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Pam B

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Everything posted by Pam B

  1. I ended up forking out the dough. I'm quite pleased with it. Here's a link to the online newest edition. WTM I love looking through books FIRST, if at all possible. But nothing replaces having them in print! :)
  2. I'm thinking of putting together a Bible Study. I want to make it versatile for families with several age groups, as well as families with an only child. What are your thoughts as far as what you would want included? Are coloring pages and activities important.. etc.? I've been thinking about this for a long time. I'm just tired of trying to find a great, easy to use study that is actually fun and older kids can do on their own. Thanks for your input.
  3. :lol: So, we're trying really hard to do a nature study this year. I really want it in depth and fun- enjoyable. However, my youngest son, soon to be 11 yrs old, wants nothing to do with drawing or writing. I know there has been discussion of picture taking instead on here, but is there any other options? I don't mind if he does nature study via photography, but I'm wanting something else at least to add a little variation. Thank you so much!
  4. Hi all, Once again, we're plunging into the identification process of nature, it being warmer weather and all... I wanted them to have fun going on walks- have something to look for. We currently have pretty good insect and bird guides, now I'm just looking for trees, wildflowers, and I guess other plants?? I just bought the Peterson First Guides for Wildflowers and Trees, but I know these are just for the most commonly found things- very basic guides. I'm wanting guides that are more complete, but of course easy to use. :) The second question, is if anyone knows of a book or even a chart, or site that we can use for finding certain things. I know bird watchers have point systems for spotting birds- more points for the less common ones... Curious if there is anything like that for other things- such as trees, flowers, etc. Also, I'm not sure even HOW to find a points system for the birds! Thanks so much! Pam B
  5. What exactly IS Wordless Wedenesday?:bigear:
  6. Is the Great Books study (in WTM) an actual program, or is it just that you study great books about great people????
  7. Maybe this has already been suggested- but you could get the computer cds that go with the lessons. There are two options- DIVE cds, or Saxon Math Teacher. We reently switched to the SMT, from DIVE, and are loving it. If you/ your child is struggling w/ a certain prob in the lesson, pop the cd in and click on that problem. Our routine is for them to watch the cd- INTRODUCTION ONLY- then do their lesson. It's great knowing that if a problem arises, we have the cd to refer to. The teacher works out every single problem. ~Pam B
  8. We just started a different reward system. Someone on here gave me the idea, and I tweaked it for our needs. For math (our most dreaded subject), if they score at 95-100% they receive a treat- such as a tootie roll sucker, an Easter egg, pack of crackers, etc. For working w/o asking me for help (being independant), I give them about 5 chocolate raisins, or jelly beans, some chips, something smaller. I got this idea from SWB's lecture. She said for each time they ask for help- you take one small treat away... hince the raisins, etc., that I can split up. This has been going fairly well, but I really, really hate the sugar. I need to find something else! I started them with these though, because we do not let them have a lot, and I wanted to really impress them to be more self-reliant. We have tried in the past the "treasure box" type thing w/ coupons, but it just got to be too much! :)
  9. Bless you for this! :) I never have time to look for these! (maybe because I'm on HERE instead! :001_huh:
  10. I have them get on the Wii Fit or Wii's My Fitness Coach. Although I love having them on there- Blessed are the sunny days! :D Outside they go! (Can't wait!)
  11. I would try Spelling Power. It goes through adult. You'd give her a placement test, so you wouldn't have to worry about it being too easy.
  12. thank you all for helping me with this. I think I have figured it (WTM) out one minute and am confused by it the next! Ah!
  13. that's a really good idea. I like that! I'll have to make a note to do that every so often.
  14. Okay, so I should have DC answer the "questions for a novel or story" when doing fiction?
  15. Late reply- sorry- I'm not sure just how far as the only thing for sure- is that DH wants to go to college in TN. (We hate it here in IL) And TN is the only state that you can go to and receive aid w/o living there for a couple years first.
  16. Does anyone know WHY (perhaps I missed it) SWB says in one of her lectures NEVER to outline literature? Isn't literature any written thing? Am I missing an ENORMOUS key piece here?
  17. See, that's the problem, we're in the process of a workman comp. settlement. It should happen before fall. At which time we will move from here in Illinois, to TN- The Johnson City area. Right now there is no CC program period. I'm not the director type, and certainly not the Challenge director type!
  18. Complicated situation, but boils down to the fact that, although my DD is doing Challenge A, I don't think we will be in an area that has a Challenge B program. If you couldn't do the B, what would you do instead? :confused: Dh, DD, and I all really like the program.
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