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Everything posted by bry's-gal

  1. Such great ideas- I've been able to request most of them from my library! Thank you!!!
  2. I feel so much better- I thought it was just me! I start to get a bit cranky around lunchtime but we have quiet time right after that so I can recharge for the afternoon. By dinner time, I'm done! Hubby knows he needs to step in because the sweet little voices are now nails on the chalkboard!
  3. Thank you! You guys have been very helpful!
  4. Thanks- that gives me a good starting point!
  5. :lurk5: I'm enjoying this thread and all the ideas popping around! You guys got my brain spinning!
  6. Hey guys! I'm looking for some good books to share a bit of the history around Thanksgiving! I have a 4 yr old who I would be reading to and a 6 yr old who would be doing some reading on her own (she is reading at about a 2nd grade level.) Thanks!
  7. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I was just saying to a friend today that we never get to science like I want and history isn't much better! I was debating whether to chuck it or not! My eldest devours history and science books (Thank you Usborne!)- I'm going to quit stressing about it!
  8. Last year they did do just a shopping pass. It is nice to go through and really look at the choices!
  9. We start around 9 or 9:30. If we are doing well, we finish around lunch time. We also have a hard time getting back on track after lunch. If I can tell that we are not going to finish by lunch, I'll save the easier stuff for after lunch and push the harder stuff. I have a Pre-K and a 1st grader.
  10. Tidy Cats Multiple! We have 3 cats and I've tried the cheaper stuff and it is awful. I always go back to Tidy Cats. I also scoop several times a week!
  11. What does everyone use for English grammer for a 1st/2nd grader? We've been using First Language Lessons and Writing with Ease but just aren't liking it. What else can others recommend? I'm happy with what we have for spelling and I don't need something for writing- I can do copywork on our own and she writes in her journal a few times a week.
  12. My MIL is not the best gift giver- it is not a mean thing- just she isn't very good at it. At the time I had a fish themed bathroom and our toilet seat was getting old and needed to be replaced. That year for Christmas, I received a new toilet seat complete with fish on it!
  13. We let the girls pick out something new to wear for the first day of school and then get pictures. Last year, I had them decorate some of our new stuff- clipboards, pencil containers, etc. We do an easy morning and for lunch/snacks I find ABC food- pretzels, tater tots, etc. In the afternoon, we go on a small field trip and get some ice cream!
  14. Thanks for the feedback! I like the idea of the MISC area. I have no idea what our county is like as this is our first time. Hopefully it won't be to bad as we have a lot of homeschoolers in our area.
  15. Here is what I have so far: Curriculum for XXXX 2010-2011 Language Arts -Dictation/recitation/narration -Creative/journal writing -Grammar -Spelling -Reading comprehension -Literature Math -Addition facts -Subtraction facts -Skip counting -Measurement -Fractions -Geometry -Sets -Place Value -Money -Graphs -Estimation -Ratio -Area, perimeter, and volume -Decimals Science -Astronomy -Ecology -Physical Science Geography/History -Ancient civilizations -World geography Health/PE -Gymnastics -Swim Fine Arts -Great composers -Great artisits -Piano lessons First Aid, Safety, Fire Prevention -Field trips - Conversations Material List for XXXX 2010-2011 Language Arts First Language Lessons by Jessie Wise Writing With Ease by Susan Wise Bauer Sonlight Reading Guide Math Horizons Science Exploring Creation with Astronomy by Jeannie K. Fulbright Real Science 4 Kids Pre-Level Physics by Dr. Rebecca W. Keller History Story of the World Volume 1 by Susan Wise Bauer The Usborne Book of World History Fine Arts Classical Conversations by Leigh A. Bortins How does it look? To basic? To much? Oh, and she will be turning 6 in a few weeks so I will have to report her!
  16. I'm working on filling out the paper to notify the superintendent that we are homeschooling. I'm agonizing over the attached lists of curriculum and materials to be used. I'm really have a problem with the PE/Health, Fine Arts, and the First Aid/Safety/Fire ones. Those areas are not formal at all- they are involved in activities and we talk about a lot of the safety/health stuff. What do you guys do? Does any one have an example of what they've done in years past that you wouldn't mind showing me? I'm not sure how detailed to get and if it should be on two separate sheets of paper or all on one! I'm over analyzing it all! Thanks!
  17. I'm in the middle of reading Beezus and Ramona to my girls. I'm planning to take them next week to see the movie! I'm so glad you guys liked it- it's always a bit iffy when they change a book into a movie!
  18. My daughter does best when she has a deadline. For example, you need to read for 30 minutes, I'll sit the timer. Or, xyz and need to be finished by the time the timer goes off. I also let her know what she does if she finishes by the time the timer goes off.
  19. Hmmmm- I never did any of that sort of thing. or even ask for bigger things. It I wanted it, I saved up for it. Maybe the child has to pay a percentage of it and the parents pay the rest? When I was a older, my parents told me they honestly expected me to come ask for more money and they were ready to give me more. It was an experiment on their part- I just took them seriously and assumed they weren't going to give me more then my $50. LOL!
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