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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. We just got a GameCube from my SIL. I swore I'd never get a video game system for the dc but I couldn't pass up a freebie! So, now I'm trying to decide how to allot time and how much time each day for the dc to play. Obviousy, nobody plays until after ALL schoolwork is done. We just started using the Handipoints website and the dc LOVE it so I'm thinking about using the points to reward video game time. Any other ideas or suggestions? Also, about how much time do you give your dc? I'm thinking about 1/2 hr. day. Too much? TIA
  2. My dc are 11, 9, 8, 5 (and of course the 2yo!). My 11, 9 and 8yo do Spelling, Grammar, Handwriting, Math (after I've explained any new concepts), writing (after we've discussed the assignment and any questions they have and of course, I read the assignments when they are done and help w/ revisions) on their own. My 8yo can be much more independent than my 9yo who needs me sitting in his lap to get his work done, LOL! My 8yo just isn't as "spacey" as the 9yo. My 11yo (dd) has been very independent for years now. She just is able to stick to a task and get it done efficiently. Most days she starts at 8:30 and is done by 11 (core subjects that is!). Ds6 doesn't do anything independently yet. Neither does ds5 of course. We all do History/Science/Art together in the afternoons alternating.
  3. What they are doing is harrassment. You have politely said NO, asked not to be called anymore (numerous times). Next step...threaten them w/ harrassment charges. THat should stop them. You can also be put on the National Do Not Call List and tell EVERY telemarketer that calls that you are on the list and please do not call you anymore. Our calls almost stopped after we put our names on that list. We have the problem with the Fraternal Order of Police (1 call every day for a week!). My dh is much more sarcastic/forceful in explaining how BAD it is for business to harrass a customer. Bad press can be very detrimental to a business.
  4. My ds6's hand would probably fall off if I asked him to write more. He does 2 ETC pages, 2 math pages, handwriting/copywork. It's not a lot, but for him...it is! My ds8, on the other hand, when he was in first did quite a bit more b/c he didn't mind it.
  5. That's how I tell my son. Lowercase b is hiding in uppercase b. Lowercase d just stands alone. Not real original, but it helps him.
  6. THey are a bit pricey, but typically the wait is not long and the children are usually infants when they arrive. China is hard b/c of the income rules and also the family size (I think it's no more than 4 children already living in the home). We looked at several agencies. Love Basket, Bethany Christian Services (I even think we started the prelim. paperwork with them). There is an organization called Shaohannah's Hope run by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth (he's a Christian recording artist). They give adoption grants of up to $8,000. THey adopted 3 or 4 girls from China (don't ask me how they got around the family size rule b/c they already had 4 or 5 kids!). Also, somebody did mention the $10,000 tax credit. Some employers will help pay for some adoption expenses. My BIL and his wife adopted from South Korea just last year. Good experience so I hear. Good luck with the journey. I still think about adoption one day (even though we have almost 7 bio kids!). So many children in need. I won't recommend going the foster care/adoption route only b/c we've been burned in that arena. I just have a BAD taste in my mouth for Social Services in general. Anyway, I think the website for the grant is http://www.shaohannahshope.org. I could be wrong.
  7. using a workbook format last year. It wasn't the difficulty (he was acing tests) but rather the number of problems and how long it took him to finish his work. We tried doing evens/odds but I worried he's miss something since Saxon has so many different problems in each lesson (it's not just all one topic). He's FINALLY getting into a groove and completing a lesson in about an hour. He doesn't dread math anymore (doesn't love it either!). I also heard from some Saxon vets on this board that 5/4 is a transitional year of sorts (lots of tougher topics to master) and it takes some time to move through it. If you like Saxon...stick with it and it will probably be okay. If you don't really like Saxon to begin with then this would be a good time to switch, IMHO (inexperienced opinion as well!). We're going to stick w/ it. I have heard a bunch of good things about Christian Light.
  8. My dc used this for 2 years with their K12 cyber and this was all the grammar they had. No other textbook spine. Can Exercises In English stand alone? Or, should I just buy the GWG workbook for grade 3 (it's not that expensive). TIA
  9. Same company, but I'm not sure if it's the same book. The website lists 2 separate books. One is Voyages and the other is Exercises. I'll have to check out the difference.
  10. It's an obedience issue. My dd2 is extremely intelligent for her age (not bragging, just explaining!) and I KNOW she understand HOW to clean up and HOW to obey. It's a battle of the wills. We make clean up fun...don't get me wrong. I'm not a drill sargent. But, when she stands there with her hands on her hips and tells me "NO!", then it becomes a matter of willful disobedience. We spank (which might be unpopular) and do the time outs. Most of the time, she simply needs that time out w/ NOTHING to do, but if the willfullness continues, we spank. Also understand, we don't make our 2yo clean up nearly as much as the olders. She is given a specific task like put away your puzzles, or put the blocks in the box, or put your stuffed animals in the bin, etc. AND, she is supervised as she does it. THey'll learn if we are consistent and firm. Gentle, but firm!
