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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Thanks for the perspective! You are right.
  2. I was just on the phone with my mom and I mentioned that the upcoming teenage years are starting to make me nervous. I told her I never thought we'd homeschool through high school, but with all the things going on with teenagers now days, it sure does make me feel like we may keep homeschooling. She proceeded to give me the "kids need that experience" speech and reminded me of the "good with the bad" of high school. (She was very popular and was a cheerleader and prom queen, so keep that in perspective. She was definitely on the top of the food chain.) I was pretty surprised because she's always been fairly supportive. When I reminded her that they can have similar experiences, and that homeschooling has changed, and that my kids are out and about more than most public schooled kids, she continued to argue. She basically ended the conversation with a snarky, "Well, just remember, kids like being around other kids." I'm so mad I could spit! I feel like she doesn't support us and obviously has some issues with us homeschooling. We recently moved to the country, so there are no neighborhood kids. I think this may be what she is referring to. Oh, boo hoo, my kids can't run wild all day?! They have playdates and activities 4 days a week! Yes, my kids are completely incapable of developing ongoing relationships outside the context of school. Seriously?! What I wanted to say was to remind her how incredibly peer dependent my sister and I were because we were NEVER home, and how that had negative repercussions as well, so to each his own, Woman! We all do our best, and this is what is best for US! Grrrr!!!:angry::angry::angry::mad::mad::mad:
  3. First Language Lessons, Writing with Ease, and All About Spelling. That's all you'll need! I wouldn't push creative writing until her spelling is under control. My daughter also has a huge spelling deficit because of a language and speech delay. All About Spelling has worked miracles for us, in addition to Writing with Ease. Also, when choosing levels, ignore grade levels. Start with Level 1 in AAS. She can always move through it quickly. It's worth the money.
  4. Thanks everyone!!! I'm SO glad to hear I'm not alone. As a side note, I think someone should invent affordable, soundproof bathroom doors. I totally agree with the long conversations because they have a captive audience while you are in there!
  5. This is exactly what I do, except I add a little soy sauce to the pan and then serve it with sauteed spinach over rice.
  6. If my child sits in another room and yells, "Mom!" one more time, I'm going to SCREAM!!! I have told her to come to me, not sit there and yell for me. This happens 100 times a day. I've tried time outs, ignoring her, etc. I've tried everything! How do you break this habit?!! Or do you just yell back? I can't take it anymore.
  7. Uhhh...I think if you are paying to go to a party, you don't need to take a gift! I can't imagine hosting a party and then charging admission. Invite fewer people, or change the venue, or specifically ask for no gifts.
  8. I went to the Writer's Weekend last weekend and my daughter took dictation from Susan at the white board (I was so nervous for her). I was SHOCKED. It was NOT how I had been doing dictation. I had been expecting WAY too much, way too soon. My daughter, who usually struggles to remember the dictation, did so well. It restored my faith in dictation. It took me listening to and watching SWB to understand it. We're going to keep trying, but in a much, much, much more low key way!
  9. My daughter is very similar to yours! She still couldn't tell me 2+3 at the end of 2nd grade without counting. She'd been doing TONS of manipulatives and conceptual math for three years at school. We started CLE in 3rd grade (first year homeschooling). Each lesson includes flashcard practice and a speed drill. But, it's done very sequentially so the kids are always building on what they know and there is constant review. In just a few months, she knew all of her facts. I was shocked. I truly thought she wasn't capable of learning them. She's now working on multiplication and is almost there. She really just needed the systematic instruction and review so that she could memorize and make connections. *I will say, she will still never be as fast as her sister, but she does know the facts (she isn't counting to get there). So, I think there will always be a few second delay, but she knows them. I do believe facts are very important for success in later math. I think you should try every avenue before you throw in the towel. So yes, once a child understands the concept, I think flashcards are perfectly ok. Some children NEED them.
  10. Wow. I've been really stressing about our $1,000 deductible. I guess I should be grateful since it sounds like they will cover it. Our old insurance only covered it due to an injury, etc. and I spent 30 minutes on the phone badgering someone about how unfair that was since my kids were adopted as older children and that neglect should count as an injury. She sympathized, but didn't budge. A few weeks later, my EOB said they were covering it! So, it might be work having your SLP and pediatrician write a letter of medical necessity and see if that makes any difference. You never know. Ask the benefits person at the SLP's office if she has done that for your company before.
  11. My husband travels a lot for work and we get a lot done when he is gone. :) My girls and I just spent 4 1/2 weeks visiting my family on the other side of the country. It was a little too much togetherness with my family, but we survived.
  12. Thanks everyone! Rivka, I've been following your thread and I could have written it myself! I'm feeling many of the same things. Thanks for sharing.
  13. I know that might sound weird, but I'd really like to give my girls an introduction to the Bible. We aren't Christian, we are UUs, which doesn't mean we couldn't be Christian, too, but we aren't. Long story, but my husband and I just can't get there again, but if my children did, it would be just fine. That may sound odd to some of you, but it works for us. I hope that makes sense. So is Telling God's Story a good program to go with to give my kids some biblical foundation, give them a sense of what Christianity is all about, and open that door for them to explore their own spirituality? If not, then can you recommend some other programs?
  14. Mine's in my signature. http://www.homeschoolfortwo.com It's all homeschool, no pictures or names since it's public, and I am overdue on updating. Thanks for the reminder!
  15. Chores are part of being in our family. We all work. I'd like to start giving them an allowance, and I can feel the time is coming, but it won't be connected directly to chores. It will probably be like any privilege that can be taken away for poor behavior.
  16. Oooh, I see. When I use Google maps, the distance to the hotels comes up, but it's "as the crow flies." When you do directions, it's about double the miles since it's such a round about way to get to the farm. At least, that's what I'm getting...
  17. Where are you seeing a Residence Inn (or any hotel) only 12 miles away? I can't find one.
  18. I posted on the other thread, but I am coming by myself. I think I'll stay in Williamsburg. I haven't decided where. I did not order food.
  19. I'm going! I'm just driving from Charlottesville, so I haven't even made a hotel reservation yet! Oops! I will probably just stay in Williamsburg. I didn't order any meals and figured I'd just go out. I hope I'm not the only one! I'm not bringing my kids. I'm escaping. :) See you Friday!
  20. I am very much NOT a Disney person and I could not stomach it for more than one day. I, too, hate spending money on those types of venues. I'd rather spend a day at the beach, plus there are SO many cool things to do in L.A. I would just be really honest with her and say that you are excited to see them, but you guys can't afford 4 days. Spend the entire two days with them at Disney, and do eat out a few times with them, and let them know you'd like to take advantage of the beach (or whatever) while you are there. Just tell them you don't expect them to go with you and you want them to have fun at Disneyland! I am sooooo with you on this one.
  21. (I already plan on going to the Lakeshore outlet while we are here.)
  22. Spelling Workout or Singapore? I hate buying (then waiting) for things online. What about other curriculum? Is there anything you buy in an actual store? We are in Southern California right now, so all of L.A. is at my fingertips. Anywhere???
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