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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. I used to feel the same way you do. Then I adopted two kids from foster care.
  2. Yes. My dd did the tongue thrust program last year. It was intense. I mean, way intense! I think it worked. I'm not convinced that it helped her speech, but it did help her to stop hanging out her tongue, and to chew and swallow properly. In fact, it worked so well that now I notice her sister has the same issue, but on a much smaller scale. It is 99% a home program. Plus, we didn't go every week. Sometimes it was every two weeks and sometimes every three weeks, depending on what stage of the program we were in. I know an SLP that doesn't believe in the tongue thrust program, but it did enough for my daughter that I can see the benefit. If you are faithful about the daily exercises, you'll see results. Perhaps you can explain the financial hardship it would place on your family and see if the SLP will do more of a home approach. Although, I really did have to learn the exercises from an actual person. I wouldn't have been able to just read something.
  3. CLP says they use the 1970 version of the CAT test. I'm confused how this constitutes a nationally normed test if it's not the same test being taken by all of the other kids. Can someone explain that to me??
  4. Alice, Can you give me a bit more information on what was included in the evaluation? I have a M.Ed. and have been asked a few times if I'll be doing evaluations this year, but this is our first year in VA so I'd like to see a few examples first. Thanks!
  5. I think selling vs. renting is a big difference. If you sell, you could just clean it up and try to sell as-is. If it's not moving, then maybe freshen it up with a little paint, etc. If you rent it out, I think it's absolutely worth it to paint, repair, and do anything you can to have it in good condition. That way you'll attract better renters and you can have higher expectations for when they move out.
  6. For those of you who use Singapore, what do/will you use after 6th grade? The higher math on the Singapore site seems quite different from the traditional upper grade track. It just continues on with grade levels, rather than offering the traditional full year of geometry, algebra, etc. So what choices have you made?
  7. OK, so it says it is for "middle grades." Does that mean 5-8 or the traditional 6 or 7-8? Will your daughter do WWE4 or move right to WWS? HOW do you do WWE3 at double speed?? Two lessons a day? Faithfully? I can never keep up with it! It's the one thing we are always try to fit in.
  8. And there are plenty of general ed. teachers who do not believe homeschooling parents are capable of teaching their children ANYthing! I can see where she's coming from, but her blanket statement with such exaggeration takes away any authority she might have had in my mind. I'm beginning to understand, at this point in my life, that extreme arrogance usually comes with extreme ignorance.
  9. :iagree: I did it a few days a week and it was SO hard to get school done when the baby was there. My girls were 8 and not very independent though. I felt like I was cheating my kids. :( Although, I'm also not the kind of mother that could handle having 6, 7, 8, kids, so I'm sure there are lots of mothers out there that could handle one infant. It was hard that it was someone else's kid- it was hard to fit him into our rhythm.
  10. It depends on your daughter. I'd definitely pre-read it first. Off the top of my head, the topics that might cause concern are a pretty graphic miscarriage description, spousal abuse, I believe there were a few references to rape (someone correct me if I'm not remembering correctly)... Hmm, those are the things that stand out in my mind. Only you know what your daughter can handle and understand. I'd simply just read the book first. It's an easy read. Tell her to wait a few days.
  11. When we first brought them home, they still had tons of friends from school and the neighborhood. Tons. Then we moved to the other side of the country, way out INTO the country. It's been six months and we have about 5 other homeschool families we have playdates with. There are two other girls my girls' age. We have become good friends with another family with a daughter who played on my dds soccer team. We go to a homeschool playgroup once a week and it is the BEST. I think the hardest part about finding homeschool friends is that it seems like it's much more important now that I, or my husband and I, like and get along with the child's parents. I find myself spending much more time with the other parents than I EVER did when they were in school. So, the families we spend the most time with are the ones with parents I like. :)
  12. I could be wrong, but I believe you are referring to Bodies: An Exhibition. This is not the same thing as Body Worlds. We saw Body Worlds several years ago at the California Science Center. It was HUGE and amazing!!! I was so impressed. My husband hated it and was totally grossed out. I would love to be able to take my girls to that now!
