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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Just saw the second one last night. We're not looking forward to withdrawal symptoms after the third. I read somewhere, (and I hope that it's not true), that it will be two years before Season 4 may come out. Say it isn't so! We only just got into Sherlock a few weeks ago and watched them all through Christmas, etc. Thought some of you might like my Pinterest board. For those of you who've seen the second episode :lol: :
  2. Same exact thing happened to me last week. I also returned it after about 10 or so pages. Love this and thought to share.
  3. I love, love, love these. I've read a few of them this year. Can't wait to read more. :) I miss reading that series. They were hard to get into at first, but then I just loved the story.
  4. About to do 3 Miles of Leslie.
  5. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  6. I just did an Ellen Barrett ballet pilates video from You Tube.
  7. For me, it's 10%. If a book doesn't grab me in the first 10%, I'm done. Life is too short to read books that I don't like.
  8. 2 Miles of Leslie. Thank you. I feel better today, yet not completely well yet. This should be on every scale in every woman's house.
  9. Nothing today. Something I ate didn't agree with me last night and I slept terribly. Tomorrow will be a better day. :grouphug:
  10. I want to thank you for starting this thread. I also want to say that you're all in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Will soon be doing 2 Miles of Leslie. Lisa, hope you feel better by now :grouphug: . Simple yoga is wonderful if you can manage it.
  12. Lush Henna hasn't made my hair go red at all. Mind you, I obviously have much darker hair than you, but still this type of henna does not go red when used correctly. I read all the reviews and took notes. I love their henna. I first heard about it on these boards and am forever grateful to all those who recommended it.
  13. Rebounding. Kim, I hope you feel better. I can fully relate to the cookies problem. I can't wait until all the chocolates are done. Hope your trip out of town is a nice one. Yes, Fully agree. :) I need to develop more discipline like you. When it comes to my eating as of late, I'm quite disgusted with myself. Hope your injury heals quickly and that you feel better very soon. Yes. A girl after my own heart. :lol:
  14. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  15. Few yoga sequences and other moves. I wanted to do some rebounding, but just couldn't face doing that. Susan, are we twins? This is me exactly. I even drive my teens to the gym every morning. :lol: When it comes to working out, I'm a loner and cannot stand others making conversation. I try to be flexible about it at times and laugh at some of their comments, but it can get annoying and I just need that alone time.
  16. Love VF forums and visit them daily. I love, love, love your posts and workout suggestions :grouphug: . Will have to look into the doyogawithme site. Thank you for that link. Michelle, I can fully relate. The holidays have not helped. When it comes to food, I have almost zero self-control. I have found that it's mostly about diet and lowering my caloric intake. Some say that when it comes to weight loss, diet is 80% and exercise is 20%. I think that for me it might even be 90/10. I'm not at all happy about that, since I love to exercise (when I have time), but I also love food. Starting in the coming week, I plan on eating much less and having smaller portions - a Denise Austin plan that seems very simple and straightforward. I really hope that I can stick to it. On that plan, you're not meant to workout intensely or for too long. If you have body parts that are of specific concern - arms, abs, inner thighs, back fat - I have workout/DVD suggestions for most body parts. These are what others have posted and what I now works best for me also (when I stick to it, of course and when I improve my eating habits): "I lost 50 pounds doing only light workouts - Ellen Barrett, fusion, Pilates, yoga, etc., and no cardio. However, I followed a strict calorie-counting diet. I have always maintained that it's all about the diet, at least for me." "When I did my Leslie Sansone/Yoga combination last year I was at my absolute slimmest. I went several pounds beneath my goal weight and was tiny, and I'm 5-8 and not naturally tiny. I did it for several months. I am back to Leslie and yoga now because it works."
  17. Stretches only. I seriously need to eat less and be more disciplined. Sugar and everything else hangover is not fun. It was fun while it lasted, however.
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