  11. She got through it but when I asked her how she liked it she said, "Not so much." I haven't read it, but thought about having ds9 read it to see how he liked it. Haven't read any of the others yet either.
  12. My kids used this w/ their cyber for 2 years. I found an extra 3rd grade book we never used and was going to save money and just use it for my ds8 next year. It doesn't have a ton of diagramming in it, but he'll either use R&S4 or GWG4 in 4th (since we don't have any more Exercises In English) and both have diagramming. What do you all think of Exercises in English? AND, I know in Math it could be detrimental to switch around, but does it really matter w/ grammar?
  13. Flip Flap Body Book, Understanding the Human Body, The Human Body first reader, etc. All are perfect for 1st grade. Also try Magic School Bus series. Aliki has one of the FIve Sense which we enjoyed. We are using the HOAC Human Body lapbook which is good for that age as well.
  14. My 2 1/2 yo likes her Lauri toys, coloring while the older dc do their work, playing with the dino counters, cutting scraps of paper and participating in my ds5's MFW kindergarten lessons. Read lots of books (I'm sure you do that anyway!). Wipe off boards are great fun at this age. Wipe off books for letters and number are fun, too.
  15. I know all too well how you feel b/c I've been there (AM there) too many times. It will get better. That sounds like a trite answer but it is true. This storm shall pass. I don't know what your faith is, but God knows where you are. He says He is never closer to us than during these times. Do you have a friend who can pray for you? I mean, we will all certainly be praying for you, but it really helps me to HEAR somebody praying for me. I have a friend whom I call on frequently b/c hearing her prayer for me always calms me down. I covet her prayers. Today, I called her and sobbed as she prayed for me. I know where you are. Parenting is hard (especially a special needs child) and doing it while dh is away is almost impossible (I've been there, too). Do you have a neighbor who can watch your kids so you can get out for a bit? I wish you were close to me here in PA. If you want someone to pray for you and I mean so you can hear...email me. I'd be happy to lift you up in prayer over the phone.
  16. I'm just not motivated to do Latin with my dc yet (neither are they) but I think it would be beneficial to learn the Latin roots of our Eng. words. What books/curriculums are out there that teach this? I've heard of several on the board but can't remember. THanks.
  17. The quality is wonderful and the price is right. So far he has published one and another is in the works. He'd recommend Lulu to anyone.
  18. Plenty materials out there for that age group. We haven't done American yet but there was a thread a while back (on this forum) about Amer. Hist. curriculum. Hakim would be a bit above them. OR, take a year and do Geography of US or World. Moderns can wait.
  19. subjects and all! We are doing MOH and a Human Body unit right now. If I get to one History lesson and one Science each week we are lucky. I, too, feel as if I'm neglecting my 2 younger children as well as ds6 who never wants to particpate in Science/History (and I don't make him). My dd11 did History alone last year (Amer. Hist. w/ Hakim material) as well as Science (we were with a cyber charter). I wanted her to feel included this year, but I'm wondering the same thing you are. Next year, dd11 and ds9 (will be 10) will do Apologia General together and mostly independent except for experiments. MOH could be done independently easily. Especially for older students. I'm going to try having my dd11 take the lead and read that lesson and help ds8 w/ his narrations. Any act. I can participate on. It'll give me a good 1/2 hour to read w/ dd2 and ds5. We can't do it all so by all means, if your dc can do it ind..let them!
  20. that you might want to check out. We use the K for my almost 5yo and it's fun. I love the "toys" that come with the Deluxe package for PreK (Lauri toys).
  21. What is the problem with the company? We've always purchased Horizon b/c it was the cheapest where we are. Sometimes Stoneyfield, but mostly Horizon. Perhaps now I'll drive the extra miles for OV! So, what's up with Horizon?
  22. Seems like every day I'm decluttering some area or room and cleaning another. Once I get one area done, the next day it is as if I never started! Sigh. If anyone figures out how to do this please let me know as well!
  23. Growing With Grammar was a life saver here. My ds9 HATED R&S Grammar, even though we did most orally. I bought GWG and now grammar is his favorite subject. I highly recommend giving it a try. Only thing...no writing exercises included so you'll need a separate program. We use Wordsmith Apprentic, Anc. Hist. Based WRiting Lessons and just narrations, copywork and he likes to write stories on his own.
  24. My dd11 (doing Saxon 7/6) STILL has difficulty figuring out when to do a certain operation in a word problem. Every day there is a question about it.."Do I multiply or divide?". It takes time and experience to figure this out. 4th is still early. Give her time with that and just work through the problems with her, pointing out "clue words" as to what operation to use. Explain why you used a certain operation. She'll get it. I wouldn't switch now. Of course, I don't know a ton about MUS except that I like Steven Demme and based on the Demo DVD I have, it looks like a great program. I'm actually thinking of switching my ds6 who is just now using Saxon 1.
  25. Dc want one for their combined bday party in 2 weeks but I'm already spending too much on the actual party (at an ice skating rink). I simply cannot afford to buy one, AND a cake, AND, party bags, AND, etc. Anybody ever make their own? If so, HOW? Is it worth the time and materials or should I just buy one?
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