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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. What a great idea! I've never heard of that. I'll have to find out what their rotation dates are. And...um....sorry about that whole "target" comment. Nothing personal. ;) Jo
  2. Have mercy on this former vegetarian. So far, I never try to save money on meat. Honestly, it has taken all my energy to just figure out what I'm buying- "what the heck is a "rump"? Or "stewing meat"?:D So now I'm ready to pay attention to prices. I primarily buy chicken breast, ground beef, and roasts for shredding or stewing (pork and beef). What would be considered a "good price" for those things? And do you have any tips on being frugal with meats? But don't gross me out. I'm still easing into this whole meat thing. Thanks. Jo
  3. This is a coworker of my husband- but a little closer because they were deployed together. The future wife is a naval officer too- but she is a surface officer (or as we call them in the sub force, a target:D) I love weddings. I love giving gifts to start off marriages. I would love some creative ideas.:001_smile: Thanks. Jo
  4. That was fun. I took it with my oldest son. I made the final answers though, so it was really my test. I scored 85% and of the five I missed, my son had chosen the correct answer for three and I disagreed! :D And DawnM, you crack me up! Socialized.
  5. My 13 yo son just finished his rough draft on a 6 page report on the settlement of Texas. It was his first "real" report and he was excited. Ever since this particular child was able to write a topic sentence he has felt the need to include a "hook" or draw. It has always rather annoyed me, but I tend to be very strait forward about school stuff, so I'm not sure it would annoy everybody. So here is the beginning paragraph of his latest report: "As you can see, the title of this report is 'The Settlement of Texas.' It is a very good story, full of indians, cowboys, Spanish explorers, lost treasure, and more interesting facts. Now that I got your attention, I would like to explain the rules. There will be no flash photography, please turn off your cell phone, and questions will be answered if you raise your hand. And now, our feature presentation." This sort of writing drives me crazy. He thinks it is creative and funny, and he isn't the most willing writer, so I struggle with squashing his efforts. I have no problem red marking any grammatical or spelling error, but it is on this silliness that I stumble. How would you handle it? Do you agree that it is silly? Keep in mind it is his first real report. But honestly, he does this sort of thing occassionally in his journal entries and narrations. Thanks for your help. Jo
  6. First of all...Kanichiwa! Secondly....Borders doesn't have enough chairs and I spend too much. Third...I am almost certain to go at this point. Of the decisions I need to make, I primarily need to decide how I view this get away? I need to rest. I need to pray, read my Bible, and be quiet. I need to read my Age of Opportunity book because...well, because I have a teenager.:D I need to read the new WTM and get my act together for the rest of this summer and the fall. In other words, I need a planning weekend. It would be easy to say "REST!" But I have a tendancy to get distracted when I have looming projects. Decisions.
  7. Given to me by my husband. Usually said in phrases like, "go get em' battlemaiden" or "tell em' like it is battlemaiden" or "don't mess with the battlemaiden." I used to play soccer in college and with him on his command teams after we were married- I have a mean competitive spirit when I want. But he appreciates my toughness more as a military wife, often left to battle it out alone. At the same time, I'm his maiden, and he knows I want his protection. It just sort of stuck through the years.
  8. Hey Marie, I've missed "seeing" you. If you could get away, I would adapt. :D I feel a little silly calling it a deployment. It is really only 2 months. Not bad. I'm just not quite recovered from the last bigger one. Drew will send me away in a heartbeat. He can handle it all (in short intervals). It is usually at this time, when I start looking like a wet noodle, that he smacks his forehead and says, "we should have done this sooner." Good man. I like the idea of my dh making it a special time with his mom. She likes to feel special. This may work. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Jo
  9. :lol: Um. I'm apparently a crappy wife, because it never occured with me to go away with my husband. :lol: I was imagining a voice-free night or two away and leaving my MIL home with my dh. He's the perfect son anyway. Anything wrong with him as an adult is my influence. As for my MIL taking care of the kids? She. could. never. do. it. She lives a nearly monastic life alone, with perfectly control. Seven kids 13 and under would break her. :D She offers to help, but really she can't keep up with the needs of many children.
