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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. The precedent is that she likes people to do things for her. She prefers to have people cater to her. She trains people. She does this little southern belle thing that makes me a wee bit crazy- It is impressive actually, more of an art form. *I*, on the other hand, am the buck up type, that feels perfectly capable people with all their resources available to them ought not impose on others. I don't feel that is healthy in relationships. I do often think about my future role of a mother-in-law. I have four boys as well. I would definitely want grace and forgiveness extended. I'm getting there. Thanks for the reminder.
  2. This is what my husband and I differ about. It is his mom, and I don't want to jump to conclusions on her motives. I *do* jump to conclusions, but I'm trying not to say it out loud. :D She really is sweet and understanding. I am going to hit the ball back into her court with limitations on times. But, I'm not going to spend my time getting her the aisle seat as she requested. So there. :tongue_smilie: There is a precedent of the camel's nose getting under the tent here. I. must. hold. the. line...... Thanks for all the amens and good alternative perspective. I appreciate it. Jo
  3. My MIL needs to come out and visit. She isn't easy. She's lovely, but she isn't easy. She likes quiet and order, we homeschool with seven kids. My dh is trying to arrange a visit sometime in June when he won't be at sea. We have mentioned the two weeks that would work. We can only host her for one week- she's just not the "helpful houseguest," so that is all we can handle. Yesterday she called and left a voicemail saying she checked with the airline that she has her frequent flier miles with. She gave us her account number, the pin, her credit card number with expiration, and her preferred flight plan. She had checked with the airline and knew that it was possible to get the flight she wanted during the times we suggested. "Go ahead and set it up, as you think is best." :glare::glare::glare::glare: Um, hey Nanny? One us is getting ready to go to sea for most of May, one of us is caring for a fairly large family and homeschooling, and one of us is retired with several volunteer church positions. Which one do you think should be handling this? [sigh] I really want to be the nice DIL. But I want to set boundaries. Can I get an amen? Jo
  4. Right. I was just clarifying their association with my subject line.
  5. Can anyone get me the toll-free number? Pretty please? I have my book list printed out, maybe they can help me over the phone? Jo
  6. Not formally, no. We move so much, it isn't really something I feel I should be spending my time on- it comes up informally through museums, political discussions, etc.
  7. I trouble with ordering over the weekend. Now I can't even find the website. What's up? I was debating using them for this big order anyway, but I wanted to support the small business owner. I haven't had the best experience so far. :glare: Jo
  8. Officially? Awanas...that's it. We may do some sports camps over the summer. We've taken it easier this year than ever. So far everyone has survived. :D
  9. I went to the mini-mart and bought two dark chocolate bars, chips and salsa, brownie mix, and BBQ sauce. You would think I was pregnant or something---:glare:. I'm not, by the way. This should hold me over until happy hour. :D I will start keeping better care of my protein intake next week. Thanks everyone. Jo
  10. Help me. I am just out of sorts lately. Easily irritated by every little thing the children do. I can't filter. I think my hormones are wacky. I think some nutritional input would help. I haven't cut out caffiene- I know, I know. Have mercy. What foods do you supplement with in these situations? I prefer foods, not pill form, if possible. I'm waiting for Nourishing Traditions to arrive in the mail. But today I'm desperate. ;) Thanks. Jo
  11. I don't mind historical fiction based around Biblical characters as long as it honors the truths of Biblical text. Anyone have an opinion on this one? Thanks. Jo
  12. Good for you. I've had them break and there was a huge mess. Apparently we have different experiences and opinions. I can't bring myself to buy them- mercury, the disposal, the risk of breakage around small children. I'm staying old school and hoping the law will be repealed. Jo
  13. I just made honey dijon dressing for lunch today. I threw it all in so I don't know the amounts. Sorry. I used a couple Tablespoons of honey and dijon, some lemon juice, a little mayo (you could probably omit), and a teaspoon of skim milk. I whisked it with a fork and voila! Jo
  14. I'm praying right now. I'm so sorry you're going through this. It must have been a tough Easter. You're building a lot of character through this perseverence. I'm going to stop now, so I can pray for you and your family. May God bless you with strength during this time. Jo
  15. It is Italics to which I am referring...sorry. I liked it at first. I liked the concept. Being a nurse and having to decipher barely-written-language, attracted me to the thought of italic neatness. Now I feel like my oldest has ended up with this blend of neither italic nor cursive, but somewhere in between. I'm just not liking it. :confused: I can't explain exactly why. I just showed Zaner-Bloser to the boys and they both said, "Ah! *That* is cursvie." I just wonder if it is too late. Jo
  16. After several years using this program I'm disappointed. His writing is legible, it might even be considered neat. It just isn't...I don't know the right way to describe it. It's ugly. Has anyone ever switched later in their schooling process? Thanks for you input. Jo
  17. Do you, or anyone, recall if your first exposure to Government and or the Constitution took place in high school? I just cannot remember. I was more worried about trading my Oakland Raider football pencil for a Pittsburg Steeler one. Sad, but true.
  18. I don't remember. Is there a high school year of Government or just a section within American History. How does the Constitution get taught in public school? A neighbor asked me how our homeschool's amount of Constitution/Government/Current Events "courses" would compare to the public school. :001_huh: I dunno. Can you help me out? Jo
  19. I'm filling out my huge pile of paperwork prior to taking *all* the kids to the dentist tomorrow. I just don't see why they need my driver's lic #. And if my insurance information is up to date- they check it prior to service- then why do I have to put my SSN in several places on these crapola forms? Do you ever refuse? Just wondering. Jo
  20. What a great idea! A good lei- pikake or a fresh puakenikeni- would go well with that neckline. And then I would just need earrings and the bag/shoe ensemble. Thanks for the suggestion. Btw- I bought a great handmade necklace at the swap meet, not to long ago. You are right about finding deals there. Jo
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