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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Raw honey is the best remedy for sore throats or colds. If you don't have raw honey (unheated and unstrained) then use regular honey. Take a few teaspoons each day. You can also try honey and lemon in water or an herbal tea for sore throats. Throat Coat usually works for me.
  2. The reason I hate them is b/c they are meant to test the SCHOOLS not the students. How well a school district's students do on those test determines how much or less money they get. Dh is/was a public school teacher and all the tests do is guage if a school is "educating" their students "correctly'. That being said, I do care how well my dc are doing. I feel like I can be a better judge than a silly test of how well my own dc are doing. Also, our state started putting science on the standardized tests. WHAT? So, now, if I want my dc to "pass" that section I have to teach the specific topics that will be covered on the tests each year. I REFUSE! Another thing...test like this also discover how well a particular dc can take a test. THere are certain strategies for test taking. For instance. You don't know a particular answer but do know that 2 of the possibles can't be right. You are left with 2. You either guess or narrow down some more or whatever. You KWIM. So, to make my long test rant short...I wouldn't worry too much about it. Simply try explaining to dh the reason for state tests (it's for the SCHOOLS NOT THE STUDENTS!). Have him "test" his dc on his own by talking to them about what they learned, teaching a lesson or 2, etc. THat's a better gauge of how well they are doing than a silly state test.
  3. My ds didn't like the DIVE for 5/4 but then again, he doesn't like math, period! I could see the benefit and I will get it for 8/7 for my dd next year so I can free up some of my own time. Well taught lessons and easy to understand. Buy used...
  4. If it wasn't for the fact that we hated being a part of a public cyber school and all the red tape that went along with it, we'd still be using K12. I simply cannot afford it for all my dc right now. K12 Science was fun, thorough, gave the dc a little taste of a variety of subjects and included many fun and simple experiments. Only thing...in 6th I think K12 moves to a more topic specific year (I think it's Physical Science in 6th), but you could easily combine your dc in Science 5. My dd did Science 5 and it was way thorough enough for a 6th grader, IMHO. Also check out BJU Science as it is that same type of program...lots of topics all year. I sure wish we could afford K12 on our own b/c there was so much about it that I loved!
  5. it is not AS complete as R&S in that there isn't a writing component. Personally, I didn't really like R&S's writing component anyway, so we just used our own. GWG included diagramming and everything else R&S does only in a workbook format. THat, my ds9 likes! I highly recommend it. 2 of my other dc use R&S with no problems (I don't mind the Christian content as I am a Christian but it does get to be overkill sometimes!). To each his own...check out GWG!
  6. Thanks everybody for sharing your struggles. There is still that little voice inside my head screaming, "It shouldn't be this way!". And, it shouldn't. I'm their mother. THe woman who gave birth to them, the woman who wiped their noses, cleaned up their you-know-what when they were sick and wiped their bottoms when they were babies. I'm the one who has sacrificed almost her ENTIRE "life" to be home and teach them so they don't have to deal w/ the bullies, the unfair teachers, the excess homework, waking up too early, etc. I suppose I just need to pray harder b/c in my house, this can't go on or mamma is going to lose her mind! Thanks again for sharing...it does make me feel better to know it's not just me or my dc!
  7. We, as a society, eat way too much processed foods, eat too many sugary snacks/drinks, drink way too much cola products which are simply horrible for your teeth. You are not alone in this quest to figure out how to prevent major dental problems. My dentist did tell me that some kids are just born w/ "bad or soft teeth" which makes them much more prone to dental problems. I'm sorry I'm no help on the raw milk, but it IS extremely healthy for you (much better than commercialized milk or even organic, commercial milk). If you can find a reputable and safe source, I'd go for it for all the other benefits. Raw milk from grass fed cows (and cows not treated w/ hormones or antibiotics, etc.) is full of vitamins and minerals and very good for you. Oh, as for your ds not brushing well enough or at all...you're not alone there either. My ds9 had a cavity so progressed that he had to have a permanent tooth removed. It was just dead. He confessed he hadn't been brushing AT ALL but would tell us he did. Well, he learned his lesson. Anyway, I'm not sure about decalcification. Make sure he gets enough calcium? Is calcium deficiency even what causes this problem? I don't know. Sorry, I'm no help on the raw milk link, but I just know that one products can only do so much when the rest of our typical diets are just so bad for our teeth (I'm not speaking just about you or your ds...I include myself and my dc b/c we are certainly guilty of not eating as healthy as we should).
