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Everything posted by Forget-Me-Not

  1. Same here. I really had no idea who Ken Ham or AIG were before this blew up, and I don't know that I'd know about it if I wasn't visiting here. That being said, it concerns me GREATLY that state homeschooling associations might be managed by people who think like Ken Ham and could be instrumental in lobbying for laws/policies that affect ME as a homeschooler. No thank you.
  2. No clue. We're having turkey here. Just because I'm craving it and I do the grocery shopping :D
  3. We were in the Nauvoo stake when that was announced, and it was sooo exciting. We moved away just before the temple was completed, and it was so cool to have walked around the ruins of the old temple and then to see the new temple as part of the city-scape. I still get teary-eyed when I think of that talk Pres Hinckley gave about the walk down Parley Street. This has been a fun thread! And no character limits :D
  4. Try baking in a covered cast iron dutch oven as instructed here: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/08/dining/081mrex.html instead of doing the water method. I couldn't believe how gorgeous the crust came out, and I actually got that 'crackling' sound as it cooled.
  5. LOL, I have a blanket that I work on sometimes during GC. It's a baby blanket that is about 1/4 finished that I started when I got pregnant my son (who is almost 8). We always do monkey bread on Sunday morning.
  6. Yes, check into anything to do with her SSN. Nobody gets my kids SSNs. I had a little showdown with the local school district here when they insisted they needed my son's SSN to register for Kindy. They didn't get it.
  7. That is hilarious. I always giggle a little when they announce that C. Scott Grow is speaking. I LOL at the parenting 505 comment. In fact my DH had stepped out, and I rewound it and played it back for him. Still have yet to watch the Sat Afternoon session, but we caught the other three. So good. I really loved Elder Eyring's talk in the Sun Morning session and the parenting talk this afternoon was AMAZING and just what I needed to hear. I need to go back and re-read it as things were a little chaotic and I missed some pieces of it.
  8. Yes, I would. My husband is a D.O., but got a plaque for something that said M.D. after his name instead. It was corrected on the dime of the organization.
  9. Oooh, can I play? I'm LDS and I lean toward theistic evolution, but I don't stake my faith or my life on it. :D I don't know how exactly God created the Earth, but I know He did and I'm grateful for it! I'm an aquarius, and I don't really have any clue what that means other than I was born in February and it has something to do with water. I love chocolate in many, many forms. I homeschool for a myriad of reasons, which you may or may not get out of me depending on who you are and why you are asking. But the short answer is that we felt led to it.
  10. My son started Kenpo Karate shortly after his 5th birthday and has been in almost 3 yrs. He has a very old-school instructor who is a 6th degree black belt and has been teaching for close to 30 yrs. He's got very realistic expectations about my son's age group, and he's very clear with them about when and where they can use it (at this age the rule is only practice at home or in the dojo, don't show it to any friends, etc.). I haven't seen any problems with aggression or violence, and it's definitely improved my son's discipline and focus. Definitely something they can practice at home on their own. Overall it's been a great experience and we plan to continue for a while.
  11. Yep, another LDS here :D I love that we worship as a family and that there are different things geared to different ages.
  12. I haven't read a lot of the books mentioned in this thread either. Some of them I've avoided outright because I was warned off of them by a friend who is a voracious reader and knows I like to stick to pretty clean stuff. I've just become really, really selective about what I read/watch anymore. If there is filth or other disturbing elements, they stick with me and it takes a long time for me to shake off that 'dirty' feeling. It's just not worth it to me.
  13. I have a 3-yo Frigidaire Affinity FLer, and I don't love it. It's okay, but I don't feel like it gets my clothes as clean as they were with an agitator, though on the flip side I do feel like it's easier on fabrics, especially delicate items. I had issues with the seal around the door leaking (though that was easily fixed), and I have issues with the seal around the door getting really gross. I go after it with clorox wipes once in a while, and sometimes I throw some white towels and add a whole bunch of bleach. Our laundry room is very narrow and leads to the garage (where we park, so that's our main entrance/exit to the house), so the amount of traffic we get through there makes it difficult to leave the door open between loads. If I had it to do over again, I'd look much more closely at the HE top loaders.
  14. I'm really liking this website: http://kids-in-mind.com/ They discuss in detail exactly why movies are rated the way they are. As such, there may be some spoilers, but if you want to know EXACTLY what you're in for (esp if you're taking kids), you can get it here!
  15. Yep, Wicked is one of the few books I've actually thrown away in the garbage (rather than donating it to the library or something). Filthy, disgusting, and the writing was just flat-out terrible. And yes, the Broadway musical is completely different than the book. I would take my kids to see it (like 7-8 yrs or older). I saw it in Chicago a few years ago and loved it.
  16. yeah, DH and I watched that a few weekends ago. It is sad. It's even sadder that those who want to change the system are often shut down. It made me grateful that we can afford for me to be at home to school our kids.
  17. Yes. The one at our local B&N is located between Starbucks and the magazine section. But they also rearrange the store on a regular basis (which drives me cRaZy but that's another post. . . ). I'd start with the store general manager and work my way up the food chain.
  18. :iagree:Years ago, I got a catalog from them in the mail (randomly, I've never spent money at A&F and never, ever will). The cover featured a guy in bed between two girls. I called and complained and demanded that my name be removed from their mailing list. We don't have an A&F in my area, but we were recently at Union Square in SF and they have larger-than-life, mostly naked pictures pasted all over their storefront. Yes, they were the ones that featured thong underwear for children: http://money.cnn.com/2002/05/22/news/companies/abercrombie/ They were also the ones that sold a t-shirt that featured two stereotypically drawn Chinese figures and said "Wong Brothers Laundry Service--Two Wongs Can Make It White". http://articles.sfgate.com/2002-04-18/news/17540580_1_abercrombie-fitch-t-shirt-wong-brothers-laundry-service I think I'd actually pay money NOT to shop at A&F.
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