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Everything posted by rootsnwings

  1. those are awesome!!! I love fridge art! :D
  2. :iagree: I whole heartedly agree with the previous posters! Don't worry about his grade level. Focus on HIM. Progress HIM. Is this his 1st year home? Has he ps'd all this time (I wasn't clear on that)? If this is his first year home I would really just focus on the basics. History and science he can get later. Focus on reading and math. Add things like History & Science in when he's feeling good about his math & reading... babysteps!!! :grouphug:
  3. I just posted my list on this thread yesterday and thought the whole thread might be helpful for you: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243122 HTH!! :)
  4. I think your boys would LOVE Cambridge and its the same immersion style learning that they're used to with Minimus. Light on Grammar, but it does teach Grammar, just not much at one time. HTH! :)
  5. I will just say we have white porcelain in our kitchen and it looks NASTY unless it has JUST been mopped. I seriously have to mop it daily, or it drives me insane. I can also see the drawback of having too dark of a wood floor. Could you guys do something middle of the road, color-wise?
  6. We're working in 4B of Singapore this semsester (Decimals & Percents) and finished 4A last semester (Fractions). Just in case you do start him in Singapore, you might want to use the 4A/B and start from there. If he's strong in math & in 5th grade, he could easily go through 4A&B in one semester (maybe finish it up in the summer). But Singapore is going to be about a year advanced as far as grade level. My ds was in PS until 2nd grade and then we did MUS in 3rd (did the job, but NOT my ds's learning style and WAY to simplistic for him). We started Singapore in 4th and it has been great. Exactly what we were looking for. We use the Textbook, Workbook, Intensive Practice book, and I write the mental math problems that are in the Home Instructor's Guide on the board for him each day. That is quite a full load but we do supplement a little with MEP (he loves it--it's more like math logic puzzles to him). MEP is even more advanced than Singapore (IMO) and so we use the online interactive worksheets for year 4A in MEP--a semester behind Singapore. Anyway, I'm welcome to answer any questions you may have. We've never used Saxon, fwiw. :)
  7. :iagree: At some point the number line needs to become mental. It's a GREAT learning tool but he can't take it to college with him!! :tongue_smilie: Drop the # line and drill with him. There are TONS of fun math games online that do nothing but Drill. Check out Math-u-see too, the games for drilling on their website are free. http://www.mathusee.com/e-sources/drill-page/ HTH!! :D
  8. That's awesome!!!! My ds LOVES Math and Singapore always keeps him wanting to do more. We LOVE it here!! :D
  9. I usually order from RR but only when I've got $150 worth on my order so shipping is free. Still takes WAY longer than I really think it should but I guess you get what you pay for?!! ;) Everything always arrives in great shape though. :) ETA: We use the US Edition. :)
  10. I have a list I loop through with Caleb. Julie joins in most of the time, too! :) Preschool: Math Cards (thinking kids math cards w/ manipulatives) Craft Activity Explode the Code (Get Ready for the Code) Read a book with Mom Miquon Math (Orange) Scribble & Write (leapfrog) Leapfrog Talking Words Factory (DVD) Play-doh Read a book with Braden Painting Cut & Paste Counting Bears Activity in a Bag (We did an activity bag swap so we have 20 activities in a bag they LOVE to work with now) File folder games Trains :) Websites: Mightybooksjr.com Starfall.com MORE Starfall learning.com -- he listen's in with Braden on Aha! Science and LOVES it! :) Preschool manipulatives like: Rice & cups Sorting Beans, or geometric shapes, or things by color Nuts & Bolts Peg Activities Blocks/Building: Autobloks Trio Blocks Duplo Lego Blocks Wooden Building Blocks Alphabet Peek-a-boo Blocks Magneatos Caleb also loves to play Wii, watch DVDs play outside, and jump in the jumpy house. Anyday that its above 50 and sunny, we put the jumpy house up and put it to good use!!! HTH!! :D
  11. This is exactly how we use SM4. I usually plan out a chapter at a time incorporating the Textbook, Workbook Exercises and additional problems in the IP book. I write about 10 of the mental math problems on the white board each day. It takes maybe an hour to coordinate about a month's worth of math work, for me. We also start the day with 3 long division problems each morning but that's because SM4 has basically NO long division & I don't want him to forget how to do it! ;) HTH! :)
  12. I think the only time you're not supposed to give kids pepto is if they've had the flu or chicken pox. Otherwise you should be good. May want to call your ped to see what they recommend, though. (((HUGS))) I hope she feels better soon! :grouphug:
  13. I just wanted to point out that the children in this video are studying chapter 1 or 2 of Cambridge, Course I. They have not been "groomed for years" using Cambridge, they are just starting out. Just wanted to point that out!! :)
  14. AND, I will say that his vocabulary is right there with my 21 month old "talkative" girl (in my personal experience--remember I only have 2 late-talking boys to compare to)--but she is talking a LOT more than they were at this age and I'm not sure she knows (or SAYS) all the words your son can say at this point. HTH! :)
  15. My ds10 is a perfectionist by nature. He didn't want to do *anything* until he could do it perfectly. Which means he *could* talk at an early age, but chose not to until he knew he could speak proficiently. Same thing with walking/running, riding a bike, skateboarding, coloring, writing a sentence, etc, etc!! He's just like that. He didn't "talk" until 29 months but he started with politics & religion!!! ;) My 2nd ds was also 29 months when he really started talking but I've been more worried about his speech because it seems to take him a while to really master a sound... he'll even say, "I don't have my sounds right" :( BUT he's realizing his sounds are wrong and is actively working to correct himself without any real prompting from me. SO--so long as he continues making good progress on his own (and he is)--I'm not worrying. My advice for you? Do not worry about "late" speech--that's completely normal for boys. If and when he does start speaking fluently, watch for his pronunciation. The fact that he has the vocabulary he has going for him right now is proof that he's on the road to speaking. So long as he understands you at this point (and responds), he's probably completely normal. :) HTH!! :D
  16. I think its a great idea so long as it works out on paper. I was a young graduate and should NOT Have been starting college (even community college) at 17. I am NOT rushing my dc's out the door to go to school at 17/18--I want them to go when they're ready. I honestly think many people would do themselves good to take a year or two to work or self-educate before going to college. JMHE :)
  17. Yes, we paid for the year subscription for DS(3) & DD(1) -- THEY BOTH LOVE IT! It gets used daily and I have been super-impressed with the content. HTH! :)
  18. Teach him to type!!! Seriously, I'm getting SO much more out of my DS(just turned 10) now that he's learning to type. He's started doing ALL his history narrations & science reports on the computer and it is going soooooooo much more swimmingly than it was trying to have him copy down his thoughts. I actually feel sort of guilty for not having gotten serious about teaching him to type sooner, now that I see he really DOES enjoy expressing himself, just not through written word.
  19. I'm really wantng to cut out English grammar so we can focus on Latin Grammar, Math, Science, History & Lit only next year. Which Latin Grammar program fits the bill? We will be using Cambridge in addition, which is heavy on vocabulary & translations, so I really just need a Latin program with thorough grammar instruction. I was thinking GSWL but maybe something more indepth. Suggestions? Do you do Latin Grammar ony or Latin & English both?
  20. Interesting... We're already touching on declension (nomnative & accusative forms?) in Ch. 3 of Cambridge. I'm wondering if maybe we should just use Cambridge and then do something like Henle when he's a bit older?
  21. Both littles eat yogurt w/ fresh/frozen blue berries before bed everynight. My big boy has a HUGE appetite but doesn't need a bedtime snack. It's a fast/slow metabolism thing.
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