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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. brilliant! And I *do* have a good sauce on hand. Mel to the rescue. Thanks. Jo I do want more ideas though, so please feel free to post more. :bigear:
  2. Just curious. [pencil in hand] sincerely without creativity, Jo
  3. The emergency brake snapped. :glare: It crashed through some shubbery and a retaining wall that I share with my neighbor. Apparently the car owner's insurance company has accepted responsibility and will pay for the rebuilding of the wall and replacement of landscaping. Question: How does the insurance company usually pay out this sort of thing? Do they send a check to each of us? My neighbor did the bids- he is a good guy. He took the work upon himself to get all the quotes and submit them to the car owner's insurance. He has met with the adjuster and generally jumped through all the hoops necessary to get the ball rolling. The house is in Virginia and we live in Hawaii. I'm just now getting up to speed on what has been going on and *of course* my husband went back to sea just in time to avoid being here to make his reliably, level-headed decisions on all matters. :glare: Since I'm not on the scene, I'm tempted to ask my neighbor to handle the rebuild and let him handle the money. I don't know any other way to take care of joint property like this. Any experience? I'm thinking trees come down on joint property all the time. Thanks. Jo
  4. Have I been under a rock? I just listened to The Centrality of the Home this weekend with my dh. Wow! He was great! I didn't know he was so poplular. Too bad our conference is so bity. :glare: Enjoy HEAV. That conference is great. Jo
  5. I don't want to go to the AWANA ceremony/potluck. My mom will be visiting these next few weeks. Yay! However, that means I will have six children in one room. If one child comes down sick, they all do. The baby has his own room. We have neighbors that are sick with flu like symptoms. They have kids in the school system. There are three cases of H1N1 on the island now. Under these circumstances, I just don't want to take the chance. Freak, right? Prudent, right? :) Lets take a poll. Jo
  6. Muscle strengthening first. Don't diet, don't worry too much about aerobic activity. Build muscle slowly. Walk for pleasure, not progress. The goal should be health, health, health. Eat real food. Eat non-processed foods- in other words, don't become the nutrisystem, lean cuisine dieter. That won't work. Build muslce. Try this book as a starting point- http://www.amazon.com/Strong-Women-Stay-Miriam-Nelson/dp/0553379453/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1241510385&sr=8-2 I wish you the best. Slow and steady. Jo
  7. Sweet precious "E" had battled cancer for a year. It was still a fast decline at the end. Her sisters with were with me for most of the afternoon. They were lively, normal, vivacious young girls. They were normal playmates absorbed into the family today. I feel blessed for having them here. The middle (now oldest) daugter told me today that "E" was decorating her room in God's mansion with purple butterflies...but *her* room will be pink. And we agreed that it would be great if we lived across the street from one another. You must become like one of these... I feel blessed. May peace flow like a river. Jo
  8. She was 9. Please pray for her mom and dad and two sisters. They knew this day would come, but they are in a daze. They believe in the Hope everlasting. Thanks. Jo
  9. vodka + split vanilla beans I put the slit in the length of the bean and stick them right in the vodka bottle. Put in dark spot for 2 months or longer....voila! Jo
  10. I haven't ordered vanilla beans in a few years and the storefront I used is gone...I think. I don't *exactly* remember the name of the store. Oh memory...where for art thou....... So who has the best deal on ORGANIC Vanilla beans these days? Thanks. Jo
  11. Funny story- I had a social event this past week at an Admiral's home. I walk into this lovely room with a beautiful spread of food and beverages and many acquaintances. I go to set my purse down on a chair and I just could not help myself from glancing through the books on their shelves. I found a book on military history that I knew my dh would love so I got my planner and started to write down the title. Next thing I know, I've been at this event for 10 minutes or so without saying a word to anyone, and people are looking at me like I'm the biggest dork in the world. :D Jo
  12. Oh phooey. That is different. And now I recall some of the recent posts discussing this. I'm impressed with your husband's willingness to do what it takes to care for your family. And I'm impressed that you are holding down the fort and keeping the home fires burning. I will pray for you, the family, and your husband. I recently read an interview with an elderly woman who was a child during the depression. She talked about how living during hardships shaped her character for the better. Perseverence builds character. You can do this and thrive. I can tell you are a strong woman! It may not seem like it yet, and you will have those days, but your kids are learning a great principle. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Jo
