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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I see. I think you did the right thing to talk to your mom. I can see where their different personalities might play into the situation. You should tell your son that. We tell my kids all the time that their grandfather (my dad) is from a generation that isn't as expressive as our generation. Some of my kids are the type to jump up into his lap and win him over without any regard to his reserve. I have other children who feel more insecure around him because he doesn't talk freely and seems scowly. He just does that when he's thoughtful...which is 90% of the time. :D I'm glad you're less angry. I have thought about your situation throughout the afternoon. It would definitely bother me. I would be doing everything in my power to compensate for the slight. And it would absolutely involve ice cream!!!
  2. Great suggestions. I saw Arsenic and Old Lace on stage at the Kennedy Center, and I have unrealistic hopes that my children will see it that too. In the queue it goes. I also added Mythbusters for the kids- they were thrilled. Thanks. Jo
  3. As usual, we are on the same page. I'm a huge Foyle fan. I didn't know about Chak De, and it is now in the queue. I loved Miss Petigrew (good flick for when Drew is at sea- as a matter of fact, I ought to have an entirely separate list for those days). Drew nearly yelled when I read "The Great Escape" from your list. That led to a man-generated group of additions to the queue. We'll have to have a boys night. Thanks a bunch! Jo
  4. No, you were right the first time. I needed alternatives to the cerebral fare. Young Indiana Jones and Mr. Blandings are in the queue! Jo
  5. I just have to try Paul Blart. :D I will laugh. I will in no way be edified by the experience...but I will laugh! I think that guy is hilarious. Jo
  6. I had seen blood diamonds a while back- but your suggestion spurred my memory to put Amistad in the queue. I enjoy watching Djimon Hounsou. Thanks. I remember thinking my teacher had lost her mind when she showed Gods Must Be... in school. I'll have to watch it again. :lol: Maybe I can get the same sentiment out of my kids. Jo
  7. Luann- thanks for this. That was a fun list to scroll through. I got some good ideas too! I put all four of your earlier suggestions in the queue too! Jo
  8. What have you liked? I have a bunch of documentaries in there- we usually save those for periods of school when I'm busy, but we need a little more cerebral viewing (:001_huh:). For me: I was spoiled by Cranford and Little Dorrit in the last month. Loved them both. I think I might have watched all the good ones. Maybe not. Try me. I would love a family movie. I like smart thrillers. For instance, I thought Traitor (Don Cheadle) was great. Family:I would like some classics- westerns, WWII fictional picks. My family watched Run Silent, Run Deep over the weekend (submariner stuff). Thanks ya'll. Jo
  9. Texas T, This is a tough one, but I'm someone who doesn't, and has never had the opportunity to live near my parents or in-laws. They don't come to any of those little things. And honestly, a recital is a little thing in the big scheme. The baptism thing...well, that is kind of big. I'm not sure I would *expect* grandparents to attend a musical thing. It might be nice if they did, but it shouldn't be expected. Do they have issues with homeschooling? I would take this as an opportunity to circle the wagons as a family and concentrate on that. Family that discourages your children don't need to be involved. I hope you can shed the hurt soon and can focus on building up your son. I'm so sorry if he is hurt. Jo
  10. Texting in public bothers me too. I am always apologetic if my cell phone rings while in line or talking with someone. I will usually hit the ignore button or explain that I need to take this call because my husband has little opportunity to call during the day (he may have a 5 minute window all day), or my son is babysitting and I need to make sure everything is okay. We have recently been told by several people how "different" our kids are. "They're, like...um....little adults." :001_huh: Thank you? I think? On further investigation from these friends, I found out they think this because my kids *like* to be in conversation with adults when they come to visit. My kids will sit around and listen to the adults, ask questions, and generally engage with visitors, until I shoo them away---which I often do.:D My struggle is getting them to respect adult conversation and not contribute without thinking carefully and without interrupting. It is a never ending battle. :) I can not imagine a person entering my home without being surrounded by the children. To the OP, I feel exactly the same as you do. Jo
