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Everything posted by ~Amanda~

  1. I'm tempted to buy the book just so I can tell you the story. We're in prealgebra now, I'm closer than you are to Calc ;)
  2. I don't know whether to thank you or strangle you!! LOL something new to look into!!
  3. me. last year was our first year; they went back to ps this year but pulled them back out after xmas
  4. i dont know about dvd netflix has all the ones w/steve on instant streaming, but you cant borrow them on physical discs
  5. I read this this morning, someone posting on someone else's status on facebook. High school credits don't transfer unless from a state accredited school (and even then sometimes don't) so, no matter how old they are, etc, if you were to go from homeschooling to PS high school, they would start over in ninth grade. That doesn't seem likely to me, but what do I know.
  6. <3 thank you OhElizabeth. its very hard to not have tunnel vision and feel like you are totally screwing something up right now.
  7. I'm struggling. We are so behind, I'm not 100% sure how we got here. I mean, yeah, I know how we got here; I took a job outside the home, thinking I could be supermom and stay on top of it. it wasn't until I quit that I really realized HOW far behind they were. They are all over the place; some subjects are only a few days behind, some several weeks. I need to change what I'm doing. but I don't know what to change it to. So, could you tell me about your day and what you do and how it goes, and maybe I can get some ideas on how to switch up my style. My kids are 10 and 12.
  8. around here, a class like that for my daughter that was 2 hours, but SPECIFIC to one thing (she does a pottery class, and a painting class, and a drawing class, but not all together) is $80
  9. have you looked into elemental science?
  10. how would you help them figure it out without stepping on toes? (Idea from here http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=377227)
  11. Surely I'm not the first to think of this, so if anyone else has heard of anything similar to this, please point me in that direction. I'm struggling with my older constantly pecking at each other; neither want to do anything because they are afraid of doing more than the other one. They ignore each other when someone asks for help, they sometimes make things more difficult for the other (moving the thing they know the other one needs, or dropping it on the floor instead of handing it off, just blatant disrespect for each other). I want to change this. I need to come up with something (a project of some kind) that requires them both to work on it. Obviously, I don't want it to take TOO long, like the whole summer because they would lose interest. but I need it to take longer than a day, or even a week, so they can really grasp the issue with them not working together. I need it to be something completely independent, so the finishing of the project doesn't hinge on me stepping in at all to finish it. I need it to be something they both would be extremely excited about doing, or at least motivation enough to keep at it, and it needs to be something where they are required to help each other, work together, not snipe and snark about who did what and how much and whose working harder etc. ever heard of anything like that?
  12. Is on sale for the next 2 days. If you were interested in getting it, now would be a good time. Sorry if this has already been posted. :)
  13. I am doing HO next year for Middle Ages; I would LOVE a movie list to go with it!! And my kids would be totally thrilled!! :lol:
  14. What are my options for Algebra? I'm thinking way ahead so I don't have to make a quick decision, but I really just don't even know whats out there. We're using MM and LOF currently, about to start PreAlgebra and (depending on how well she does will determine the speed of going into Algebra) but... What are my options for higher level math? Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Calculus, etc? I've heard mixed reviews about TT, and I'm just not sure what else there is.
  15. I have one that was shared with me that goes with the middle ages. I don't have one for ancients :)
  16. history odyssey. This next year, I am using human odyssey with the history odyssey as the reading instead of story of mankind.
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