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Everything posted by bry's-gal

  1. What did you use to teach cursive? Any good freebies out there?
  2. Our favorite is taco dip! 16 ozs each of cottage cheese and cream cheese (use the low fat kind) and a package of taco seasoning. Beat it together and chill. Spread on a plate and top with your favorite veggies- serve with tortilla chips!
  3. Great thread! I was considering it for my much younger kids. Now after reading this, I think I'll wait and save us some frustration!
  4. Me too! I don't know why I do this to myself- reading these threads! I'm going to have nightmares tonight and wake up poor hubby to make sure there are no snakes in bed with us! (And we've never had snakes at our house but no I'm terrified of going out to our garage!)
  5. Special band-aid- that is great! I'm going to remember that one! :lol:
  6. and they left us a note on our wipey board!!!! "Thank you, We'll be back" with a smiley face! Hubby and I are trying not to get excited about that! We are praying that this is going to be a quick sell! Then I started thinking, what if this is like the guy on the first date who say's he'll call but has no intention of calling. Think I need a glass of wine and to go to bed so I don't over analyze this!
  7. :lurk5: I have a very strong willed child! I know I can be hard on her at times- it seems like that is the only thing that gets through to her! At the same time, I don't want to ruin my relationship with her! Looking forward to hearing advice from others who have been there!
  8. We have recently moved from a small church to a mega-church. At first the change was hard on all of us. Now, we love it! We love that we can serve without feeling like we have to do it all. We love all of the activities for the children and for us! At our church, they focus on teaching the scriptures- even the hard to hear stuff - but on loving the person. They are not afraid to say if something is a sin but they are very careful to make sure that the person feels God's love! Recently we had a member run-off with another man- it was very public. I was so amazed by the love they showed both parties involved- the husband who got left and the wife who did the leaving. The wife has not returned but I know of several times the church has made it a point to reach out to her and try to bring her back to God. We made it a point to get involved with a Sunday school class and a small group- that helped with the feeling of getting lost and helped us form relationships. The girls had a hard time at first with the larger class sizes but now they love going! Our pastors make it a point to get to know people. We have a 5 pastors and they divide the responsibilities between them. I think all of them know us by name/family and a little bit about us. Hope that helps!
  9. I say NO! You are pregnant and entitled to be as comfortable as possible in your own backyard! It's fenced in and if anyone has a problem with it, they don't have to look!
  10. popcorn, apples and cheese slices! My family would love it!
  11. My cats have gone through that a few times. I just assumed it was a kitty cold- it normally goes away in a week or so. This year however, it turned into pink eye on one of my cats. It is not fun treating a cat for pink eye! Humans can not get pink eye from cats but it is very contagious to the other cats. We went through two months of treating 3 of the 4 cats for pink eye! NOT FUN! Our vet did suggest giving the cats Lysine- it is a supplement that is supposed to help boost their immune system. The vet carried a gel for fairly cheap (maybe $10) so I tried it. I would put some on their paws and they would lick it off. Pet stores might also carry Lysine. It's worth looking into!
  12. Anyone ever use these? What did you like/not like about it? Tell me more! I'm wanting a kit for my kids (age 4 and 6) that has everything included in it- materials needed and lessons! I'm really struggling with finding something that isn't made out of obviously cheap materials!
  13. I have a daughter like that!!! Some days I can't believe she is still alive!! I have noticed that she goes in cycles- lately it seems to be around the 6 month mark for her- some sort of growth spurt and leap to the next developmental level- at those times she pushes, pushes and pushes some more until I think I can't take it any more! It's like she is having to retest everything she knows and make sure that we still mean what we say. After the testing period, things calm down again and she is a joy to be around. I have found during those testing periods that she is normally ready for additional responsibilities and a change in how things operate- she is mentally/emotionally ready to go to the next level (I hope that made sense!) When she was 3 - 4 was the worst! I think it was one L-O-N-G year of battles! I have no real advice- you learn your child- but I can commiserate with you!
  14. Could it be allergy related? My friend's son would have frequent nosebleeds due to allergies. She had to put him on a daily medicine.
  15. Do you have a link to purchase the weather kit? I'm trying to find it on-line and am failing!
  16. My oldest does quiet time wonderfully-she has had more training. I'm at a loss at to what to do with my youngest. If I put her in her room, she will take a nap. When she gets up from nap, she is cranky and whining and then she does not fall asleep until really late that night. The next morning she is tired and cranky and we are now stuck in a vicious cycle. Naps are not a good thing for her right now. My oldest will quietly read or listen to books on tape while coloring. I try that with my youngest and she is constantly bothering my oldest or myself. How do I maintain quiet time without putting her in her room?
  17. This is a MUST make! Taco Dip- 16 0z each of cottage cheese and cream cheese, one packet of taco seasoning- beat it all together and the refrigerate. When it is time to serve, spread some on a plate, top with your favourite veggies and cheese. Eat with tortilla chips! My kids LOVE this one!
  18. We just listened to Jim Weiss's Shakespeare CD. My daughter LOVED it! I would like to find her some more like that to listen to and even some books to read. What do you recommend?
  19. All of the above are great books- it's nice to have some longer books to help kill the time! I don't know how old you kids are but my younger two also enjoy listening to Jim Weiss's Shakespeare, Magic Tree House and A to Z Mysteries!
  20. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I can see my husband trying that one- if we had a dog!!!! Thanks for the laugh!
  21. We are working on putting the house on the market. We are needing to start packing things up to store. Where do I get boxes? Especially smaller ones for books?
  22. Do have a link or know of the name to that puzzle? I have a good US puzzle but the capitols are right on the states. I was trying to find something that made them think a bit more about it! :D Thanks for all of the replies! I've got a good list going!
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