  8. We are using MOH1 this year. My kids just aren't liking it at all, but what is new? They hate everything about school this year. Anyway, what am I doing wrong? I follow Hobar's guides as to how to do each lesson, etc. We do the fun activities and I even try to add more fun act. from ideas in Diana Waring's History curriculum. We listen to DW's audios, watch videos on certain topics, do the maps, test/quizzes and used to do the memory cards until I realized it was rather redundant b/c I usually make the dc do a written narration on each lesson. So, how do YOU do MOH?
  9. Let me clarify. My dc would probably win the best behavior award if they were in a public/private school setting. I KNOW they would never treat an outside teacher the way they treat me. For example, they wouldn't whine and complain when asked to do an assignment, they would NEVER cry b/c there are "too many problems and I'll n.e.v.e.r get it all done in a MILLION years!", they wouldn't yell, raise their voice, roll their eyes, slam doors, stomp out of the room etc. in a classroom setting. They wouldn't grumble all the way through a writing assignment, they wouldn't rush through their work simply to get it done so they can run off and do whatever it is that is more interesting than schoolwork (which is anything and everything). So, are my dc the only ones that walk all over me, as their teacher? I told my dh tonight, in a moment of utter frustration, "If the children wouldn't behave this way for any other teacher, WHY should I have to put up with this behavior day in and day out..making me a miserable, stressed out, angry mother (add in horomones from being pregnant and you have a veritable powder keg!). I need some advice/suggestions on how to take care of this. I also told dh that when I was growing up I respected my mother b/c I knew my father was coming home and I'd be in some deep you know what if I disrespected my mother! As it is in our house...I am the disciplinarian, punishment giver, nasty, mean, not fair, horrible, (did I mention mean?) parent and dh is the "knigh in shining armor" when he comes home! I'm so sorry to vent but I've really just had it. We plan to hs for the duration unless something drastic happens in our life making it impossible or not beneficial. I just can't go on like this for the long haul. I shouldn't have to resign myself to this, KWIM? Okay, vent/rant over. What would you do? How would you handle your dc if you knew they were basically walking all over you, disrespecting you, taking advantage of you but would NEVER do that to an outside teacher? BTW...we are NOT lax with discipline. The dc are grounded, sent for time outs, spanked (not often), priveleges are removed, etc. for such offenses but it just doesn't seem to sink.in.
  10. both are good curriculums for teaching grammar. FLL was too scripted for me. I use it now for the poems, some copywork, songs and narrations. After a week of nouns (common vs. proper) in first grade both my ds and me were done! We now do R&S 2 orally mostly. Honestly, my favorite grammar program so far is Growing With Grammar. My ds9 is using GWG4 right now (after switching from R&S4) and he is loving it whereas before he dreaded grammar. My dd11 does well with R&S 5 however! They are all different. GWG does not have any writing component so for upper elem. grades you'd need a separate program. Other than that, I really like it. It is a workbook format. Oh, I'm keeping FLL b/c my ds6 who just can't stand to write might do well w/ the oral approach to learning grammar next year. We'll see.
  11. My children are 11, 9, 8 (the ones doing History anyway!). My ds6 and ds5 don't really participate at all with us and the toddler would probably be MORE interested in the timeline than the olders, LOL!
  12. We're doing Ancients. We started a timeline back in September, but dc were so not into it. I ended up doing all the writing, pasting, cutting, etc. I hoped they would get into it once they saw it coming together. Not the case. So, now, I'm not really motivated to do it myself and have them watch with those glazed over eyes. Any suggestions on either a) how to make it more fun for them or b)permission to ditch the timeline! TIA
  13. or plan to read: The Cat of Bubastes by Henty (we listened to the audiobook b/c it's a bit difficult for a 4th grader IMHO) The Bronze Bow, Lugalbanda (supposedly the oldest story ever recorded...Ancient Sumerians), Tut's Mummy Lost and Found (easy for 4th grade but good read), some Usborne books (Egyptians, King Tut, Cleopatra), one we just got called The Mystery of The Ancient Pyramids (it's a new series of Mysteries that's out), etc. My dd11 is enjoying Detectives in Togas. She also liked Mara, Daughter of the Nile (more of a girl story!). HTH. Oh, for writing (not that you asked!), IEW has an Ancient History based Writing Lessons book that is geared for your age group. My dd is enjoying that for writing this year.
  14. Please read my above post about what I'm looking for. Any suggestions? TIA!
  15. a then 2nd grader and 3rd-4th grader (he's somewhat in between!). We are doing Christian Kids Explore Bio/God's Design for Life this year. They need more of a "buffet" approach where they will study one topic for a week and move on. K12 had great Science units (2 weeks max) but we can't afford K12! Any other curriculums (Christian would be nice) that are like this? If so, what level? I've looked at Bob Jones Science and that looks close to what I'm looking for. TIA for any suggestions!