  13. Is this a military thing? It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious. So here is what you do: 1. Go to Netflix and order the movie you have been wanting to watch but you know your husband would hate it. 2. Plan a few meals that you like, but your husband doesn't care for. Do a cheese and bread and yogurt meal if you like. Cereal night? 3. Plan a crazy event for the kids in the evening- Pile on the master bed for a read-aloud marathon one evening. Make it fun, make it different. Take pictures to show him. And give yourself an imaginary badge on your imaginary mom-sash for everything you accomplish that you never thought you could! You can do this! Jo
  14. Just when I was treading water, you guys threw me a line. I truly feel encouraged. The pressures are surely not going away- I live in a very social neighborhood- but I feel I have gotten my courage back. A good evening of solitude, these posts, great discussions with my dh, and some journaling has helped me get back on track. I still want to go live on a farm with a long, long road to the house, but since that isn't going to happen anytime soon, I will stay true to the calling we feel led to in our family. Thanks again ya'll. Jo
  15. And lately I've been feeling it more acutely. The comments have been more frequent, "aren't you signing [Johnny] up for soccer?...aren't you involved in a Co-Op?....aren't you taking them to the water park?" No. I'm not. And yes, they would probably enjoy all of that. But we wouldn't eat together as a family (soccer), the babies would be miserable (co-op), and we can't afford to all go to the water park, not to mention we aren't thrilled with that as an entertainment choice. We live in Hawaii, for Pete's sake, we can go to the beach. They love the beach and we want to keep it simple. The list goes on and on of things I don't sign my kids up for. I know they are growing up secure and unspoiled, but the constant pressure is just getting to me. My arms are tired from swimming up stream. I know that I shouldn't let it bother me. It doesn't change my convictions about not wanting to get sucked into the rat race. I try so hard to keep our family un-hurried! I just feel like an island. No one I know in real life is trying to slow down. They are team-joiners, carpoolers, class takers, etc. I want to be home. I want to be unfrazzled, because I know myself. To be a good, patient mom, I can't get stretched thin. When I do...it ain't pretty. Oh bother. I've gone on and on. And I'm really just typing my thoughts without much filter, sorry. Thanks for the forum to spill it..... Jo
  16. Do you know this is a new angle to this story. The financial cost. I hadn't really thought about that. Duh. So next time someone says, "everyone gets sick" quote them this: "A new study published in the February 24th edition of Archives of Internal Medicine reports that the cost to the U.S. economy is $40 billion a year - substantially more than other conditions such as asthma, heart failure and emphysema.From the University of Michigan Health System:The common cold coughs up a $40 billion annual price tag" I just pulled that off the first believeable website I clicked on. :D I'm popping in and out of this thread trying to look like I'm paying attention to my children's assignments. I'm sure there are better individual cost statistics, but I don't have the time right now. :tongue_smilie: As for the church thing- I'm giving you a big ol' "Amen!" We don't use any of the child care- it's not worth it on so many levels, sickness potential at the top. Jo
  17. I'm going to guess your child (yet undetermined) snuck away in excitement to see what the rest of this weeks learning will be. You must rock, Teacha'!
  18. I stocked up on Sunday. The shelves were full then. I'm not shocked. I don't really want to go for a while either. Jo
  19. EXACTLY. I think my MIL is brilliant too. I get you! military spouse and all......
  20. Follow up question: Would you say anything? I have to call her back later. Jo
  21. Neighbor/friend has been sick for 48hrs. Nausea, aches, chills, general ick- as described by her. I took soup to her last night. She looked beat. This morning called to check on her. Had an uncomfortable night. Still achy. Took lots of Tylenol so feeling better. She's off to take her pre-schooler to story-time at the library. :blink: *this* my friends is why I worry. And this is why I am being a freak and laying low for a while. Just until we know more. Jo
  22. Oops. Now that I've read the rest of the story, I'm relieved, but still thinking of you. Hope he heals up quickly. Jo
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