  11. Am I the only one cracking up at the ad placement for FL Virtual Charter school and Calvert? :lol::lol::lol: Jo Oh, btw, Amy Platt is an fool. :D
  12. You must be going crazy. Okinawa is a black hole. I got stuck there trying to get to Yokosuka to see my dh on a deployment port call. Every day in that terminal waiting for a MAC flight was one less day of seeing my husband in port. What is it about that place? I will pray right now for your plans to all align. Jo
  13. Denise, I'm so sorry. No advice. Just thinking of you, praying for you and your family, and hoping that the path becomes clear and true. :grouphug: Jo
  14. You don't know this. I'm an overprotective parent, according to my neighbors, but I can't prevent everything. And I would be foolish to believe I could. I'm honestly shocked at your assumptions, Heather. :001_huh: I'm not writing much of what I'm thinking.:glare: Jo
  15. She is your oldest. Please learn from those of us who have trod before you. I know I have come here in exasperation over many issues. She is okay, you are okay. She is only 4.5yrs, she'll figure it out. Every child is different. This is your opportunity to come alongside your daughter and encourage her- after the make up moment. I'm sure she is just as frustrated about it as you. My second oldest had me crying over potty training at 4.5- that was about the time he figured it out. Not because I was crying, mind you. He did it on his own, in his own time. My oldest daughter potty trained at a "normal" age but wore a pull up at night until she was 7yo. She just recently stopped needing them. Some of my children just needed to be put out in the back yard naked with gallons of lemonade at their disposal to connect "that feeling" with sitting on the potty. Others just needed more time. I'm sure you are most upset about losing your mind today. What is done is done. Apologize. Express your desire to help her figure this out. Decide that you are going to "work together" to make it work. Encourage, cheer lead, don't excuse her when she is lazy, but don't get angry over things that are beyond her control. Maintain the relationship. It is hard to know what to expect when they are your oldest/first. Don't worry, you are normal. Feel free to come here and vent away. We get it.:D Jo
  16. Wanna see? He had such a blast! And he's home safe, wishing he could be back at sea. I'm feeling the first pangs of my son growing up....
  17. Yep! He is on a Tiger Cruise. When I dropped him off I made friends with all the other men (mostly crew member's dads, and mostly from the mainland). I even bought them all something to drink and snack on at the mini-mart because the departure was delayed and they didn't have military ID. I'm shameless. I know they'll watch after my son now.:D He will be with his dad when he gets there, but I had to put him on a little torpedo retriever piloted by a boy about the age of 15 :tongue_smilie:(not really, but close enough) and *that* little dingy will take the group out to the sub somewhere nearby. Then they'll walk across a little bridge in bobbing water. It is done all the time, but not with *my* son. He was thrilled, and I'm thrilled for him. It is an incredible opportunity for him to be with his dad and see what he does for a living. :001_smile: I just could have, maybe, had a little practice at this dropping off thing, before doing something so big. Jo
  18. put her son on a **submarine**.......overnight. :scared: Breath in, breath out.... I can do this. Jo
  19. I cut and paste your quotes to my friend. She will be thrilled. She is extremely social. It sounds like that area has it all! I really appreciate your help. And thanks for all the links, Nukeswife. She will appreciate that. She is awaiting orders and has lots of anxious time on her hands. Really. How much can you look at homes for sale online, before you go crazy?:lol: Not that you would know Sebastian, a lady. The Navy likes to rip you out by the roots and move you as fast and far as possible. :D Are they talking about follow-on orders to Africom yet? :lol: Thanks again. Jo
  20. Isn't homeschooling huge there? One of our shipmates is moving there soon and she said, "I would consider homeschooling if there was a good support system to help me." She tried for a while out here, but gave up. She was entirely isolated, and that does NOT suit her personality. Can I get the name or website of a support group in the area of the Navy base, or Chesapeake? Thanks. Jo ETA: "she" would be the wife of the shipmate. I hear my mother correcting me in my head. :-)
  21. I don't appreciate that image either. I try to stay quiet while birthing. But in my L&D days, that wasn't the norm. Jo
  22. I haven't been able to log on all day. I'm worried I might have a virus. Jo
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