  16. It's a Unit Study for 1st through 6th (or whatever age you want really) based on Charlotte's Web. I just downloaded it and it looks awesome! I've been looking for something for my 1st and 2nd grader who just aren't real thrilled w/ our current Science topics. THis has everything in it and looks fun! Just thought I'd share. http://www.homeschoolestore.com
  17. Dh was just telling me about this (I think this is the one). He gave it to all his teachers one day to show them just how difficult the English language is and to give them some compassion for all the ESL students in the school. English is just a wacky language!
  18. Sounds like my ds5. One day he was sitting at the table eating his lunch and the next second he was on the floor! He just, sort of, fell! We all just stared at him trying desperately not to laugh at this kid on the floor. He started crying, of course, so we had to stifle those laughs. Another time he was honestly just walking from the table to the kitchen and tripped over what looked like a pencil on the floor (only thing nearby larger than a speck of dust!). Then there is my dd11...very accident proned. She will also just sort of trip over nothing or find the ONLY think in the room to bump into, etc.
  19. My dd11 really wants to learn Spanish. The new church we've been attending is starting their Spring homeschool classes (like a co-op of sorts) and she will be taking a Spanish class once a week (focusing on conversation as well as customs/characteristics of Spanish speaking countries. I'm looking ahead to next year. What is out there for a dc her age? Side note: I can speak and read Spanish fairly well (although it is amazing how much you lose when you don't use it!) so I don't necessarily need something to teach for me, KWIM? I doubt I can afford Rosetta Stone unless I can find it used. My other dc are 2 (she already knows how to count to ten in Spanish from Dora books/videos!), 5, 6, 8 and 9 but they may or may not participate. So, to make a long post short...what are some programs I should consider? I'd like her to learn more than just basic vocab. She's certainly old enough to learn the grammar.
  20. About the vision/tracking difficulties...I had his eyes checked and turns out he has a very slight astigmatism. He wears glasses for reading and he says it's a teeny bit better, but he doesn't really notice a big difference. Thanks for the quick tracking test...I'll do that!
  21. My ds9, for the first time ever, is getting into a book (Bunnicula). Ds8 used to love reading but now despises it. Ds6 is hit or miss. My dd11 is the only one that will read simply for pleasure. If you have a dc who just doesn't like to read, what do you do? Do you still mandate reading each day? How much do you make them read outside of literature (I mean in History, Science, etc.) if they simply just gag at the thought of reading? I understand that reading is important, a must know skill. Is it possible, though, that some dc just aren't ever going to like reading? Just curious...
  22. Yes, difficult to find. My dd is 11 and the dresses in her size range are out of this world! I've had luck though at Kohl's, Target, other department stores and discount chains like Marshall's or TJMaxx. Oh, TCP has some cute dresses as well!
  23. 8:30 on a good day. Usually 9am. I don't sleep well during the night at this stage in my pregnancy (7mos) and so I just can't function before then. I always tell my older dc to have their chores done before I get up (they get up by 7:30 usually) and they can start their schoolwork even if I'm not up. Does that ever happen? NO WAY! But, I've actually been trying to get up and going so we can start by 8:30 now. Glad to see I'm not the only late sleeper!
  24. No help, but you are not alone. My dd11 suddenly turned into Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde seemingly overnight. One minute she is sugar and spice, the next....look out! Stick to you guns. Be consistent, esp. w/ the disrespect. Loss of priveleges (friends, TV, video games, phone calls, whatever it takes). Let her know that those things are privelelges to be earned and if her attitude continues to be in the trash then she loses those priveleges. My dd usually just needs a cooling off period in her room before she returns to apologize for her disrespect, attitude, whatever. This age is tough. Hormones they don't know what to do with (not in THAT sense, but just emotional turbulence). Talk w/ her about her changing body and how her emotions will seem all "messed up". She's happy one minute, sad the next, angry the next. It's all normal. THey just need us to help them control the emotions. Even hormonal women can't be permitted to lash out at anyone and everyone in their path! I suppose I should take that one to heart, LOL!
  25. Thanks to whomever mentioned it on the old boards and again on this board! It took a little while to set it up, but my dc LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the little cartoon cat and buying clothes for it, etc. They actually ASK to do chores now! We are also using the system to figure out allowance and other rewards. How long this "honeymoon period" will last, I don't know. All I know is it is working for us now! Only drawback...the constant badgering to get on the website to cash in points, check off tasks and buy stuff for the cat! We'll need a system for that now, too! http://www.handipoints.com for anyone interested or needing a fresh, new chore system!
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