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Pam B

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Everything posted by Pam B

  1. Don't feel bad, DS10 just told me the other day that he was just getting use to our grammar... We've been doing it since Sept.! I was asking him if he liked it or wanted to try something else. I think it just takes a lot of pactience and daily commitment-- especially on their part!!! ;) HTH.
  2. Hi. Just ran across this the other day. I thought I kept the site address to go back to it, but not so. Anyhow- I hope this will be of help to someone!! :001_smile: It's a list of questions to ask about Picture Study.............. DESCRIBE IT What kinds of things do you see in this painting? What else do you see? What words would you use to describe this painting? What other words might we use? How would you describe the lines in this picture? The shapes? The colors? What does this painting show? Look at this painting for a moment. What observations can you make about it? How would you describe this painting to a person who could not see it? How would you describe the people in this picture? Are they like you or different? How would you describe (the place depicted in) this painting? RELATE IT What does this painting remind you of? What things do you recognize in this painting? What things seem new to you? How is this painting like the one we just saw? What are some important differences? What do these two paintings have in common? How is this picture different from real life? What interests you most about this work of art? ANALYZE IT Which objects seems closer to you? Further away? What can you tell me about the colors in this painting? What color is used the most in this painting? What makes this painting look crowded? What can you tell me about the person in this painting? What can you tell me about how this person lived? How did you arrive at that idea? What do you think is the most important part of this picture? How do you think the artist made this work? What questions would you ask the artist about this work, if s/he were here? INTERPRET IT What title would you give to this painting? What made you decide on that title? What other titles could we give it? What do you think is happening in this painting? What else could be happening? What sounds would this painting make (if it could)? What do you think is going on in this picture? How did you arrive at that idea? What do you think this painting is about? How did you come up that idea? Pretend you are inside this painting. What does it feel like? What do you think this (object) was used for? How did you arrive at that idea? Why do you suppose the artist made this painting? What makes you think that? What do you think it would be like to live in this painting? What makes you think that? EVALUATE IT What do you think is good about this painting? What is not so good? Do you think the person who painted this do a good or bad job? What makes you think so? Why do you think other people should see this work of art? What do you think other people would say about this work? Why do you think that? What grade would you give the artist for this work? How did you arrive at that grade? What would you do with this work if you owned it? What do you think is worth remembering about this painting? ----------------- I think I'll print these out for my kiddies! :)
  3. Ah, rats! I already did that one! It's okay. I think I'll just go with library books and books from here.
  4. I don't get it. Could you tell me the actual name? I've searched their entire site. Can't seem to find it. Thanks.
  5. Let us know what you find out. I really hope everything turns out fine, something simple. Could it be a boy problem? I'm just trying to throw ideas at ya. During that time of month I can't concentrate, but to miss almost all of her problems... I just don't know. You've got the whole board supporting you. :001_smile: Like I said, stay calm, ESPECIALLY when you go to the dr. And remember we're all behind you! And- it is true- a mama knows best! ;) No matter how many years of school anyone has behind them, a mama's instinct is there for a reason!
  6. And, thank-you Kate, I book marked that site. It looks very interesting. I read a few sample stories. ;)
  7. Thank-you Lisabees. I'll look into that one as well. Even if they don't use it for outlining, they will probably like it. :)
  8. That actually looks pretty interesting! I'm gonna have to check that one out at the library. Thank-you! I love informational books.
  9. Ah, I guess I will just have to figure something out. Teaching the Classics is going to be way over their heads. I was thinking, maybe even finding some simple coloring books that tell short stories. Something they could just get the core of the story and add in their own details. KWIM? I did look through Dover Publishing. However, their coloring books seem to be more facts that stories. Another idea, would be to just have them go to the beginner reader section in the library and choose a few books from their. I've even thought it might be neat to get a picture book and have them write a story based on that, similar to picture study, I guess. I just want to get them comfortable with writing before moving on. Right now my youngest, especially just does not want to write at all! I want him to be able to have fun w/ it, relax and enjoy the process.
  10. :001_unsure: Hmm... I will have to look into that. I know I've seen it, but I guess the name scares me off.
  11. I'm looking for books they can use to keyword their stories from. Just short stories that have a medieval theme.
  12. Hopefully you all can help me here. My kids have done IEW (via Essentials in their Classical Conversation class) for two years. We will be doing the Medeival themed history next year (6th grade WTM - no CC) and I'm curious to know if anyone knows a good resourse to use- possibly fictional- that we can use in a similar way to IEW. We've already gone through the Medeival themed IEW book. My sons like doing their reports/stories that way, but I need short stories to keep him from getting overwhelmed. I really would like to give them a fictional book to work from, as I am seeing a growing need for them to just enjoy writing. It is a lot harder to write nonfiction. I want them to be able to add and expand freely, without worrying about it changing the 'true' story. Can anyone help me out here? I've been scowering the net for days for different subjects. My brain is F-R-I-E-D! :ack2:
  13. Has she switched friends, groups, etc.? I agree you should recheck the cyst, BUT don't go into a frenzy. Stay calm! (Easier said than done, I know!) Have you asked her what SHE thinks is wrong??
  14. Okay. I do think that we just may go with the Harmony Fine Arts! I'll probably throw in a bit of writing and listening to composers. I've read all your posts, as well as sent Bindee a PM. So, sounds like a plan! :) You all are great! THANK-:DYOU!
  15. Hmmm... So you all aren't actually doing any art projects? Colleen in NS, Is the Usborne art history book worth buying? I guess I was hoping for more of a hands-on idea, at least for art. I have one who likes to write and draw and one who hates both!
  16. I have two boys in the logic stage. I'm hoping to follow the WTM way. So~ Does anyone have any great art or/and music study suggestions? We can't afford classes. :crying:
  17. Cadam, Do you remember which lecture it is that she discusses IEW? ~Thanks!
  18. Sewbusy, On SALE for $70??? OUCHY MAMA! :ack2:
  19. Corraleno, You are a funny one! :D See, you caught me, I haven't had time to actually LOOK at the books. BUSTED!:smilielol5:
  20. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/sitemap/ Great site for stuff like that.
  21. Another Lynn, Good point! Well, Actually GREAT point!! :) I never took any foreign languages. But, the credit thing, that is so true.
  22. LOF is a real-life math book, right? I was thinking of using that with my 6th & 7th graders. Is LOF the best real-life math?
  23. Maddysmom26, cbd.com has a lot of books you can look through online, or at least samples. I like to look at the Table of Contents, at least. Also, try Amazon, they let you look through some of their books as well. As a last resort, I google the book and the word "sample". HTH
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