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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I would like to make a large art supply order and I know the shipping is going to kill me. I was thinking powdered tempera, but I have no experience with it. Thanks. Jo
  2. I'm at a loss. It was a flat-out, bold faced, lie. Not serious (doing a chore versus playing legos), but a lie nonetheless. What is fair. I'm exhausted. Help me think. :confused: Jo
  3. I seem to recall that Jan Brett's ancestry was Ukrainian or thereabouts. But now I'm wondering if I'm putting her into one of her books. :D I have looked on her webpage as well as her blog to no avail. Does someone know? Thanks. Jo
  4. Get the heck out! I never watch HGTV but for some reason (it is the channel below the food network) my dh and I saw this episode this weekend and we were shocked! We both were apalled at those snot nosed little twirps! And then we thought they chose badly. :D We kept saying, "$400,000 is a good price?" And that guy with his workout needs, and the pool water feature was sooooo important? Pish posh! We think they must have family money. :glare::glare::glare: Jo I can't believe you posted about this.
  5. I mightily thank you! She doesn't leave until Thursday so I'll just keep them at the ready. You guys are great. Thanks for lettling me coming here for a sanity check. I reeeeeeeaaaaalllly needed it. Jo
  6. Do they just make cards? Crafts? My dh's birthday is today- Bad mommy for not planning ahead. Thanks. Jo
  7. because you have sucked into the black hole? Or because you are considered about privacy issues? Come on, you can give us a little more.:D Jo
  8. I asked my MIL to take a moment and sew a button with my 4yo. This daughter wants to do all things dextrous, so I thought this would be a good fit. My MIL has been sitting with my now OUT-OF-HER-MIND daughter for over an hour. She will not let it go. They decided they would make a stuffed animal (a simple fish). But being the perfectionist that she is, she will only let my daughter pull the string up and she makes sure the stitches are perfect and pretty. Sort of like....um...her! Okaaaay, I see the benefit, but for over an hour?! She has told my 4yo to sit still and stop moving about a thousand times by now. I want to scream, but I won't intervene because I think it is some lesson in longsuffering and patience for my poor daughter. [big honking sigh] It has been a surreal visit. Someone pass me a MIKE'S.........
  9. I know that sounds harsh, and I don't mean it to. She does love our family, and we love her, truly. I want to be very careful with my words and not let them spill over in meaning. I really do respect and love her. And there are specific areas that I *do* admire in her. She is prayerful. I admire that. She is amazingly gracious. I admire that. But I am trying to be honest. I would not want my girls to grow up modeling her. And that is the sad truth.
  10. I think of Ann from Persuasion. But tougher. :D I think a woman should be capable to be admired.
  11. What does this term stir up in your imagination? I am assuming this term is very subjective. I have a family member visiting who is the epitome of what many would call "ladylike." Quiet spoken, very feminine. She is not frilly, but hair and makeup always pristine (tasteful), and clothes impeccable with accessories in place. She is pleasant, patient, kind, and forgiving. She is lovely. My soul searching on this topic has arisen because she is struggling to get by in our home. We move quickly, talk quickly, we even hug quickly. We are loud, but loving. She can barely lift the baby, and the making of a PB and J sandwich takes so long that I want to cry. It takes her two hours to be "ready" in the morning, and then she can't really do anything because she is so frail- not old mind you- just physically sensitive to the bumps and jostling that occur in a large family. I have looked over at her at times, as she sits on the couch and watches the whirlwind, and wonder if we have shorted a fuse in her mind. It has been difficult for her to leave her orderly, monastic environment and live life amongst real people. By "real" I mean our family as well as our neighbors and friends- who at times can be rough around the edges, but they are real too. She has been here four days. I love this family member, but I don't admire her. I respect her and I honor her position, but I admire strong women. I admire women who can take care of themselves and their neighbors and friends when emergencies occur, and then bake a cake when it is all done.:D I like pretty things. I like comfortable homes and a well set table- but if a hurricane hit next week I would know what to do when my husband had to leave to take the boat to sea leaving me in charge. What I admire doesn't fit my image of "ladylike," but I think my image is changing. I would love your thoughts. Jo
  12. I have a seventh grader doing Apologia General and I have a 5th grader. As much as my 5th grader loves science, Apol. General would be too hard for him. It is a lot of reading. And, although I'm sure your 5th grader is very advanced, it does assume a logic stage understanding of the material. My 2 cents. Now off to keep searching for my 5th grader's science program for next year....:D Jo
  13. Good advice. You stick around miss just visiting 9GreatKids.
  14. I am moved to pray. Nothing is impossible with God. You are in a valley. Seek Him. I pray God will hold up your arms in this time of exhaustion.
  15. I may be completely out of the loop mind you. My boys dog sit the neighborhood dogs all the time. They get $5/day including walking them. My boys are young though- 10 and 13.
  16. I think $10-15/day would be the low end I would pay. Depending on how far they have to go to your house and the work involved I would pay around $80-100. Especially if a college age gal is doing the work. :001_smile: They need the money.
  17. There is a good angle: The cost savings. The environmental benefit can be pointed out too, if they are particularly disposed to such issues.
  18. I would also point out that there is a difference between organized activities outside the home- sports teams, music groups, art classes- and offering enrichment activities within the home. It is not necessary to *join* a group to be enriched. Jo
  19. A less structured schedule allows time for children to explore their interests and pursue areas for which they are uniquely gifted. Running around in cars, less time to discuss interesting topics around a well set table, and less time to think, are all negatives to overscheduling with "enrichment" activities. Jo
  20. inversely proportional....I love it. My husband, bless his soul, often responds to my declaration that the house is a mess with, "great! It was a good school day." I love that man. Jo
  21. easy tiger...er...lion. The topic is writing styles. The original poster explained her intent. I haven't seen a post that disparages the niece personally. We are a board generally devoted to improving the education of our children. I find this a timely discussion. Jo
  22. my house is a wreck. :glare: I didn't know I owned as many blankets as have been hauled, looped, draped, and tucked into the tent villages in my children's rooms. I should be impressed, right? That is what happens when I try to get something crossed off of the long-term to-do list. Anyone relate? Jo
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