  10. I'm burned out. I need a break. I'm bone tired. You know, all the normal homeschool mom stuff. :D I can't take a full break this summer because of the time we took off during the Moving/pregnancy/new-baby/deployment trials. Fine. I'm at least settled in a house. Now I seriously need a sabbatical. A weekend away to pray, and read, and refresh. Some moms don't need this, and I don't need it routinely, but I need a time without voices. Anyway, my dh is deploying again in July- only two months this time. I'm scared. I'm just not emotionally ready, I would get by just fine, but I wouldn't be the mom my kids deserve. The kicker: My MIL is coming in a couple of weeks and because she is a difficult house guest- in a sweeter than honey, overwhelm you with conversation, not notice you have a small house with lots of kids, ready to be hosted and served (even though she says she is there to help), kind of way:tongue_smilie:- my husband has taken three week days off to make a long weekend. Yippee. The problem is, he is not likely to get any more time off before deployment. Question: Would it be weird beyond social norms to take a night away while my MIL is here? My MIL is all about social norms. I'm starting to get a little panicky. And bitter, I'm getting that too. I'm also mostly venting, and not expecting an answer from this post. I'm just throwing it out there. :bigear: Jo
  11. Oh Bill. I'm so sorry. It must have you reeling. That is so personal. I can't imagine.
  12. Some conservatives felt the warning missed the obvious. Like the recruiting station shooting suspect. Much less covered by the press, just as many shot, just as hateful and looney as this guy. This shooter today reminds me of certain foreign leaders we're in a hurry to talk with.
  13. Okay. That would make sense, but when I ordered my workbooks last night I couldn't find a place to order paper. :001_huh: I had, in all honesty, a glass of well deserved wine at the time, but that shouldn't entirely impair my website navigation skills. :D I ordered a catalogue. Maybe having a hard copy will clear it up. I'll try them again. Jo
  14. I need to bulk up on writing paper (Zaner-Bloser type). I used to order from Miller something or other, but I'll take all suggestions. Jo
  15. (((Denise))) I just want you to know that I am so sorry you are going through this. At the same time, I'm proud of you for being with her as she declines. You are loving and brave, and a good witness to your children. Jo
  16. Trade ya' your sad for mine.....:D A game room sounds lovely. One of these days I'm going to post a photo of my "school"- living-dining-play-room. And I *won't* need a panoramic lense. :lol: Jo
  17. I know I don't really need permission:001_smile:, I just want to know how I stack up on the wimp continuum. Thanks for pushing me to do what my gut already knew would happen. I just hate giving up a day of school. Especially with the older kids. But what will they really remember on a crazy day like this? More justification....
  18. Oldest (13yo) came down with the cold this morning- feeling queasy, sniffly, miserable. The baby still recovering from the cold- not nursing well, popping through a tooth, generally needy. 2yo- At the height of the cold. Nose drippy. Sitting watching almost endless loops of little einsteins. 4yo- still fighting it off, but starting to snot. 8yo- recovering. Just tired. 6yo- He was patient zero. Perfectly fine, in prime ADD form. :D Bouncing off the walls, building large towers with blocks, all. over. the. house. 10yo- still healthy. Can do school, but has ended up being my helper all morning. "Can you run to my room?" "Can you take this cup to your brother?" At what point do you just put on an educational video and call it a day? Jo btw- I'm still getting over this cold. I haven't been sick in a loooooong time. I hate being sick. I have been up several times every night with various children for the past week and a half, and I'm in sleep deprivation mom mode. Do the next thing...don't sit down. YKIM?
  19. LOL. There is an award for that?! :lol: I'm so glad you shared this. Congrats to your daughter, but more so to you. Her success is yours as well. Jo
  20. I posted this same question yesterday. Here is the link. It had great suggestions. I hope you see something you like! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106719 Jo
  21. That is my final offer. :D You should see them swinging dish towels. Just thought I'd share. Jo
  22. I can be a wimp about this sort of thing too. I agree with giving them options. Then they can't counter with expense of a kennel, etc. If you tell them that you are willing to work it out, but they simply can't come inside the house, then you've drawn the line and put the ball in their court. Make it clear, that if they must bring them they will be given accomodations outside, or in the garage. Depending on your relationship with them, you can even say, "we will feel the effects of the dogs for months after you leave, and we don't want to put a bad memory on your visit." Or some other version of your value of them and negative thoughts regarding dog hair allergies.
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