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Pam B

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Everything posted by Pam B

  1. Note Taking and Outlining - Frank Schaffer. If that's the right one, do you know where I can download the ebook? I went to Frank Schaffer site, and THIS is all I found. Aparently, FS and School Specialty Publishing has merged and they're no longer selling the FS ebooks, as far as I can tell..... If it's not the right one, could you redirect me? Thanks a million! :001_smile:
  2. Ask your kid. :001_smile: The one thing I would worry about, well two things is, A) You don't want him to get bored and loose the interest in school, and B) You don't want to start too soon, as in, well, that would be too late in the year and have summer "interupt" the flow of it all. KWIM? I donno. Guess I'm no help! ;)
  3. IMO, I would put her in 6/5. Just to be on the safe side. At worse, she'll zoom through it, and you'll have to buy 7/6. It will also give her time to get use to their program before hitting the high math. Isn't three missed the limit? I did have my boys do a placement test in Jan., right after coming back- their idea- youngest didn't quite make it, but older one did. He's in 7/6 now, and is doing pretty good. B average. I just want to watch him.. Just in case.
  4. :bigear: I would like to know this as well!!!
  5. Nah, she's fine w/ the other stuff. I will have her check her work though. THANK-YOU! :iagree:
  6. Whew! YES!!!! I never knew that!!!! :cheers2:
  7. Thank you. I'll use that. She does the Facts Practice as well. I know she knows her facts, but... maybe she's just being careless?
  8. This is great! I was thinking the same thing- In need of a Bible Curriculum-- that is interesting and fun!
  9. It is a fun show for the kids to watch. But DD13 does tell me that it is not accurate. Maybe *IF* your kids are knowledgable enough, and old enough to process it- Make a "game" of it. Let them watch it- but have them try to find inaccuracies, and tell them to you. HTH! :)
  10. DD13, is in the 8th grade. She is in Challenge A (classical Conversations) this year. Her math average up until Christmas break was an A. Right before break she got sick and missed a week. I'm not sure if her getting sick had anything to do with it or not, but after that, her grades dropped to lower C's and at times even D's. I thought she was rushing to catch up. So, we stopped and I had her first listen to the DIVE CD, then read the lesson. Next we went through and I watched as she redid all the lesson practices for each lesson she received a C or below. This took a week. She understood all, but the scientific notation lesson. Even that, she understood it after we talked it over. Then she continued her lessons. She was doing fine, then her grades started dropping again! This time, I restarted her back at lesson 51. That is when the grades started dropping the first time. We did class daily, after she listened to the CD. Once again, her grades started out fine, but are now steadily dropping. Now it's almost April and she's only on lesson 61. I wouldn't have a problem with that, since mastery is the goal. BUT her grades are not good, and DH is already worried that she is a year "behind". Since she's in 8th grade, she should be in Saxon Algebra 1/2- THIS year. We're graphing the ones she misses (per lesson reference number) to try to pinpoint the lessons she is not getting. A lot of the mistakes are mistakes made by carelessness. Not adding properly, not looking up the lesson, not labeling..... AHH! I just don't know what to do, and DH is making it worse as he is on my back about it. HELP!
  11. Collen,

    Thank-you! I enjoy reading your posts as well!! I think we have kids doing similar studies-- or shall I say WILL be doing similar studies! This week we are on Spring Break!! Next week we will switch to WTM! I'm VERY excitted! I just need to find some quiet time this week to listen to her lectures- From what you've said, alone, I'm very hopefull it will be helpful. The writing is the thing I worry about most!


    I finally asked the boys about their science. They wanted to study Earth first. :)

  12. No rules here in IL. The only thing I had to do was write a letter of intent to the school to pull DD(then7) out. She's 13 now. :)
  13. Wow! How do some of you get done SOO quickly? We're in grades 6, 7 and 8. Starting at 8am, finished around 3-3:30pm. Day dreaming and plain ol' fooling around makes it SO long! I've told them until I'm blue in the face that they are just wasting away their (and my) play time. WHY DON'T THEY CARE?????? To ease up on my frustration, I schedule the subjects I must help them with in the morning. That way if they want to do school until bedtime, at least I can be somewhat free to do my stuff........ because I do have other things to do! (Yes, as you can see, this hits home w/ me!) :tongue_smilie:
  14. that's great! One of my favorite sites for ebooks is ebookdestination.com :D
  15. cdgni, I'm doing things the WTM way, so we're not really using a curriculum. We will be using "How the Earth Works", "How The Universe Works", "The Useborne Internet Linked Science Encyclopedia", among other books SWB recommended.
  16. But don't you think that if you studied astronomy first, the would have a better understanding of Earth?
  17. We're going to be doing Logic stage (6th grade) WTM. It seems like SWB says to study Earth then Astronomy for science. My thoughts would be to study Astronomy first then earth. What is your thoughts on this? And could you explain? Thanks so much!
  18. I didn't report it because when I clicked on "Contact Us" it didn't work. (I'm sure it's my comp.)
  19. I agree with johnandtinagilbert. Have you figured out the best way for them to learn? I plan on having my kids diagram on the drive way soon. I've also heard about doing it w/ playdough or in the snow.
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