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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Ds is at swimming. Hopefully exercise will improve his attitude! Meatloaf and bacon are in the oven. Kitchen is tidied, pots n pans washed and put away. Helped dd with some school things. Next up: hot tea super quick grocery run ✅ pick up ✅
  2. Have a great move-in day, Pink and Green!!
  3. Good morning! A little bit slower week here, since Dd's tutorial and her online Latin class do not meet. Next week is our real Spring Break, though many of our activities are off the third week of March too. I wish everything would take the same week off. Thankful that several of our things take two weeks! School My laundry Pick up Rx Get some breakfast sausage. Ds to/from swimming Email/deskwork Return movie to library
  4. Nice day. Church, read, work a puzzle, watch part of a movie with kids, listen to Close Reads. See ya tomorrow!
  5. Spring Break! A day trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Ctr., a morning at the used bookstore, an all day hike at the park, breakfast at the Waffle House, watchin a movie or two, maybe a couple days to sleep in. Less driving and more sunlight!
  6. Yes! It made me so happy to see my labrador retrieving. She was so thrilled to bring back the ball, every.single.time!
  7. Mine is the name of the dog in my avatar pic. I've had many dogs, but she was the best. I still miss her. And I live in TN.
  8. Dd frittered away her morning, so now is spending the whole afternoon and evening doing math that is due Monday morning. Maybe one day she will listen to my suggestions about how to manage her time? Wondering if she's going to get a spring break. It may take her the whole time to do her homework. Housework isn't done yet. Dh isn't home yet. He had to go to a funeral out of town. I don't feel like making dinner. Just want to curl up with a book. Too tired to do AHG work. Need a brain and some energy for that. Scout store was closed, so I'll have to go back next week.
  9. Good morning! Selkie, one of our local parks has an owl trail that loops through an area where the barred owls can often be seem and heard, even in daylight. Today: Tidy ds' room and put away his laundry before he come home. He does an ok job of these things, but it really helps if I restore mom-order every so often! Recycle glass! ✅ Write an important letter. General house tidying and make kids do their chores. ✅ Get storage unit prices. ✅ Lunch with mom and help her with moving prep. Bring ds home with me. ✅ Trader Joe's, bookstore, and Scout store. ✅ Church prep ✅ AHG badge prep? Library? ✅ Watch a movie after dinner? Dinner is Tikki Masala, rice, and roasted cauliflower. ✅
  10. Watched Angelina Stanford's class. Made brownies. Had a yummy dinner. Ate a brownie with ice cream. My body will not be happy tomorrow, but it was SO delicious! Signed Ds up for some fun stuff at our Nature Center. Working on Spring Break plans next. Day trip to the Rocket ctr. in Huntsville, breakfast at Waffle House followed by trip to McKay, a day hiking at the park, a day to sleep late and do nothing, a day for dd to hang out with friends, a Sundy school party, another trip to see the Impressionist exhibit that we saw today, a few hours to clean the house and pay bills. Mostly waiting for Dh and Dd to get home. Tired of my empty house. I rather like it during the day, but not at night.
  11. Dropped off kids and food. Got in and out of Walmart (just the small neighborhood market, not the huge superstore!) and home in good time. For now, I am steadfastly ignoring a heap of laundry that needs to be folded and the folded stacks on the sofa that need to be put away. Not going to tidy Ds' room. Toodling around the web doing some planning research for next year. Next up: watch a webinar and heat up some dinner. Chx and white bean chili, yumm!
  12. Makes DE look more attractive to me. Esp since it is free/very inexpensive in my state.
  13. My hound mix hunts and digs up moles all the time and it hasn't changed his disposition around other animals or people.
  14. Home from the museum. Resting. Next up: RA Church to drop off dd for a youth event and also to drop off some food for tomorrow's Habitat build. Ds to my mom's. Be home by myself for a couple hours. What to do?!
  15. Oh, I hate days like that and I'm sorry you are having one!!
  16. Congrats on the house, Pink and Green! I know you will be glad to get settled in and begin enjoying your new home. FT day here! Ds' art class is going to see an Inpressionist exhibit, so dd and I are going too. Piano ✅ FT ✅ Swimming? NO Take ds to my mom's. Dd to a youth group event? laundry put away cool and freeze chx stock
  17. Hi Amy! Regular Thursday here. School Quick grocery run for rotisserie chx. Dinner is chx chili and spinach salad. Laundry Take ds to an activity. AHG with Dd. ALL DONE! ✅
  18. Done: tidied kitchen two loads of laundry calendar/scheduling stuff
  19. Good morning! school ✅ pick up milk ✅ piano lessons ✅ church - meeting, choir, dinner, and Bible study
  20. I puree roasted butternut and use it in lieu of canned pumpkin, mostly in pumpkin pie!
  21. Margaret, I hope you feel better soon. Can you leave those Scouts to fend for themselves for a couple days while you rest?
  22. Good morning! Done! Dd to tutorial Chx in fajita marinade laundry Check email - several require response today or tomorrow Made Dr. appt. Reserve library books To do: Math and Writing with Ds Deskwork! Grocery for onions delegated this to Dh, who has more time than I do today Library to return books Ds to/from science headed out momentarily AHG stuff
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