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Everything posted by katarzyna

  1. I hope someone can use it. http://misterguch.brinkster.net/freestuff.html
  2. The Ten Commandments of Math 1. Thou shalt not divide by zero. 2. Thou shalt not put other textbooks before thee in math class. 3. Thou shalt show thy work; check thy work and confirm that thy results are reasonable. 4. Remember thy test days and prepare for them wholly. 5. Thou shalt honor the correct order of operations. 6. Thou shalt not do thy math papers in ink. 7. Thou shalt commit the facts of arithmetic to memory. 8. Thou shalt do unto one side of as equation what thou doest to the other. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy original problem; thou shalt copy thy problems accurately and legibly. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s paper, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.
  3. The Quiz questions on a computer are way different that the questions in Assessement book .
  4. My daughter is using this textbook for Algebra 1, and loves it. I have the ExamView Test Generator which creates the test for me or I can create them myself and so far (chapter 11) she passed each test with an average of 87%.I would also like to add that she is not a very mathy child, and we have done every lesson in this textbook, where PS skips a lot of them.I find this textbook to be a great fit for her, but without the Homework Lectures it can be quite confusing.We plan to continue with Prentice Hall for Geometry and Algebra 2.
  5. My daughter has used Biology by Prentice Hall, and loved it. Very easy to use and the Publisher provides a lot of support. http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=cbk&wcsuffix=9999 You can purchase it cheap on ebay.
  6. I have two children and they both spoke German since they were born, however, once they reached around 3-5 years old they started to responed in English only.My best friend had the same problem... When we go to Germany or when the Oma comes over they speak German, but not with me.I have asked why they don't speak German to me and I was told YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and Oma and the people in Germany don't. Viel Glueck!!! katarzyna
  7. I have found this website and I'm curious if anyone has heard or used this curriculum Excellence in Literature by IEW. http://www.everyday-education.com/literature/eng3.shtml
  8. I don't think that IEW carries "How to Write a Novel" I could be wrong, but I have just checked and don't see anything like it.
  9. I have just found these and they look great. I hope someone can use it. Citizenship, Economics http://www.glencoe.com/sites/ss_modules/videos/ss_ct_2008/ss_ct_2008.html American History http://www.glencoe.com/sites/ss_modules/videos/tav_08/tav_08.html
  10. I have purchased the German Edition for my daughter, and I'm very disappointed with it. It dosen't understand when you talk to the microphone and I'm GERMAN. When I had called the company to complain they said that probably my daughter dosen't speak with an Accent, but when I mentioned that I was a native German, they had offer to replace the microphone. Well, that didn't help... However, I do like the rest of the excercises, and find them very rigorous.I would recommend you use the free edition from the library and save yourself some money.
  11. Please,please,please find the ISBN #'s for Algebra 1. I have tried my best and failed... katarzyna
  12. We will use Thinkwell Chemistry. We all like the style of teaching.
  13. We have used Holt Earth Science and it was very easy to use.We loved it.
  14. I would try IEW Student Writing Intensive "B".
  15. I love the teaching style of Professor Mosley, but I don't care to much for the textbook.
  16. It is almost excatly what I'm doing this year except for math, we are using Prentice Hall Algebra 1.
  17. One more http://www.readinglady.com/mosaic/tools/tools.htm :D
  18. Maybe this will help http://teach.fcps.net/TALK/activities/reading_comp/form.htm
  19. We use Mid Continent Library.They have Live Homework Help for free. http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/reference/database.cfm?id=332
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