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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I did see that one, and I liked it. I actually thought the tighter bodice would work better for support. I need support- all that nursing....:glare:. I measured...because you forced me. ;) That and a pair of spanx for baby belly should help me get the right fit for that style. Now I'm wondering about the color..... I wish they made it in black. :D
  2. This is a more current, embarrassing, view of my hair and skin color. Try to ignore the facial expression. :D
  3. I have dark, dark brown hair- almost black- and freckles with greenish eyes. I will have tan- I *will* have a tan! Make a note: do school work on the lawn. :D I'm just not sure of my colors. I hope it doesn't wash me out. :confused: I'm trying to make an attachment.
  4. and I need your help. http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/3012771/0~2376776~2374327~2374331~6014150?mediumthumbnail=Y&origin=category&searchtype=&pbo=6014150&P=1 I only, ever, ever, ever wear black gowns. My son just told me, "you're a MIB" as in mom-in-black. Cheeky little bugger. Anyway- when it comes to these formal events I'm afraid of color. Black is easy to accesorize. How does one personalize and accesorize white/ivory? I'm thinking I can buy some shoes with color, right? My worst fear is someone will have the same dress- it is hard to find dresses on this island and lots of people order from Nordstroms. And what do you think of the dress? I'm tall- 5'10". I have a nursing chest, IYKWIM. Do you think it will work? I don't have much time. I'll have to order today. Thanks for your help. Jo
  5. Not a single person. Weird, huh? Even my 74 yo father is working beyond full time. He's a civil engineer. My extended family is all good.
  6. Big hugs from all the way over here in Hawaii. My parents live in Orlando- you need me to call my Dad to come over and bang some heads together? Just kidding. But they do have extra rooms if you need a place to go. :D Here's wishing you a "cloud lifting"...... Jo
  7. Oh lisa! You have just flooded me with memories! I remember AFN and their select of programming. Do they still have the cooking show with the cajun guy. I loved that one. :D Jo
  8. No, this is good too. This is for a party on Saturday. I would much rather bake- hence my complete lack of knowledge about frying. I think I'm going to make the recipe as suggested for guests, but I'll keep your version in mind for the test kitchen audience, otherwise known as "my family"
  9. I've never fried chicken. As a matter of fact the only thing I've ever fried was eggplant- and I even needed help from the board then too. This time I'm making quinoa crusted chicken fingers and it just says "fry in oil." That's it. :blink: Um, I'm not a good cook. I need more details than that. This chicken is going to be spiced, dredged in flour, egg, and then quinoa. I know what it will look like (if I do it right) but what kind of pot? What type of oil? How deep? I don't have a fryer. How would handle this? Thanks. Jo
  10. We can read the less-than-impressive comments and be all the more grateful we homeschool. I found them sadly enlightening. On a positive note, I love that those videos were made, and that they are available free, online, to supplement my teaching! Jo
  11. I was joking. Sweden? Get it? Capitalism? Come on. It's a little funny, right? :D I'm hanging it up for the night. I'm out of sync with my board speak and I've offended people twice tonight already. [Where did that brain filter go?] :D Jo
  12. he's called Patch the Pirate because he's missing an eye...in real life. Since children were often coming up to him and asking him if he was a pirate, he took his misfortune and turned it into a Christ honoring story series. That program is one of my children's favorite bedtime CD choices. Have you ever actually listened to them? I find it unbelieveable that you could oppose it if you knew their message. Jo
  13. How I know it is phony: Someone in Sweden bought Cowboy Capitalism....puhlease. I'm not falling for it. ;) Actually, I do enjoy watching. Weird fascination that I don't have time for..... Jo
  14. Pirates have become romanticized and part of our children's stories. Please don't over analyze this. Boys (and some girls) like to swashbuckle. It's what they do. They fight with swords, therefore they are cool. If you take this line of thinking to the end it wouldn't be pretty. Imagination is good. Let kids be kids. If they start to play bank CEO come back and we'll discuss. [joking- nobody get your panties in a wad. I know some bank CEOs are wonderful, upstanding people:D] Jo
  15. That is just the direction I needed to do a search for recipes. I wasn't sure I could make dal "Guyana style" but that helps to know. Thanks Amira. Jo
  16. What do you serve inside/with? I am making this to represent Guyana for my South American feast- so it should be something applicable (although I really want to make Indian Dahl- yum). What do you think? Jo
  17. If you had to leave the house right now and meet someone for a picnic...what would you be able to pack? Jo
  18. Okay. Our family used Eukanuba, and I don't know that much about other foods. It doesn't really matter, they aren't our dogs and it is their choice. I just wanted to make sure my boys heard correctly. :) jO
  19. Wow. Thanks everyone. This is the perspective I needed. They are not quite a year- so still very, very active. From what you all posted, this seems normal. I just can't imagine feeding dogs 3x/day. I know they don't have worries about my kids visiting them enough. ;) We are currently without pets, and living vicariously through the neighbors. Jo
  20. The Wall Street Journal review mentions that quote as summing up the plot. :D Great graphics, dumb story. I'm paraphrasing of course. We'll wait for the DVD. Jo
  21. We're dog sitting our neighbors two goldens this week. My boys went over this morning to get the instructions and just told me the dogs get fed 2 cups of purina per dog, three times a day. Can that be correct?! Our last dog was huge and only got a cup in the am and pm- but he was the effeciency model of a dog. :) I need perspective. I've never ever heard of feeding a dog three times a day. :001_huh: Jo
  22. :blink: What does being "done" look like? Ahhhh. "For the days of reading a book in the afternoon," wistfully she says.... Jo
  23. Ginger is my friend. I have made fresh ginger tea daily to fight this sickness and I'm the only one in the family to avoid it...so far. If I could only talk my dh into drinking it. Maybe I'll bring a thermos of some with a heavy dose of honey to the event tonight- perhaps he'll be just desperate enough. ;)
  24. Please. It needs to be bought in a brick and mortar. Thanks. Jo
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