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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I have been to the website. I believe I need a minimal level of knowledge to understand even the home page. So, thus far I've determined 1) they are REALLY expensive and 2) I don't know where to start. I have 13 and 11 yo boys who haven't even remotely expressed an interest in them but they do love their regular lego brick stuff. I'm looking for Christmas. Someone WOW me. What are they about? Thanks. Jo
  2. Primarily Pacific arena, but the airplanes in the European arena interest him. I was thinking models? Is there a good place to buy them online? Any great books I should know about? We haven't covered WWII yet. Thanks for your ideas. Jo
  3. Not a word. They have young children, and I suspect if they noticed they would think it is just what little kids do. They look like fingernail marks down the side of the car- kind of like Freddy Kruger was there. Oh well. It isn't a functional problem.
  4. This is exactly why I wanted to discuss this topic. I don't live safely in a general sense. And giving stuff away doesn't bother me at all. Giving in general doesn't bother me. I wouldn't expect the cup of sugar, eggs, or lemon to be returned at all. But the tent, the lawn mower, weed trimmer, automobile, book, etc.... I also think too much borrowing from a neighbor puts a strain. Just like setting foot too much through their door would put a strain even if you were very close. There are boundaries, and like you said they are fluid.
  5. Ack! *BORROWER* [Warning: Pre-coffee spelling] I grew up with that phrase. My parents were very careful about borrowing. They felt it was putting a relationship at risk to borrow something just in case it got damaged while in your possession. As I've become an adult my philosophy has been different. I feel if I'm asked to lend something I should do it freely. Afterall, possessions are just things and I shouldn't hold on to them too tightly. But in the past few years I've grown to see the wisdom of the phrase, "neither a borrower nor a lender be." We have so often lent something that has been returned in poor condition, scratched, dented, or not returned at all. I still realize that I shouldn't hold on to these possessions too tightly, but I have to admit, it does put a strain on relationships. I hardly ever borrow. And if I do, I try to return the item in same or better condition. If it is more than a teaspoon or two of food, I replace it with more. It just keeps my friendships safe and unburdened. I would like to know your thoughts. I hope I don't sound too hard. I just received our vehicle back after letting a family borrow it for a couple of weeks prior to moving off island. I was happy it worked out that my husband would be at sea when they needed it and that we would be able to save them oodles of money, but it has huge scratch marks on the side now and I'm left trying to let it roll off my back. Thanks for your input. Jo
  6. The winner so far: They took the tray off of the baby's high chair and put it in the bottom of a large wardrobe box in the garage labeled "tools." I thought I'd lose my mind that first week. Jo
  7. Thank you so much. I have added many of these to the queue. I may need to draw out the unpacking. :lol:
  8. I think a new mom would be appreciative of your consideration in canceling. You can always bring a meal when you are completely healed. A prepared meal is a wonderful treat when a baby is any age. Jo
  9. Primarily for the family, but I would entertain other ideas. I may want to hide from my bored children by next weekend. :D It doesn't have to please my husband, he's at sea. :-P::::::::::: Jo
  10. Cranford, Wives and Daughters, all the Jane Austen movies, etc. My kids and I loved watching Cranford this past weekend. With all the unpacking during the week, I'm expecting to do some serious relaxing next Sunday. :D I'm setting up my netflix queue. Thanks. Jo
  11. This is what I see too. We are military, and I rarely hear the term used. But as I watched all the girls in the neighborhood show up at our door in tight tank tops the day we moved in, and I see them aimlessly wandering the neighborhood arm in arm with various boys, I've become more attached to the concept. :D We won't ever be the Duggars when it comes to courtship, but my dh and I have found ourselves discussing the concept more and more now that our oldest, handsome, and quite wonderful (the mom says:lol:) son is 13. Thankfully, he isn't silly about girls. And I hope he stays as level headed as his hormones increase their unlevelness (it should be a word). Jo
  12. I'm hoping you already had this checked out, but please keep us posted. Any sudden shortness of breath like you described within a week of surgery would send me to the clinic. Pulmonary embolism was my first thought. Please let us know.
  13. He is an amazing man. They are an amazing family. I'm off to pray and read the verses she cites. We see yet dimly! Jo
  14. is knowing how much more time I spent with my oldest two children. :crying: Of course, much of that wasn't essential, but it was fun. Lots of projects and coloring and narrations. Ahhhh, for those days over. For more time with the youngers. If nothing else, I am motivated to eek out more time with those precious middle children. They deserve better. There. Confession made. Jo
  15. Evil. :lol: That isn't helpful. :D Honestly, I have no desire to look through their work. I have no nostalgia towards that work. I am more concerned that *they* will want to look back on it. Or one day I'll move to a state that will want me to prove that they haven't been playing lego star wars or basketball for the past 6 years. It's possible, right? :D
  16. Why oh why do I hold on? I'm unpacking in the new house and I found *that* box. The binders. The history binders from 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. All their Story of the World stuff. "It is not necessary to keep this"- I keep repeating to myself. Why can't I throw it away? I don't have the room to keep seven kids worth of stuff from elementary. It just isn't possible. [don't mind me, I'm typing out loud] Someone virtually slap me around to help me with my indecision. :D Thanks. Jo
  17. Please don't laugh. I have been pregnant or nursing for 13 years now. I just don't remember how it works. I haven't had my cycle since giving birth (my baby is 11mo). For the past 48 hours I have had horrible cramping. I feel like I'm in labor. My uterus hurts. :001_huh: My question is, how long do you cramp before you see spotting? I have had nothing to show for all this cramping. I keep thinking I'm getting my period, but nada. Do you usually cramp for a while before...you know? Sorry to be personal. Jo
  18. Actually it was my son who did the bidding. He is feeling quite disappointed. It was a star wars figure and it is missing an arm and a horn (hoth taun, for you star wars peeps). I'm ticked. His ebay experience started badly (mine too for that matter). I have emailed the seller and simply asked if I should send it back for a full refund? What are my other options? Jo
  19. You've already had the best answers, but I just had to add that my heart skipped a beat when I saw Gainesville, FL in the subject line. Some of the best years of my life were spent with my best friend, now my husband, in Gainesville. I love it there. I lived a block off of University Ave and I biked everywhere. I can't remember if anyone posted Payne's Prairie- it is amazing. And they actually have buffalo roaming. At least they used to. They have a great bike path- a rails for trails thing- that parallels the Prairie with great views. As a matter of fact the mountain biking in that whole area is excellent. Love, love, love Gainesville. Did I mention how much I like it there? Enjoy. Jo
  20. Thanks everyone. I struggle so much with this child. She isn't easy. Karen- I have considered preschool. We may still. I worry it won't deal with her I-me-and-me-ness. She is aaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll about herself. And she is child number 5. It just doesn't work well. I don't know. I appreciate the encouragement. Jo
  21. This message brought to you by my strong-willed 4yo daughter. The following emoticons apply almost everyday with this child. :confused1: :crying: :svengo: :toetap05: :banghead: :blushing: Those would be my emotions, not hers. She is steady stubborn. Unmovable, even when she needs to be moved in a more appropriate direction. Every day is a battle. I'm earning my name with this child. That is all. :leaving:
  22. That is good to know. With the 20% coupon, it just might enter the do-able category. :D
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