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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Good morning! Cool and sunny spring day here! School with ds. Check in with dd about her schoolwork and help her keep on track. Ds to/from swimming. Quick Walmart trip. Finish Easter basket shopping. Order something for mom from Amazon. ✅ Dinner is leftovers because dh is on colonoscopy prep and can't eat. P.S. HopeistheWord, I would skip that bookfor a 13 yo.. Plenty of other holocaust/WW2 choices that are not so intense, overwhelming.
  2. Made in 1939 by Frank Capra. Oscar winner for Best Picture, I think. JS is so young! The ending is too quick, after a two hour movie, but overall it's a super movie.
  3. Genius use of tension rods! Definitely stealing that idea. Finally cleaned out and reorganized my linen closet. (intended to two weeks ago) Two large bags to thrift. Next up: seasonal clothes switch out The Shed! Maintain the lovely, organized family room closet by removing stuff dh has randomly put in there recently.
  4. Sunday evening has become our family movie night lately. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was tonight's movie and we all enjoyed it. Dh and kids had never seen it before. Kids know what a fillibuster is now! 😉
  5. My kids are making lemon bars. The rest is ham, hash brown casserole, green beans, spinach and strawberry salad. And some chocolate, of course!
  6. Well, I got tired of being in bed, so after everyone left for church, I made some breakfast, listend to an excellent Palm Sunday sermon by Ligon Duncan and then started doing things around the house. Done: Pork roast in the oven. Culled and reorganized the linen closet! Two large bags for the thrift shop in my car. Washed bath and kitchen towels. General tidying and picking up. Watered my Easter lily. Made the bed. Next up: Ginger lemon tea with honey. Catch up on some Literature so I can discuss it with Dd this coming week.
  7. Staying home from church because I'm sick. Resting, reading Prep for the coming week.
  8. Kids are not being cooperative, so I gave up for today. No more tackling for me today!! Next up: Shower, read, maybe listen to a podcast. Go to bed early and sleep late. Not going to church tomorrow because I still have this terrible cold.
  9. The Tale of Despereaux The Hobbit Treasure Island read by Alfred Molina is one of our favorites. On a lighter note, Freddy goes to Florida is a favorite too! The Trumpet of the Swan, read by E. B. White was my son's favorite at age 8. The Chronicles of Narnia. We like the regular audiobooks better than the dramatized ones. Winnie the Pooh is great for all ages!
  10. Any homeowner moving to TN from a high COL state like CA would not have any trouble buying here. I have extended family in the Bay area, whose home is the same size as mine, about 1400 sq ft on a quarter acre lot in a middle class neighborhood. Their house is valued at over 1.5 million; mine about 250K. The traffic here is bad, but nowhere near as bad as Atlanta or Los Angeles!
  11. Done: Grocery shopping vacuuming general tidying laundry is running rescheduled helping my mom for tomorrow. lunch! dw running Next up: More house cleaning Get dinner started Linen closet?
  12. Good morning! Dd and I both slept way late and are just now getting breakfast made. Dh has commandeered my van for moving some furniture. To do: dry rub on the pork roast meal planning and make a grocery list pick up ds?? Dh may do this. help my mom with some stuff house cleaning!
  13. My natural writer enjoyed it, but it didn't challenge her, so we dropped it. She did Fable, Narrative 2 and half of the next one. My reluctant writer is thriving with the creativity and the fun of it. It is helping him to enjoy writing and that is a WIN! He is just in Fable so far. I have always used it alongside other writing curricula or assignments. Reluctant writer is using it and Killgallon. Natural writer used it at a younger age, alternating senesters with WWE or Treasured Conversations.
  14. Morning list done, minus the errands. Chx stir fry and pot stickers made for dinner. Some AHG stuff done. Next up: Eat dinner, read, go to bed early.
  15. Sinus infaction/ bad cold has tackeld me. Trying to do as little as possible today. Done: Dropped off ds for testing. Deskwork/paid bills Checked math. To do: Hot tea and mini-nap Pick up Ds 2 errands? Ds (with pizza and a movie) to my mom's
  16. Glad the update is good! Still praying for y'all. Peace that passes understanding, rest, healing.
  17. Did some desk work and checked Dd's math. Not going to make it to the bookstore today. I have a cold and my sinuses are hurting. Took 1 benadryl. Two would knock me flat and I need to drive this afternoon. Next up: Ibuprofen and a power nap.
  18. Good morning! Glad to *see* you Kelly and Amy! Today: Drop Ds at umbrella school for standardized testing Whole Foods Talk with Dd about her plan for today. Check math. Deskwork! McKay's? Pick up Ds. Ds to an evening activity. AHG with Dd. Dinner is chx stir fry and potstickers.
  19. Glad the process with your FIL is beginning to work out, Selkie. He is lucky to have y'all to oversee his care. The social element can be such a big thing. My mom is moving to assisted living soon and she will really enjoy the social dimension.
  20. Jean, I hope the pain is lots less today. Praying for you this morning.
  21. Good morning! School Get milk and bagels. Buy tickets for the musical Dd is in. tomorrow, tackling a mountaain of deskwork tomorrow! Buy next year's math books. Phone call Reserve library books. tomorrow! Piano lessons (remember the check!) ✅ Trader Joe's Church
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