have my copy. Merry Christmas to you also. Yes, I have fond memories of lots of chocolate at Christmas. :) I grew up in Wales. Merry Christmas to all!
  9. Stretching and few yoga moves only. Have to re-do my last-minute grocery list, since the island is all out of eggs. No time for much else today.
  10. Stacia, I couldn't stop laughing! :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:
  11. Maybe it's just my misunderstanding about the grovelling part. But in the dialogue, which to me was not that well-written to begin with, every sentence or paragraph, pretty much, would have her saying his name. And him, not once that I remember. Why did she have to keep saying his name over and over? My only gripe was that it was distracting. People don't usually speak like that.
  12. Rosie, I would so love to visit Australia (or even live there). But please don't tell me that the females grovel like that, "Joe" this and "Joe" that. Maybe it was just my cranky mood over the weekend and lack of patience. I go through these slightly feminist phases where everything just gets to me :banghead:. I may have been too sensitive to all that. I did notice that he hardly ever called her by name. That part of it was too one-sided for my liking.
  13. How many books did you read and did you meet or beat your own personal goal? 63. Yes, I met my goal. My original goal was in the low 30s, if my memory serves me correctly. What are your top 5 (or more) favorite stories? Catching Fire & Mockingjay - cheating a bit and counting them as one. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas The Beginner's Goodbye Exodus The Invisible Wall Top 5 least favorites? Death in Holy Orders The Lighthouse Blue Shoes and Happiness The Cat's Table The Andromeda Strain One book you thought you would never read and was pleasantly surprised you liked it? Catching Fire & Mockingjay Most thrilling unputdownable book? When She Woke One book you thought you would love, but didn't? Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace Which book or books had the greatest impact on you this year? The Maxwells of Montreal (a Baha'i book) Do you have a favorite cover or quote from a story you'd like to share? (Share a shelfie) It's very difficult to pick out my favorite quote. "But I love Siamese twins (although I think the politically correct term is conjoined twins). It’s so nice to see siblings bond. I have one sister and I won’t even share my house with her, let alone my spleen." ~ Joan Rivers, I Hate Everyone Starting With Me This is my daughter's shelfie. Love it. What book would you recommend everyone read? Yoga for Women - fiction is far too subjective. You can't go wrong with yoga and we'd all benefit from it. :) What was your most favorite part of the challenge? Reading everyone's posts and getting fabulous recommendations. :)
  14. I'll get back to reading all the replies on this thread later. I always love the wrap-up threads of the year. My wish list keeps growing with all the great suggestions. :) This week I read A Town Like Alice - 3 Stars. The early part of the novel during WWII was gripping and very interesting. I loved it and could barely put it down. But after that, it just got boring. I didn’t care about her wanting to make shoes and all the excessive details – travel and otherwise – the story just went downhill from that point on. That’s also when the dialogue, particularly Jean’s groveling dialogue to Joe, drove me out of my mind. Every sentence and paragraph would have her saying, “Yes, Joe†or “Joe†this or “Joe†that. It was extremely annoying, particularly when the Joe would hardly ever mention her name.
  15. No workout yesterday or today. I woke up too late on both days. I'll be on my feet a lot, getting ready for all the cooking, and doing more groceries also.
  16. Sorry for not posting yesterday. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  17. I love this series and just started reading them this year. I should have probably listed her as my favorite also.
  18. Rebounding :grouphug: Wishing you all the best. Take it one day at a time. Be patient. Start slow, as you're already doing. So happy to see you back. You've been missed. Hope your vacation was a lovely one. :)
  19. I love threads like this. :) Choosing favorites in either category is hard! Fiction - this one is really difficult for me to choose. I'll go with The Beginner's Goodbye, but there are a few others that are very close. Non-Fiction: The Invisible Wall - this is a memoir, so therefore I consider it non-fiction
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