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Everything posted by Gratia271

  1. Yes, we had a similar situation where the most prominent school in our state pursued us zealously for our dd. Many of our friends were floored when we passed on it and continued homeschooling. I think the idea that so many people want these schools to want their children makes people think you are certifiable for passing up an opportunity that most would not even be offered. It is six years later and two children later, and I don't regret passing it up though some days I am overwrought with teaching three eg/pg kids! Best wishes on making the right decision for your family! :001_smile:
  2. Looking for a comparison of programs for a math and science-oriented student working at the HS level. I am familiar with Apologia and am looking for comparisons among other programs in terms of the level of rigor. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. The Winged Watchman was outstanding. As another post stated, we also read The Endless Steppe. Having read many books (household of bibliophiles here), this ranks among my personal favorites for that period.
  4. I second the PIAT. My children were also evaluated using that tool when they were younger. If you can arrange that without all the psychologist fees, it would be an outstanding choice!
  5. Thank you for the advice. What I was thinking we would do is go through the traditional sequence then community college classes. We have used Apologia up to this point. Is it sufficiently rigorous? Many people with whom I interact speak highly of it. I suppose I want to explore several options in terms of what is the most rigorous. I will look for the posts garden mom suggested and look at some bookstores as well. Regarding my daughter, she recently turned 11. Math-wise, she has completed Algebra. She is scheduled for HS Apologia Biology this fall. Has anyone used Apologia for all of HS science and then transitioned to community college science classes around 14, or is there something more advisable to do? Thanks for your help!
  6. We have had our children tested periodically using the Woodcock-Johnson III individual achievement test. You can read about it here http://assess.nelson.com/test-ind/wj-3-ach.html It has high ceilings, past high school. We have also had them tested using the ITBS annually (for state reporting purposes) which has told us nothing. Testing two or three levels up, they haved missed 1 or 2 on the entire test. I have found that working with our local gifted school in terms of the individual testing is the only way to assess (via test) what their academic needs are. As time goes by, though, I think parents are able to determine where their children are in terms of ability and in terms of weak areas. I hope that helps a little.
  7. Children's abilities do speak for themselves. Unfortunately, many people expect high ability children to suppress who they truly are and what their abilities are in the name of conformity and people's comfort levels. No one should ever speak or act in a manner that tears down someone else for any reason. That is ugly, but what my oldest dd has experienced particularly is ugliness directed toward her because she is so bright. She is a very sweet girl who is other-centered and highly perceptive. These behaviors were particularly hurtful to her when she was younger. While I don't believe there is ever a basis for bragging, I also don't believe that parents or children should be expected to apologize for their accomplishments. We teach our children to judge themselves according to their own personal standards. They need to be their personal best without regard to others performance, and they need to accept others on the basis of who they are. Unfortunately, my children quickly discovered that this is not what others appear to believe.
  8. I am looking forward to beginning HS science with my oldest and would like candid input on the best science programs for a student considering a medical career. This is uncharted territory for me (attorney), and I would like to provide her with the best programs... I just don't know what they are. Thanks for any advice you may offer!
  9. I agree with you that you need to focus more on the methods. That has worked for us. I also agree about your statement that gc proceed through the trivium differently. I began reading about eduational methods when my oldest was 2 yo. I was quickly drawn to WTM and to classical methods. That being said, one limitation I quickly discovered was the idea that kids don't have logical/reasoning faculties until they are much older. My children demonstrated logical reasoning at age 2. Despite people's protestation that kids just absolutely don't have reasoning faculties until a certain age or stage, I experienced first hand that some children can and do. Two of my children have asked about the whys and wherefores since they were quite young, another thing academicians and classicists often state is not possible. All I can say is that I love the classical method overall, I accept its limitations, and I am not going to be limited by the strictures of a paradigm when my direct personal experience tells me to do something different with my children. Like you, we also experience far greater success by "mixing" curricula. Using WTM as part of the overall picture has worked out quite well. I hope that helps. Nancy
  10. I have discovered over the past 9 years that it is completely unacceptable to discuss your child's intellectual ability if they deviate significantly from the norm. Musical talent, athletic prowess, etc... these are acceptable to discuss, but people refuse to acknowledge that there are significant intellectual differences also. Some of the worst perpetrators in my personal experience have been teachers. I think it is further exacerbated among high achieving parents... that is why I am glad I found this board!
  11. I related so much to your post. I have three hg/pg kids, and it has been the most joyful and the most difficult experience in my life. They are amazing to engage and develop intellectually! I agree with you about not discussing her with your friends or anyone with similarly aged children. As she gets older, the negative treatment/attitudes will escalate (in my experience). I couldn't care less about the derogatory (and ignorant) remarks directed toward my husband and me, but the derision directed toward my oldest dd sends me through the roof. To add insult to injury, it has often come from family members with similarly aged children. They don't understand the needs of these kids, so they attempt the whole "levelling" thing. We now avoid cultivating friendships with anyone with children within at least 5 years of ours. Otherwise, it has been devastating because of the treatment perpetrated against our children, particularly our oldest dd. I avoid discussing them with my siblings because it is construed as bragging (never mind I listen to athletic braggarts all the time). If I try to vent about our struggles, I am told we have none. We have been told ad nauseum that we need to let our kids be kids. Nevermind that our kids are being kids in terms of what they want to be. They want to learn, read, explore and discuss ideas. I have been told that I should not drive or push my children. Again these people don't realize that hg kids drive and challenge their parents, not the other way around. I have found raising my three children far more challenging (and far more gratifying) than practicing law. In any case, if you would ever like to discuss anything (I have been at this for 11 years now), feel free to email me at nlefevre@indy.rr.com I wish you all the best!
  12. I am thrilled to hear all of these positive CC experiences because I am getting ready to pursue this for my oldest. I have been wondering how it works out for young kids doing this kind of thing.
  13. I have also used their reading list to self-educate as well as using some of their selections with my children. They have outstanding recommendations!
  14. I would like reviews of the Narnia class too! I have been contemplating it, so maybe someone can help us out here ! :)
  15. Vicki, Thank you for that thorough explanation. You have given me things to contemplate moving forward!
  16. I am trying to determine whether this would be a good fit for me and my dc before investing in this. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Thanks for the Book Samaritan recommendation. I never thought of that for all of these books I cannot use. I will also follow-up with them to see whether they can use any of my books.
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