  13. Wonderful ideas, everyone! Thanks! We love SOTW, so maybe I'll start there and plan a few projects a month. I think*plan* is the key word!! I just need to be prepared so I'll feel like I *can* do those projects. Thank you!
  14. Thank you! We tried one lapbook, but I think I tried to get through it too fast and was left feeling like it took up too much time. I love the Ziplock idea. I think I need to do a few more to get the hang of it. I like things that they can keep.
  15. Thank you for this! And one per week is very doable. Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution!
  16. and I'm trying to homeschool the two most creative kids on the planet! Help! My girls would LOVE to do art projects, building, drawing, etc. all day long. The retain so much information when I tie in something hands-on (of course). The problem is that I suck at it! Big time! I even bought Meet the Masters and we've done two lessons. I bought Drawing with Children and we've done two lessons. We use the Activity Guide for SOTW and I haven't done many projects this year because either we don't have the materials, or I'm just wanting to move on! I realize this is MY problem that I need to fix in order to give my girls a better education. I'm very inspired when I see other's websites and ideas for different subjects. I get most of my holiday ideas this way. Pinterest overwhelms me- I need more direction! They are fine with being creative on their own, but they LOVE when I introduce something new or do a project with them or connect it to our learning in some way. Will you please share your fabulous resources, planning tricks, tools, inspirations, motivations, or just a general kick in the butt?!
  17. I'm thinking of doing that! I have one twin with special needs that I want to keep home- she's the reason we homeschool. The other twin would do well at school and loves the social aspect. We just moved into a fabulous school district and she could go next year for 5th, which would give her a chance to make friends before middle school, if we decide that's the direction for her. Anyhow, so we've been thinking about just sending one back next year. The only problem with that, is that it really ties us to the school calendar. Plus, part of the reason homeschooling works so well for us is that the girls learn together, then they talk and "play out" their learning throughout the day. So, it would be a disservice to the other twin to send one twin back. Does that make sense? That would be our reason if we do.
  18. Yes! ADHD and sensory issues. Toe-walking is actually more common than most people think. Just talk to a PT if it is concerning. Hand flapping is my dd's way of relieving really bad anxiety or excitement, but she only does it when she's experiencing extreme emotions.
  19. Yes. Always. For everything. I suppose I'll continue to make them do it until I know they are doing it themselves. Probably like wearing deodorant. :) :) My mom still calls me to make sure I've written a thank you note to my great aunt after Christmas. It runs in the family. :)
  20. Well, we wanted a small, non-shedding dog and ended up bringing home the cutest border collie I'd ever seen, so we're pretty weak! :) Good luck with smallish but not yappy. We tried taking my grandma's little...similar to a small bichon frise, but it was so dang yappy, we couldn't stand it. Those little dogs can be really hard to house train, as well. Some people love those little ones though! Are you going to get a dog that's a little older, so you will already know its bad habits? Unless you are dying to do a puppy, I'd suggest getting a dog that's at least a year old. Check out your local shelter and see what's available. I'm really glad we don't have to go to the groomer. FWIW, I think long hair is easier to clean that short hair. Our friends have a beagle and its hair sticks to everything, and it's hard to get it all in the vacuum.
  21. My dd did this when she was that age. It was a phase, but a long, painful one. I'm not sure if anything we did actually helped, but she doesn't do it anymore. There was always a consequence and we had lots of discussions about trust. For instance, if she had lied to me that day, that night I'd ask her if she brushed her teeth. When she told me yes, I'd say, "Did you really brush them? Because earlier you told me you had done xyz, but you really didn't, so now I'm having trouble trusting you." This kind of logic worked really well with dd because she's very verbal and emotional, loves to talk and cares very much about relationships, so it seemed to work well for her. She definitely sees the connection between lying and trust, that's for sure. My other dd who is delayed and scored just low enough on the ADOS to NOT get a spectrum diagnosis, was about a year behind her twin in the lying phase. For her, keeping all issues very black and white/right and wrong, and having consequences was the best route. Good luck! I HATE lying.
  22. This thread is making me shake in my boots! My twins are 9.5. I'm not readdddddy!!!!!! Time for the darn book.
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